I find it REALLY hard to believe that music didn't evolve, even just a bit, in 200 years

I find it REALLY hard to believe that music didn't evolve, even just a bit, in 200 years.

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Humans were locked away, most of them without instruments or the knowledge of how to build them.

Only one vault had a focus on musical instruments, and they didn't survive.

one of the key themes of the Fallout series is nostalgia, so it kinda makes sense

I find it hard to believe 200 years later it's still completely post-apocalyptic. You'd think after a few decades they'd rebuild.

So, they had technology for robots and other advanced shit, but couldn't figure out how to make any other types of music? Yeah, I still call bullshit.

> rebuilding while you could instead fuck cutie ghoul waifus

kys pleb

original 2 were only 80 years after the war

you gotta consider the fact that this was during wartime, in an alternate future where instead of researching how to make this screen tvs, they were making death bots and laser rifles and shit

But someone would have to get tired of listening to the same bullshit for so long. It would be like if top 40 were the only kind of music that exists here if the same events happened.

The idea was that, after time went by and the electrical transistor wasn't invented, they were stuck perpetually in a post-cold-war cultural stasis. It follows the idea of technological determinance, which theorizes that technology is the driving factor for societal change. With the vacuum tube replacing the transistor, the USA in-universe didnt have advanced computing, the internet, instant messaging, globalization, etc. Which all had an impact on societal change as well

Yeah but the fourth one is 200 years later. By that point life should be somewhat back to the way it was.

>Bethesda universes
>making sense

>also being this serious about fiction

elder scrolls is quite solid

F4 is not meant to be an accurate portrayal of post-apocalyptic life and the recovery of human society. It's a silly game set in a silly universe that parodies the real 1950-60's Cold War US A. The old (even by our standards) music is used to underscore this, to evoke a feeling of "the old world" and to heighten the feeling of rummaging around in the ruins of a lost humanity. Replacing that with some imagined version of post-appo music would mean taking the game in a whole new direction.

The same goes for this. Realism or believeability or logic or whatever you want to call it is sacrificed for thematic consistency.

Thr original fallouts never played music aside from a couple literally 3 tracks from the 40s. Hell even New Vegas has songs from the 2000s. The music is only the way it is because Bethesda wanted to have the game be pretty much set in the 50s.

t. Someone who only played 3 and 4

t. someone too stupid to think beyond stupid platitudes

That's bethesda writing for you, I could go on and on but in Fallout 2, around 80 years after the war, things were starting to rebuild. Bethesda keeps going for that ZOMG POSTAPOCALYPSE vibe to appeal to their rabid and awful fanbase.

Best fallot 4 OST


But it's true. Only 3 and 4 have that 50s parody shit going on. The only cold war theme in the original is thr great war itself.

Not to mention the lack of
>pic related
and the effect that would have on the '60s youth/counterculture.

>Only 3 and 4 have that 50s parody shit going on.


A video game is unrealistc? Shut down everything

No, I played all the main Fallouts. Fallout 1,2 and NV do have some of the parody/satire, it's just more subtle than in 3&4. But that doesn't really matter because the thread was about Fallout 4, which is what I was talking about.

They are to a degree.

The Wasteland is dangerous.

Imagine Europe after the roman empire fell. People flooding from everywhere into the walled cities and starting their survival in a feudal manner. Nobody to protect them from the enemy hordes and raiders, and not enough food to take in all the refugees.

Now imagine if not only that were the case, but the power of weaponry was insanely increased so people did not have to fight at close range and a single individual could kill 50 in a few seconds and there were seas of radiation, a wasteland without eatable food or drinkable water. Very little medicine.
Now imagine that not only that, but there were an organized group of non human monsters whose whole purpose in life was to capture your people and turn them into monsters who are twice as tall and twice as powerful as the people of your own species. Being able to survive being shot at multiple times.

Basically, the Wasteland, whichever it is, has been put into the dark ages, only with much more damaging enemies.

Europe also lost a lot of technology that did not get recovered into society util the enlightenment age.
They just coudnt figure it out util they realized how to create it themselves even though it was there just around them all the time.

wrote to the wrong person

>one of the key themes of the Fallout series is nostalgia
t. Fallout 3 was the first Fallout game

>>Sup Forums


I havent played 4 yet. I always wished there were more songs on galaxy news radio. It would have been really cool if you could find records in the waste and bring them to Three Dog to play.

I like the music, but it's just weird to me that it stayed the exact same for so long.

>video games

haha :)