Why is everyone here so worried about immigrants from the middle East in Europe...

Why is everyone here so worried about immigrants from the middle East in Europe? Race mixing between Europeans and middle easterners produced Ashkenazi Jews, the ethnic group with the highest IQ in the world. So if Europeans actually integrate and race mix with the middle Eastern immigrants/refugees, their children will be literally master race.

Eugenics created Ashkenazi Jews. Fuck off with your low tier bait.

There is a difference between emigrating to leech from a more successful society than yours, and emigrating because you are prosecuted for your ideas.
The latter are usually a bit smarter, and function better in their host country. The former are what we are mostly dealing with in Europe at the moment.


>emigrating to leech from a more successful society than yours

Jews have always lived off the labor of host countries.

Like a T*rk would know anything of labour

that's our stereotype now? we're feeding 4 million syrians and literally paying the bill of k*rdish provinces

That's the stereotype of all of the Mediterranean.
The non-Kurdish ones of you are like Greek with a different faith and language in my eyes.

greece if they could sustain a functioning country despite the chaos outside



Live among these fucking Muslims and you will understand

hello, fellow virgin

I had Muslims friends in high school, what's the big deal? And besides, if you intermarry with them, especially in white male/ME female relationships, then you can control the culture or the children.

Turks don't exactly have a clean record when it comes to leeching, historically and present.
At least Jews are bro tier unlike you.

Isolated Muslim friends in a Christian country =/= Muslim masses that will force their groupthink upon you

>I had Muslims friends in high school,
kek and you think that makes you know about them ?
you know this reminds me when leftists are mocking people who are like "yeah i have one black friend" you know what they are right : you know nothing about brown people, they are fucking terrible

if you mix a european and an arab you might get a jew but also a turk or an albanian and those are just as bad as muslims
it's not even about race anyways, jews are rich and educated, muslims are the opposite

>random babble about race mixing
>burger flag
Who would've guessed
It's not really the race people are worried about, it's the culture.

Yeah this.
Like you take the native of Marseille you think he looks more like the native of Alger or the native of Oslo ?

It's not like niggers in Sweden, racially they would even be integrable. The problem is they are muslim, arab, and everything that comes with it, politically and such.

If the problem is cultural, simply marry the immigrants so you have a say over how the kids are raised.

The average arab woman is poor and uneducated (and also fat) and i might as well shoot my foot because i don't want my kids to go from upper white middle class down to brown underclass because of a bad life choice of mine.

Not to mention this only works as long as there is a reasonable number of arabs in general.
If i am the only white man in this city and marry one of the millions of arabs, you think i am integrating the arabs ? No that would be the arabs integrating me. Which is totally doable but not desirable since i don't want my children to be 3rd worlders.

More simply put : you prefer a wife that earns 3000 euro a month or a wife that earns 800 euro a month ?

>caring about your wife's income
Your wife shouldn't even have a job, you should be providing for her.

i wish but taxes have made it impossible to sustain a whole family on one man's income only, and i don't want my children in public school living in a shitty project

>be euro
>marry a kebabina
>have a child or two with her and try your best to raise them to be civilized human beings
>be kebab
>marry a euro woman
>have 12 children and beat the shit out of her if she tries to oppose you until she mentally breaks and gives up
now multiply this by 20-40 years and see the results
>inb4 not all muslims are like that
I know that not all, but plenty of them are.