Why don't these countries just unite and become a single country? There is literally no difference beetween them

Why don't these countries just unite and become a single country? There is literally no difference beetween them.

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Why would Colombia want to take on Venezuela's problems?

> You wake up in Paramaribo, Suriname.
Your next move?

Fuck. This place looks like shit.

What are talking about? It look comfy as fuck

>implying anyone would unite with venezuela at this point

Because its not convenient for americans, "divide and conquer" remember?

also those where the great colombia.

I can see the Australian embassy

underrated post

yes there is, the core of Colombia is Indio Andean, Venezuela is Caribbean. They could annex the Colombian Caribbean coast, after all they're all donkey shaggers..............................

it's just the rain and the color.


You should try the entrepreneur approach why not take their oil and resources? also more clay



Those houses would look nice af if they were kept up. Wouldn't look out of place in the southern US if that was the case.




wew lad

what is the joke?

I'm not too worried in Suriname. They speak Dutch.

fucking spics aylmao



No recovery from this

and the canadian embassy too

could say that about all of hispanic america 2bh

Stealing another country's idea I see.



Ecuador and Venezuela hate us because we are not commies like them

American imperialism

Colombia is a country 100% caribbean

We divided way before """"american imperialism""", they don't have anything to do with us, stop being fags

that's so 1900s



>Get shot from behind in half a second
>They take my money and leave me on the street
>no one cares
>my corpse feeds the local children for a week

