How was your country in 1945?

How was your country in 1945?



Fucked other countries while being perpetually fucked by other countries. Vice-versa in action, lads

Good times

neutral and not giving a fuck about the war

bit of a civil war going on, so fucked aswell


Fucked by a dictatorship

reviving from fucking and being fucked


fucked beyond belief

bretty good actually

When did MacCarthysm begin in America ?

the happiest merchant to ever live


Still had a few years then.

considering that there was political persecution, riots and just 2 years from a civil war breaking, pretty much fucked up, thanks for asking

Awash in Dutch pussy

was still way better than europe at that time.


decently fucked

Delete this thread

Im not arguing that.

Less fucked than Poland at that time, but still fucked.

Now, how was your country in 2016?


Enjoying blowing up Germany
Not enjoying much else tbqh

oppressed and violated

Fucked. Still on rations for like 8 years


fucked in the ass by the oligarchy

Full of Zionists who killed Patton

Kicking ass and taking names



Better, MUCH MUCH better.

> Miss the 1800 more. Wish I was alive back then.

Freshly occupied for the 3rd time in 5 years.



in a surprisingly good shape


Chillin, enjoying white gold.

Holy shit I didn't know we had McDonalds so early

Fucked like always

>Mac Arthur
Yeah good fucking propaganda poster while he did nothing useful

At the beginning of our golden age

I wouldn't expect someone whose country wasn't involved in the Real War to understand

Hello, faggot.

We declared war on Japan and the governments were trying to enlarge the education system

Supongo que no te refieres al Salitre

Founding the Social Security.

Like this.

No different from 1939

+ got fucked by the russians immediately afterwards