What songs best describe the trans experience?

What songs best describe the trans experience?

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This picture makes me cringe. Every. Fucking. Time.

He is STILL a guy though, the woman is no longer a child.

Transgender Dysphoria Blues

Trannies are not and never will be real women.
The most they can ever hope to be is vulgar parodies of women.

They will never be genuinely accepted by society. Even the majority of the people who claim to be OK with them can in reality barely stand to look at them, much less actually interact with them.

The only reason most people claim to be supportive of them now is because they're hoping that the sooner they integrate into standard society, the sooner they're going to go away and fuck off from their TV screens and news headlines(because that was exactly what happened with faggots).

The moment that all the social and economic crises that are fucking up Europe and the United States REALLY start to get intense is the moment trannies(and by extension the whole LGBTQFSDBO shitshow as a whole) will be told to fuck off as people start to focus on issues which actually matter.
And that's a good thing.

Some people just need a gun to their head

It's the kind of logical fallacy that can get me very mad from time to time

>vulgar parodies of women
idk, i've seen some pretty convincing trannies
I wouldn't fuck one, but I always worry about falling for the trap

They are vulgar parodies of women but thats what makes them so hot

You shouldnt, trannies irl are pig disgusting and have got a laughable behavior they're easy to distinguish from real women and also they don't occur in rl as often as on Sup Forums/b/. Nothing to worry about, it's just the internet that lets one think that they're very common but in fact they aren't.

Anything by Jordaan Mason actually. Also "We Exist" by Arcade Fire.

And this

Certainly not Walk on the Wild Side

I dont know. Jeffrey Star?

it's more like putting a child on stilts and calling it an adult

Cindytalk is best trans musician

Rather placing a carton box in the middle of your room spraying some paint on it and saying it's a table





Anzu is cute! CUTE!

Candy Says, then ?

Ah, so you've never seen one then.