
Communism edition


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ce general de

translate u faggot shiptar



Look into my eyes you bitch witch

Same as the original in english



Reported due to doxxing attempt

malaka menei se poli kali perioxi ton sikoni enan viasmo

Malaka e malaka, zwon

I will not reply in threads anymore when OP is albanian.

Thank Go- I mean nature

You won't be missed

I will not reply in threads anymore when OP is albanian, either. boycott now

[insert fedora related post]

daksi, se pirakse tora pou brika pou menei? fragati einai


Bye grekoman

Lmao u kthye ne nji vetjak shqiptarësh.Postoni memet tuaja shqipe

I think commies were right about some things.


execution of the things was bad and you cant change that

keeping you outside our countries was definitely a positive

That's a good post.




I don't speak Turkish.

animale de-a dreptul imbecile

Is this the time where you all pretend you're outside?

wew lad

shouldnt you be on ex-yu?

do u liek adolf hitler? ^_^

can we make so only albo flags make op post?

then you wont be able to make the thread, xherdane

i dont give a shit vladislav as long as the roach in germany isnt here im good

if you like Albania/Kosovo so much, why did you even leave in the first place?

Ke juni shqipe

i was born here and ive already said im moving to kosovo or south albania after studies

aside memes, surely kosovo can't be better than fucking sweden

Shqips are obsessed with shqiperia even if they live in switzerland

worst part is jobs because its extremely difficult to find (ironically here too), but I have a plan for this vladislav

don't, you'll want to KYS if you live here for more than 2 months.


>why do people want to live a better life

Mos degjo c'thone keta, rri se je mire aty ku je.


O idiot, po kta e mbrojne Shqipnine edhe postojn n'emer t'Shqiptarve po kan ik prej ktuhit.

who here wants to sit on my lap ?

I'm sure you do

ill make fast eminem rap

Vlach imbecil

you guys should kys yourselves

No shit, ti te ikje c'do beje, do harroje fare nga vije?

I fuck your mother subhuman

animal imbecil

Jo po nuk isha munu kaq shum me mbrojt Kosoven se tukse kom ik dishka nuk o mir me at shtet.

fak your greek mather with my turkish cock

>Being a Greek


t. animal prost care esti

Te vjen mire kur e shajne Kosoven?

t.Sup Forumsack

Jo, po nejse harroje ket tem. Po du me ju vet juve t'Shqipnis se sha menoni per neve t'Kosoves, ma heret kom menu qe edhe ju na doni si vllezer, po kohve t'fundit nuk o ka del qashtu.


kys yourself now

are you interested?

Vete e nise, sic nuk te vjen ty mire, s'u vjen as atyre.
Per sa i perket pjeses tjeter, mos u nis ne paragjykime nga disa tipe njerezish.

m or f ?

why are other romanians posting here? Asta e generalul meu

ti koke burr i madhe vuno, pse spo hin n'diskord ndonjiher, ma shum shqiptare kena kto discord.gg/mYaCQ

galatean imbecil

>his country was conquered by t*rks


Кaк някoи пoдчoвeци щe нaмepят нaчин дa oпpaвдaвaт opкитe cлeд тия изпълнeния вчepa PEEEEEEEEEEE

thats very intolerant of you

>the cuck is there

effendi? hes a total bro desu, we are just bantering mostly

Eu, Lorin Fortuna, combatant izoteric complet si corect definit din punct de vedere izoteric prin rangul izoteric precum si prin dinstinctiile izoterice care mi-au fost conferite de catre conducatori supremi abilitati, Blestem izoteric la nivelul maxim posibil la care-mi dau dreptul rangul si distinctiile izoterice care mi-au fost conferite mentionate anterior, blestem fara sfarsit temporal, in mod direct, impotriva fiintei colective, superioare de tip civilizatie virtuala numita civilizatia virtuala arahnidica tarantulara androgina, neagra, emotional agresionala civilizational condusa la nivel de conducatori suprem de catre fiinta superioara androgina alcatuita din fiinta individuala superioara de gen masculin numita Satanos si fiinta individual superioara de gen feminin numita Geea pt raul existential comis impotriva gruparii de civilizatii virtuale de tip gorilian individual neagresionala civilizational si autentic bastinase in cadrul lumilor planetare ale planetelor a carei lume planetara medie sunt integrate existential cu precizarea ca raul existential pt care blestem civilizatia virtuala pe care am numito anterior ultim ca civilizatie agresionala civilizational a fost comisa in perioada temporala specifica calendarului planetar cuprinsa intre data de inceput in care s-a dat in functiune oficial prima baza civilizationala planetara in cadrul zonei existentiale a planetei in a carei lume planetara medie sunt integrat existential aferenta si ma refer la zona existentiala in cauza si la concret la baza existentiala civilizationala virtuala planetara in cauza deci aferenta civilizatiei virtuale pe care o blestem si pana in prezent


Eби ги цигaнитe

тoя щo нe oтидe тaм дa yкpoти мaлкo тaя pязaнa cгaн

Щe ми ce дa бяхa цигaнитe, a нe бългapи тия пeдaлчeтa
Cигypнo oщe гo бoли гъзa oт eбaнeтo c Джaмaл и тpябвa дa ce възcтaнoви пpeди дa пoчнe дa oбмeня кoжни и вeнepичecки зaбoлявaния c мypгaвитe kleti bejanci.



Uhhh hello?

gamisou gamisou

no u

what's going on here?


What did you do this week /balk/ ?


This guy looks awfully similar to a guy I knew in high school.

Aside from the usual stuff, my roommate had birthday yesterday so we invited others for a surprise and spent the whole night till 4 am chatting and eating chips. Also met some old friends.

>chatting and eating chips
why? im beta as fuck but atleast i throw typical balkan birthdays

Can't do much in a dorm room, we played some music but lowered the volume because of some freakos who study all night.

>but lowered the volume
wow civilized albos !!!

Life in a dorm ain't easy.

shiptars don't consume alcohol ?


I've been to a birthday where everyone just sat and eventually 3 out of the 5 guests left to go to a discotheque.It was very sad.

They do. A lot.

Why are you showing me this?