Japan has roughly half the population of the US but the US grants 70 times more people citizenship every year

Japan has roughly half the population of the US but the US grants 70 times more people citizenship every year.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Why can't we be like Japan?

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>Why can't we be like Japan?

You mean irrelevant and dying?
If you want to do that go move to some shitty Southern/flyover state or the rust belt.

your cunt is based on systemized immigration, accepting all people who want "freedom"

because the UN is anti-white and only demands immigration quotas and refugees to white countries, and not rich non-white countries.

>Japan has roughly half the population of the US
I wish this was true.

I understand that having a shrinking population isn't a good thing either, and I understand a need for some immigration, but why must it be this extreme? 700k+ people every year is quite a bit

The US is much bigger, more powerful and in need of competent people.

Why do you think the American economy has been so strong for so long? Look at the Jap economy, pathetic since the nineties.

Legal immigrants aren't a problem though, most of them contribute more to society than native born white Americans. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income

Okay, so like 30 million short of half

I know, I'm not talking about economic benefits. I understand that Japan has an issue with decreasing worker to dependent ratios and not enough workers to even staff all nursing homes, but I still think the US is too welcoming to immigration.

>Why do you think the American economy has been so strong for so long?
Because Americans work hard unlike commie eurotrash living off the backs of Germans

US is not an ethnic nation

because you all still need immigrants that can be paid in low wages
seriously, US 21st Century doesn't know how economy works

In Japan, they still can get their own worker from their own society because most of them are office worker needed and capable

not like in US while everything need to be paid by your own self, you still have to paid everything from the daily life consume, debt to college, your transportation, even your comsumerism, while inflation keep growing in your country and still the society keep demand high salary even they are only capable as a labour

because your country needs more economy than culture i think. germany is like that. besides merkel theres a reason they willingly do it.

because you are roughly one of them.

I'm roughly what? An immigrant?

>Japan has roughly half the population of the US
But Japan doesn't have roughly half the territory of the US.
In short we are full :3

>half the population
Mostly mountens, plains can live are few.

popuration density

Japan: 337 people /km2
USA: 31 people km2

You want to be a dying country full of degenerates?

Japan has lower number of immigrants in general.
Their acceptance rate for citizenship applications is almost 100%.
However, they don't allow uneducated people to move in (like Germany)

Because your cunt is the cunt of immigration
Japan isn't