Do you know what's on the picrel? That's right, it's a picture of Jesus. During the Shogunate...

Do you know what's on the picrel? That's right, it's a picture of Jesus. During the Shogunate, Jap officials made peasants step on such pictures (called "fumi-e") to prove that they are not Christians. Whoever didn't consent to trample our Lord's image would be taken to Nagasaki prison for tortures, or burnt alive on the spot.

Other urls found in this thread:ís_Fróisバテレン追放令

WTF I hate Japan now!

Yeah and?
Fuck christtards.

Japan accepted Europeans's missionary work in Japan at first.
But the Europeans sold Japanese as slave to foreign countries.
Then Japanese governor became angry it and prohibited missionary work.

Amakusa btfo Kenshin so severely his retina detached.

They were merely given asylum because they were under threat of being burned alive or tortured in their homeland.

And European Christians burned Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples in Japan.

Samurai King (not Emperor) thought that the missionary work is a tool as the first step of invading Japan.

Why not make people stand on burning samsung phone to check if they're zainichi?


Well, your Shogun was right imho.

>Christians burned Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples in Japan
Proofs? Sounds like bullshit shoguns would come up with to try and stop people converting to the superior religion.

Nigger if we wouldve wanted to invade you we wouldnt have sent the church lmao.


under atatürk people had to jump over quran to prove that they are not muslims

stupid retarded westerners

Stop defending America, cuck

Luís Fróis lived in Japan. He wrote it.ís_Fróis

Quote me the specific part that says Christians burned Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples in Japan

who cares. that event made at least one strong special snowflake called Amakusa Shirou

shit still woks for every kind of fiction in japan, every gender and age, like nothing else

have/find out such a popular character of your own in your history before being a boring religious fag. itll make your culture more enriched

Get the book. There is a translated version in Japan.
Christians's shit works in the era are well known in Japan.

>European Christians burned Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples in Japan.

Hi gaijin-san. I see you're enjoying life in Japan. Good.

I think will translate "all comments" in this thread if they were fair.


re-implement this and the world will be a better place

part of why I'm weeb is because I love what Japan did to Christian cunts back in the day

>National Isolationist Policy

I think that's what it was called, that had something to do with closing the borders and rooting out foreign things, right?


Well, Its not as if the church at this time was in anyway more lenient towards heretics.
The integrity of the island was important and religious division may have escalated and made their united modernisation while retaining their sovereignity impossible.

You are a muist?

but they didn't, they would be executed for that.

was meant forバテレン追放令
>「キリシタンたちは、我らの教えを聞き、真理を知り、新たに信ずるキリシタンの教え以外には救いがないことを悟った。彼らは、(中略)神仏は自分たちの救済にも現世の利益にも役立たぬので、自ら決断し、それら神仏の像を時として破壊したり毀滅したのである。」(ルイス・フロイス「日本史 4」)

I can only read here that the japanese converts destroyed those buddhist and shinto icons by their hands though.

yes, the japanese converts did it, no way the european christians could get away with

athiest or agnostic. Just cant stand religion people's behavior, especially after coming to Korea

>>National Isolationist Policy

Shintoism is superior to christianism

Abrahamic relgions are cancer. Christianism is just the less cancerigenous one

Besides, would you step on a printed picture when a bully in your classroom forces you to do?


That's good.

Why do you think they got Nuked?

Why did Michael get consecrated if he doesn't believe? Edgy fedorafag.