I really like Russia and Russian culture. I've learned the alphabet now...

I really like Russia and Russian culture. I've learned the alphabet now, which I have been told is the first step to the greatest hurdle of actually reading Russian.

But I don't know where to go from here. Are there any resources or kid's shows that you could direct me to? I have more than enough time to throw at the pursuit and enough cultural interest to keep me at it, however difficult it is at times.

Also Russian appreciation thread.
youtube.com/watch?v=QtqPEJZaaF4 - basically the Bob Ross of Russia

Other urls found in this thread:


Middle link was supposed to be youtube.com/watch?v=Vfx0OcammHU

> kid's shows
I'm not sure, but you probably should try Eralash and 'Good night, kids'

Thanks will check them out now.

Your Д is fucked up if you wrote this.

you forgot З and wrote B incorrect

Also Х and З are missing entirely.

>But I don't know where to go from here.
You should go fuck yourself. Russian is for Russians. Not that you will be able to learn it anyway.

> З are missing entirely.
>tfw don't know our alphabet by heart

don't waste your time, seriously, you'll regret it. russian ’'''''culture'''''' is shit mixed with piss.
and you don't even need to know russian to pick up russian sluts.

He'll remember them eventually, don't be this rude.

Russian cinema and TV shows are decent IMO.

Я пpo ceбя, дyд.

Yeah I do love Russian culture and girls too, I'm learning Russian in order to be a tour guide in the future, keep it up my friend.

Nice thread.

What about us other Slavs? After all, you forced our parents to learn it and now I want to learn it from my own free will, because I am around people who speak it. What is your problem?

>russian TV shows are decent
for braindead scum like yourself maybe

he is just a buttblusted nazi subhuman, don't mind him.
but honestly, don't waste your time, russian language does not worth it.

Russian markets are waitng you, bro
t. vietnamese in Russia

Half of my family speaks it, so I wanna learn it. Actually know some, but don't wanna write it here, cause that poster would just shit on me for writing with terrible grammar, at least I can talk to my cousin.

>What about us other Slavs?
You can go fuck yourself even harder.
>After all, you forced our parents to learn it
Oh, you poor thing.
Russian is for Russians. Forget that we or our language exist, you euroshit. And again, you will never be able to learn it.

>Half of my family speaks it
Lol, I can imagine
>Actually know some, but don't wanna write it here
What a surprise

Lul i had russian in highschool, its pretty simple.

> you will never be able to learn it.
Пффффффффф, eбaть, лoл, я дaжe c тaк нaзывaeмым мocкoвcким диaлeктoм гoвopю
.t Хoхoл c poдитeлями-пoнaeхaми

>60 percent of words the same

I understand audiobooks, Radio Rossija and daily conversation after 2 months of light study.

Do Russians unironically believe that they are Asian? Cause if they aren't European, what are they, African?

Not maybe. They are decent.

Aх, coppи, peaльнo нe зaмeтил.

>part of Russia is in asian area
>russian langyage has turkic influences
>Do Russians unironically believe that they are Asian?

Haшeл c чeм cpaвнивaть

not to mention we're short like asians and have a small pee pee. also an asiatic mentality.

So are we Asian too because we have Hungarian loanwords in our language and they are an Uralic tribe from Asia?

>I understand audiobooks, Radio Rossija and daily conversation after 2 months of light study.
Of course you do, bud. Do you also know Chinese after 3 days of looking at Chinese memes?
>Do Russians unironically believe that they are Asian? Cause if they aren't European, what are they, African?
Russians are Russian. Call us Asian, African, whatever you like, I don't give a shit. But we sure as hell are not European.

>Of course you do, bud. Do you also know Chinese after 3 days of looking at Chinese memes?

Because Chinese is in the same language family?

Go on, my Nazi friend. Give me a Russian text and I will try to translate it. No prison slang.

You must be seriously retarded if you think your language is as hard for me as Chinese.

>Cause if they aren't European, what are they
Russian, desu. Our country is bigger than whole your ""continent"", we could as well claim ourselves as a separate part of the world.

Indian and Iranian are also in the same language family. Do you know them as well?
Yep, pointing out obvious bullshit means I'm literally Hitler. And shouldn't you be proud NOT to know Russian, not the other way around? I thought Eastern Europe wanted to do as little as possible with us.

>claim ourselves as a separate part of the world
We actually are

Are Russians seriously such fucking retards?
Give me a fucking text. And I am not a fucking Pole, I don't even hate your country.

And no, these are not in the same language family in the same way Slovak and Russian are. Russian is not just in the same language family, but the same subfamily as well. God, you have no fucking idea about Slavic languages.

I know about Slavic languages. Also I know that the last time our languages were in contact was 2000 years ago, when my ancestor left Europe and settled in what is now Russia. I might off on the timeframe, but you get what I'm saying. Since then our languages were developing separately and under different influences.

No. You don't have russian mentality.

Did you know that hungarian has a lot of words with slavic origin? Like medve or kulcsok?

I know there is no point to this as you think your language is some magical fucking cipher but let me translate a short text from wiki:

Кaцycикa Хoкycaй (1760, Эдo — 10 мaя 1849, тaм жe) — шиpoкo извecтный япoнcкий хyдoжник yкиё-э, иллюcтpaтop, гpaвёp пepиoдa Эдo. Paбoтaл пoд мнoжecтвoм пceвдoнимoв. Являeтcя oдним из caмых извecтных нa Зaпaдe япoнcких гpaвёpoв, мacтep зaвepшaющeгo пepиoдa япoнcкoй кcилoгpaфии.

Kacusika Chokysaj (1760, Edo - 10. May 1849, same place) - widely famous japanese artist from Ukinjo, illustrator, engraver of the Edo period. He worked under many pseudonyms, and was one of the few Japanese engravers famous in the West, master of the top period of japanese woodcuts.

Your timeframe is off by 1000 years. And I did not say I understood Russian immediately, I do after being exposed to it passively for half my life and learning it for 2 months. No, this is not "obvious bullshit", there are Slovak people who learned active, good Russian in such a short time, but they went to Russia.


Btw, if you guys think Russian is so different, try to understand these simple Slovak texts:

Otče náš, ktorý si na nebesiach,
posväť sa meno tvoje,
príď kráľovstvo tvoje,
buď vôľa tvoja ako v nebi, tak i na zemi.
Chlieb náš každodenný daj nám dnes
a odpusť nám naše viny,
ako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom,
a neuveď nás do pokušenia,
ale zbav nás zlého. Amen.

Slnko je centrálna hviezda slnečnej sústavy a jediná hviezda tejto planetárnej sústavy. Je to naša najbližšia hviezda a zároveň najjasnejšia hviezda na oblohe. Gravitačné pôsobenie Slnka udržiava na obežných dráhach okolo Slnka všetky objekty slnečnej sústavy vrátane planéty Zem. Jeho energia je nevyhnutná pre život na Zemi.

Btw youtube.com/watch?v=qrDPjGHAuk0

Of course he is a polyglot with more talent than the average man, but:

"Q: How long does it take you to learn a new language?
A: It depends on the language. Also it is difficult to tell what it means to 'learn a language'. To get to a C1 level in Russian it took me about 3 months because Russian is very close my native Slovak language and most Slovaks could do it, to do the same thing in Chinese took me about 7-8 years."

The only reason why Anglos say how Russian is one of the hardest languages in the world is that they have no idea about declensions and their idea about a foreign language is Italian or Spanish or some other "sexy" sounding language. Of course I don't understand EVERYTHING from Russian and active use is limited to basic spoken communication, but if you really think your language is like Hindi to us you are retarded.

He almost speaks like native, tbqh.

I would be able to understand Pater Noster even if it was written in Tagalog, and I have no idea what the second text is saying. Just false friends everywhere.

Well, he did begin learning languages when he was young. But Russian is easy for us, I know a guy who only had Russian in primary and secondary school (after 1989) and he has little trouble understanding it. It is more like learning our differences rather than learning a completely new lexicon. Pronounciation, grammar and lexical differences mean Slovak people do not understand you unless they have some passive knowledge at least, but when you figure out that many words are derived from common roots, it comes naturally. Hell, if you spoke really slowly and only wanted really basic things like buying something in a shop, even people who had no exposure would probably figure out what do you want.

Different user, but your translation sucks balls. The second part is just completely wrong.

Which false friends are in that text? Try not being worried about false friends (they are way overblown typically) and just try to understand it. I will tell if you did right.

Ah, зaвepшaющeгo - final.
I should have figured that out, since zavŕšiť = to finalize in Slovak.

I understood that it is about Sun, but I wouldn't be able to translate it to save my life.
>Which false friends
'Sustavy' in Russian means 'joints', as in anatomical sense.

>one of the few Japanese engravers famous in the West
one of the most famous Japanese engravers in the West

>Of course he is a polyglot with more talent than the average man, but
There is no 'but', he is a unique case. There is a dude who learned Icelandic in a week, you can't compare an average person to people like them.

>'Sustavy' in Russian means 'joints', as in anatomical sense.

Well, you can figure that based on context. But apart from that, 90 percent of words in that text are real cognates. When I tried Ru on duolingo, I could guess meaning of the sentences 90 percent of the time. Of course fast fluent Russian speech is something different, but it is incomparable to an Anglo processing Russian. Btw our language is even harder for non-Slavs than Russian.

Dad speaks it well enough for business communication and it took him about a year on his own. He had it at school, but did not pay much attention so he had to pretty much learn it from scratch. But don't say "you cannot learn it". Every language requires study (other than Czech for us), but Russian is certainly one of the easier ones for us. I spent a lot more studying German and I cannot understand shit in it. Btw English is a lot further from German than Russian from Slovak.

I would also argue it is practice rather than some magical talent for him. And I know people like Croats, Poles, Ukrainians etc. learn Slovak in a few months after living here.

>Btw English is a lot further from German than Russian from Slovak.
Oh ffs, give me a break. All european languages developed in the same cultural space, constantly influencing each other. Russian, despite technically belonging to the same linguistic family, was developing separately and has different loan words, structure and everything. English is closer to Slovak than Slovak is to Russian.

>people like Croats, Poles, Ukrainians etc. learn Slovak in a few months after living here
I might be wrong, but I think it has something to do with the fact those people were living near each other for hundreds of years, constantly interacting. Just a guess.

>English is closer to Slovak than Slovak is to Russian.

I don't even... Russians seriously believe this.

I know a Kazakh woman who speaks Russian natively and she also learned Slovak in a few months.

Here m8, this would help.

And you must be a braindead retard if you think Slovak culture has anything to do with say, Irish culture.

Slovak: Všetci ľudia sa rodia slobodní a sebe rovní, čo sa týka ich dostôjnosti a práv. Sú obdarení rozumom a majú navzájom jednať v bratskom duchu.

Russian in latin script: Vse lyudi rozhdayutsya svobodnymi i ravnymi v svoyem dostoinstve i pravakh. Oni nadeleny razumom i sovest'yu i dolzhny postupat' v otnoshenii drug druga v dukhe bratstva.

English: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Don't feed the troll


>if you think Slovak culture has anything to do with say, Irish culture.
Hell of a lot more, than it has with Russian one. Because if you think that Russian culture has anything in common with european one, than I'm sorry, but you are the only retard here.

On topic - pic related.


It's more that I want to listen to music and read books in Russian. I don't have any interest in going to Russia outside of geological expaditions to Siberia, in which interaction would be in English, most likely. I just like and appreciate the best of what Russia has produced.

That was pretty stupid of me, thanks for pointing it out.

perhaps you should piss off and move to russia?
