Been learning Spanish and trying to dampen any potential Burger accent that I may have

>Been learning Spanish and trying to dampen any potential Burger accent that I may have
>South Americans can't understand me
>Even some Spanish teachers that I've talked to have a look of concentration when I speak with them in Spanish, as if I have a weird as hell accent
WHAT AM I DOING WRONG. Apparently I speak with my tongue close to my upper teeth or some shit like that. Give me a sentence or something and I can vocaroo it. All I want to do is learn this language but FUCK I'm doing something wrong.

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Un dragón madrugador se levanta de madrugada. Madruga, dragón, madruga, que ya dormirás mañana.

I'm White Anglo but I was exposed to other languages at a young age so I speak a bit differently in the first place anyways. Maybe that's part of the problem?

>Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado,
érase una nariz superlativa,
érase una nariz sayón y escriba,
érase un pez espada muy barbado.

>Era un reloj de sol mal encarado,
érase una alquitara pensativa,
érase un elefante boca arriba,
era Ovidio Nasón más narizado.

>Érase el espolón de una galera,
érase una pirámide de Egipto,
las doce tribus de narices era.

>Érase un naricísimo infinito,
muchísimo nariz, nariz tan fiera
que en la cara de Anás fuera delito.

Every spanish speaking country uses stupid meme accents or lisps or mispronunciations. Try to focus on Mexican resources for learning and practice because it's the only generic mutually comprehensible accent that exists.

What's the point to learn Spanish by the way?
To communicate your favorite plumbers?

dafug did you say?

Burger accent, but easily understandable.

Pinning this so I can kek at it later.

El volcán de parangaricutirimícuaro se quiere desparangaricutiriguarizar, y él que lo desparangaricutiricuarizare será un buen desparangaricutirimizador.

In all fairness worry less about suppresing your gringo accent and more about enunciating in as NEUTRAL a tone of Spanish as you can manage.

Try Mexican Simpsons dubs, apparently all Latin Americans understand those.

Only did the first one because the watch one is a tongue twister.
For fun. I like Euro languages. I once started learning German back in high school but I had to stop and focus more on my school work.
HOW DO I IMPROVE. TELL ME. WHAT RESOURCES SHOULD I USE? SHOULD I TRY FOR A CASTILIAN ACCENT OR A PERUVIAN ACCENT? I heard Peruvian is the closest to Spain's or some shit considering they were the last stronghold conquered in the colonies' independence wars or some shit.

Fug your tongue twister there is killing me. Might not be able to do it, but Neutral tone huh? Is anime such as Saint Seiya in a neutral tone? I have the Spanish dub and subs when I was trying to find a torrent of it.
Thanks user. I'll go and find The Simpsons Mexi dub now.

>I'm White Anglo

All Americans are racemixed to some extent user, it's nothing to be ashamed of. However outlandish claims in Europe such as "i'm white" will result in fits of laughter and a great deal of ridicule.

>tongue twister
Don't you dare insult the pinnacle of spanish poetry.
And don't worry that much about your accent, because you'll literally never lose it. Sorry but it's just physically impossible for anglos to speak spanish without accent.

I wanted to type it as "White Anglo" but it would've invited more Americans into the thread. I know what you mean though.
Sorry mate, and personally I've seen other Americans speak it perfectly with no accent. Then again those are the old teachers where some went on an exchange program right when the coups of certain Latin American nations were happening.

How about I try this another way. What are some great speeches in Spanish that I must listen to? If I'm going to improve my accent then I'll Demosthenes this shit with the power and ambition vested in me.

I can't listen right now. If the thread's still up by the time I get home, I'll post some tips. In the meantime, practice whiteboy.

Get home soon pls, and post some speeches by great Spanish orators when you can.

One more thing,

The accents to avoid Mexican, Castilian, Chilean, Argentine, Colombian, Puerto Rican.

Mexican Spanish is trashy and annoying, Castilian Spanish has the dumb lisp, Chilean Spanish sounds weird, Argentines sound like guineas and can't pronounce their y's, Colombians pronounce their s's like Sean Connery, and Puerto Ricans can't pronounce their R's.

Everyone else has decent accents.

>Avoid Castilian accent
Damn. Well there goes one of the accents that I like, so I guess that leaves me to studying the Peruvian accent? It's the clearest and most neutral from what I hear.

You should use whichever you find attractive. I speak andalusian spanish with a bit of a french accent ( can't pronounce the "r" properly see ) and i never had problems to be understood

Study Castilian if you wish. I'm just warning you that the -th used in Castilian Spanish sounds ridiculous to everyone outside of Spain. Non Spaniards will think you're a fag. They also use a slightly different vocabulary than Latin Americans and a different form of the third person plural. If your choices are Castilian or Peruvian, I'd recommend Peruvian. Even though that of course entails dealing with Peruvians.

t. Turkroach rape baby

Alrighty then. I greatly appreciate that anons, and I too know that the Castilian accent sounds silly to non-Spaniards. Although I personally always enjoyed it. I'll go with Peruvian accent then. Time for me to become enlightened on their Germanic heritage.