My gf just said she wishes I acted more like frank zappa

My gf just said she wishes I acted more like frank zappa
what do Sup Forums?

Become really technically good at something but squader it for elaborate joke projectd

Learn how to play the guitar to a fairly high level and then talk about farts at least twice a day.


>boo hoo he doesn't le talk about le sad feels
Frank Zappa had the right attitude towards his music.

he was the original goofball

wtf I like college now

And act as if you're the smartest person in the room at all times

become friends with a crazy man who abuses his coworkers and pay him money to be able to continue doing it

cuck her

someone has to be


hit her

Hi frank

>meme blues

I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit!

>Waah I don't know this feel ;_;

1. You copied my initial critique.
2. I was the second post you quoted and I wasn't criticising Zappa at all.
3. You enjoy anime.

All in all, you are a worthless human being and should probably kill yourself.

stop bragging on Sup Forums

but it's cool, if I had a girlfriend who told me that, I'd probably want to tell someone about it too

How exactly did you deduce that?

Fuck around behind her back and fuck her in the ass!


He definitely has some good songs.
Watermelon on easter hay is a personal favorite of mine.

But by and large the majority of his work wasn't very serious and could've had more effort put into it.

Ever seen a Zappa interview or him on a talk show?