Finalized lyrics

Hey bros

Checkout this break up song I wrote. Will show it to my ex in 30 days, tell me what you think:

Hey pretty girl you lived far away/but you fulfilled my soul all the way
With your driving curiosity and my loving desire/We found ourselves searching for that bonfire
Late at night, excited and confused/We reclused to your driveway and let our passion infuse
Hoping I knew how to kiss just right/We embraced each other throughout the night

You walking out walk like a precious dove/Your second residence is where you secured my love
Holding hands and couldn’t stop kissing/You helped me see what I’ve always been missing
First time expressing my love in such a way/Your kindred spirit lit up my soul in the purest way

Feeling like the luckiest guy in the world/Your gracious patience let me into your world
To Forest Park we eagerly went, rolling and kissing in the dirt I knew you were heaven sent
Finishing the night by waiting for the band to play/Discussing our future and putting our love on display - in the most carefree way

Hey pretty girl I know you're far away/True love's a searchlight that'll guide your way

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bro what is this from I think I just broke my fucking neck

What kind of music will this be put to? Hard to judge when it's literally nothing but text

written lyrics are only like 1% of a song pham…vocaroo or fukk off

are you seriously asking to hear this? It's fucking atrocious writing, nothing could redeem it

the fact that you have a breakup song at all is making me dry heave

>the fact that you have a breakup song at all is making me dry heave

This is the truth desu familia

I was aiming for a vocal delivery akin to this:

Let's see your lyrics. And yeah, I just came up with an idea for this song a couple days ago

She was one in seven billion bro. I need her back

i know PLENTY of songs that look blah in writing form, but end up sounding perfect due to the musicality behind it

there would be no lyrics because I would never decide to trivialize a romantic relationship to the point that I write a hyper cringeworthy ditty about it. I don't understand- you are breaking up with her and giving her this song as consolation?

she called it off, because she said that we both needed to mature. She said she'll call me back when she's ready.

This happened a couple weeks ago. Last week, i asked if I could show up to give her something - I was all dressed up in my Hugo Boss outfit, and handed her a bouquet of flowers, a card that I wrote, and gave her a three page letter that I read.

Now I won't say anything for thirty days, but I'll mail her this lyrics with a flower in the enevelope

yeah that is a bit strange…OP if you really want her back you have to sing that song to the world, get famous and then make her feel stupid. she probably left you cus you're too far up her ass. girls like feeling like they accomplished something when they get a guy

>I was all dressed up in my Hugo Boss outfit

Fuck her. put on TWO Hugo Boss outfits next time.

alright m8 you fooled me, I was almost convinced I found some genuine OC cringe material but damn if this wasn't a 10/10 effort

Hey man, I know the feeling. I have thought of doing the same myself.
In the end, I did not. Mediocrity is no way to end a relationship. Go all out or go home.

The words are very bland. Run of the mill.
Get creative or drop the idea.
That is the best way I can put it.


It was my first relationship, and I was doing things that I didn't catch - on her end she always had a problem expressing herself, so rather than wait and let us drift further apart she called it off for us to both figure our shit out.

However, she also says that she isn't ready yet and she'll call me when she's ready. She swears that no other guy was involved and she has no interest in being romantically involved with anybody, so that's good.

I want to send her these lyrics to spark something, to help give me that second chance

>"user you need to be more mature"
> hey pretty girl check dis Hugo Boss

Theyre perfect, just read them to my missus and she got teary eyed. Send this song to her right now before you change your mind. It will get any girl wet at the gash

Got it. Yeah I'll work on the wording. I still want to refer to specific things in the song, but I'll work on my wording around those. Springsteen and Elliot Smith were both great in referencing things only they knew about, I want to keep that in the song but I'll get more creative with my words supporting the memories

Still though, it was my second attempt at song ever

R-really? I hope she contacts me before 30 days so I don't have to wait so long

man, i hate to say it, but you have to work on yourself to the point she feels like she has to do all this to keep YOU around. first time i fell in love, i was the """""""""perfect""""""" boyfriend, didn't even want to argue or upset her. but girls are mysterious creatures, they need the thrill of possibly losing you, to fully appreciate having you. it's a yin and yang thing. this is why we hear of girls leaving the "good boy" for the "bad boy" — they encompass more of the elements that keeps the spark alive, not just in relationships, but life in general.

God you're right.

Fuck it's just hard to get my mind off her though. Wow. It'll be hard to dig myself out of the hole, but yeah the only way I could possibly get her back is to improve on myself I suppose.

Oh and ease up on the frog posting as well