Mfw the Blues Clues guy has two albums with The Flaming Lips heavily involved

>mfw the Blues Clues guy has two albums with The Flaming Lips heavily involved

They're good too.

Other urls found in this thread:

what are they called

>Flaming Lips heavily involved
Somehow I doubt it


Nigga Steve is the coolest hipster alive

I was like 7 years old when my sister spilled milk on my Blues Clues tape (for VCR) and I hated her for like a week

Goddanm I loved that show

>people are still just finding out about this

Holy shit he went full DALE

>the flaming lips

they are pretty good tho

stop overusing this meme nigger, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're fat fedoras, stop devaluing my memes



>i'm 14 years old and I don't know how to discourse
Also, in before "k", you absolute fucking toilet.

>Looks at song titles

>Death Porn
>What I Do On Saturdays

Just their producer, not the whole band.

>posting pictures of retards


steven drozd is on almost every song

>everybody that disagrees with me is the same person
Arrange a screening.
