Anyone got expereance living in ridiculously small "cities"...

Anyone got expereance living in ridiculously small "cities"? Next year ill move to a village with 4000 or so people in Canada, and the smallest city ive ever lived in was 700000. Got little to no idea what to expect

it will be boring

lived in a 2k one, expect to travel to a bigger one whenever you need something other than the basics

>4000 people
It's a town then.

I lived in a town of 3000 people for a couple of years.You will have to go to the nearest city to go to the doctors, buy groceries, "do" bureaucracy.

Its a one hour drive to a 200k city, thing is i cant drive and wont have the the for a car (im 18)

In my town there was a smaller shop where you could buy pretty much everything to satisfy your basic needs. Will you be working in that same town?

any busses?

If you have sex with a local girl, everyone will know about it within a few hours.

Ill try to, will probably be some low paying university related thing

Probably not

I'm just on vacation but I live in a small town like that in Canada and have my whole life.

it's isolating and depressing, even for a Canadian. I can't imagine how isolated a foreigner will feel. Those small towns are 99% white Canadians.

I can't fucking wait to move to Kitchener in January. Small towns suck.

you literally cannot live in a small town if you don't own a car. Public transportation is barely passable in urban areas, it's near non-existent in small towns.

So youre telling me to get a car asap? Alright then will do


depending on where you live in the town you won't even be able to realistically get to the grocery store without a ride

I live in a "city" of 80,000

My town is 5000~ when the students leave for summer.

if getting a car will be too hard perhaps a moped or an atv will work. don't quote me on that though

I grew up in a town of 2000. Since the area is sparsely populated we were considered a central place by the government. This meant there were several doctors, two supermarkets, butcher, bakeries, pharmacies, schools, etc.
A town of the same size in vicintiy to a larger town will have next to nothing.

So I would guess you will be able to get most business done in your town.

Is 650k small

I live in a town of 5000 people

You'll be expected to impregnate five locals to improve their gene pool. You wo't be expected to look after the children. The downside is, there's no way to tell if they're a man or a woman till after the act.

If you are implying im the tipical brazilian spic going there to rape white women you can calm down mate, im as white and civil ans my northen italian family allowed me to be

Ive gotta ask, has your town been affected by the migrant crissis? I heard that small german towns were being specially afffected by it