Joe DiMaggio's record is bullshit

This guy is right you know. The dude never once face a black pitcher. No way he would have hit in that many games straight if he had.

Record shouldn't even exist.

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Also inb4

>HURR DURR I am voting TRUMP Joe D is the best!!

>black pitchers

Less teams equals better competition in fairness.

Satchel Paige mother fucker. Read the article.

Aren't white pitchers better? I know like 3 active baseball players and 2 of them are Kershaw and Bumgarner.

I dont think I could possibly be more tired of hearing about fucking race.

Fuck off.

Starting pitchers seem to be white more often whereas bullpens seem to be more black

If I had to guess why, since bullpen folks aren't in for very long they often can just be dudes who can throw very hard like Chapman and since black folks tend to be more muscular it attracts them

lel, it was even better than 56 bro. the dude hit like 20 games in a row even after that goof up game. he almost hit 75 games in a row m8. nice b8. only reply I will give. I think he hit safely in 73/74 games or something like that during the span of the streak.

eat ass m80
opis a faggot

Bro did he ever face a reliever throwing 98 in the 8th inning. LOL racist fag

Fuck it, throw away all baseball before 1970.

Problem solved

Now you're on to something.

now imagine every time race is brought up you're on the losing end instead
minorities have been sick of race being an issue for 100s of years but the conversation should stop because a white guy is sick of hearing about it

Someones salty.

That sounds rather masochistic - if the notion of race is so disadvantageous for minorities, why keep perpetuating it by brining up race non-stop?

>Jew York such jews that they will take down a hometown hero to shit on white people

Why are these cucks so obsessed with black cock?

I have never lived in a time where that was true though. Unless you were born before 1970, neither have you.

All these young adults haven't either

>he unironically typed this out


this is a forum for people to talk about sport instead of playing, the entire premise is irony

But this says race relations are the worst they've been in 25 years. The last time they were this bad and people were this 'on edge' was after the LA Riots.
I know your post is bait but seems like more cuck discussion leads to more animosity between people

Because not talking about race doesn't mean that the social systems that oppress non-whites disappear.

hello, are you lost?

What social system has 'oppressed non-whites' may I ask?

That's pretty much the modus operandi of the Daily News, which is a horrible rag. But racial division and outrage generates eyeballs and clicks, which equals money.

Why else would this guy go out of his way to shit on DiMaggio for no reason? Because DiMaggio is an American icon and a symbol of an immigrant community assimilating into the larger culture.

Of course, he just can't handle that since SJWs despise American history and culture, ergo he has to try to tear him down.

Yeah, I'm sure attacking a dead guy and his sports record is just the key to racial unity in this country.

Give me a break.

Racism is baked into American economics. So much so that poor whites vote for white identity in republicans who shit on social safety nets that they need in a changing economy.

And? Sports have bullshit records that change (or don't) with the nature of the game.

The basketball that Wilt put up 100 in and grabbed 50 boards or whatever isn't the same as exists today, but we don't change the record just because

>tfw it's going to probably take 20 or more years for us to get back to how things were in 2006. Probably 35 if Hilldog is elected and the cuck shit spirals out of control.

Thanks for your 'social progress' liberals.

All races vote for racial identity.

And Trump, the white identity candidate that poor whites love, has promised no major changes to the social safety net.

>they vote Republican and that's wrong!
Bait was tasty up until now

black pitchers aren't even good

the best pitcher ever was a kike

>Sandy Kocuck is better than Nolan and Randy

It's seems like you're lost, let me help you out

Blacks are only good at running the bases and power hitting

They're shit pitchers and shit fielders.

Whites and Hispanic pitchers are GOAT.
Japs are ok

Bob Gibson??????

lmao how about them minorities getting into schools they have no business getting into? Explain that one

Fuck off pajeet.

Nigga do you even Randy Johnson

So are most shot-putters, javelin throwers, discuss throwers, hammer throw, caber tossers ect. I think it has to do with a stockier build and strong core for greater rotational strength.

This x1000.

>racism is "baked in" to american economics

I'd ask you to flesh this out but i doubt you're capable. Just more mealy-mouthed bullshit that means nothing.

You can't pin all of that on us.
>The Racist Past of a Canadian Hero


>one screencap
>privilege appears twice

My god.

>Performance Enhancing Whiteness
The fact that someone could type that up, without looking at it, and realising that combination of words is fucking ridiculous, perplexes me.

It's legit but severely overrated in terms of "greatest record in all of sports". Gretzky's 51 game point streak was more impressive

>posting this crap
>giving ny daily news any clicks.
Hers your (you) idiot

Can we just end the thread here

>actually trying to shoehorn a racial issue into a dead boreball player's record

Liberals are mentally ill. I mean for real.

All records of white guys should be thrown out

its really fucking strange, definitely one of the weirder of the twisted psychological states that are a result of modern society

Here's the problem y'all.
Liberal/SJW's like to be heard yea? It's kind of thier thing to bitch as loud as they can about
>muh social oppression.
They've found the louder they bitch, the more eyes and ears are on them.
So, what would be the only way to defeat them?
>Ignore them
Now, stay with me here. So you're a liberal-pansexual-transgender-other kin who goes by
and people are ignoring you. This gets you're blood boiling, potentially the fastest your blood has pumped in years, likely due to the large amounts of buffalo wings you eat even though you're vegan "most of the time."
Desperate for self-righteousness, you throw a dart at the public sphere, in search of another facet of culture in which to shit directly into.
It's fucking huge. People of all identities watch sports, and since the
world has had both a less than clean past, and also a dominant influence on the world of sports, it's the perfect place to corrupt.

Anyone on this board, don't give into the brainwashing
Don't get cucked by the LGBTQXYZ

This DESU, to much of popularity contest, people seeking attention.

Pitches were giving him fastballs straight over the plate to hit if the game was already decided. It's on the same level as Wilt's 100 point game when it comes to making a mockery of the game for the sake of a record.

Pete Rose's 44 is a far superior accomplishment as is Kobe's 81.

Who is Pedro Martinez?



opinion discarded

unless of the course the topic is shitposting, then wew lad that one was a mighty stinker

>Pedro Martinez
That's not even a good shitpost.

if you think anyone but yankee homers take this record seriously, then you should get your shit checked. celebrating records from the ancient baseball days is just a formality at this point. but its good to know that liberals are still getting ass ravaged over nothing.

No shit, the only people that give a fuck are delusional blow hard yankee fans/new yorkers.

Walter Johnson>Paige.

I am a minority. And a whole lot of us don't give a fuck about things like OPs post.

>Pedro Martinez

Black people don't even play baseball. Jesus what a fucking butthurt cuckold.

What the actual fuck is going through the head of someone like this?