Tfw i just heard someone speaks english at mcdonalds

tfw i just heard someone speaks english at mcdonalds

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it was me in a wig

tfw i just heard someone speaks german at forest

> it was me in a wig
post pics
I'll confirm if it's you

american tourists always eat at mcdonalds

can confirm
am amerian tourist
eat mcdonalds all the time
its fast and easy

more like fat and greasy lmao

don't rate

american here too
mcdonalds is the best
go usa

Hm, I thought you was a trap since you mentioned wig

Fucking kek.

wear can you buy a le thin hair chin man wig?

pic is me without wig, dunce

Post pic in a wig then. I can't confirm whether it was you or not.

Why do Russians always talk about traps?

because we're masterrace

Why not.
Cause twinks are gay


So you're not a trap then, I see. No Ingria as present then

What the fuck did you expect at the American embassy?



Most popular local russian subject about figure out your orientation by asking question "Am I normie if I fap on traps?"

I avoid american food when abroad.

Your ex-clay named after your princess or something

tfw i just heard someone speak russian at adidas

tfw я тoлькo cлышaл ктo гoвopит пo-pyccки в Maкдoнaльдce

Give me the baltic states and we may talk.

But they are independent and free now

oh yea?

i knew it

Can't read Swedish, sorry. You've had a chance to force us to use it, but it's too late, hehe

>go to American embassy
>wtf, why do they speak English there?

>walk into mcdonalds
>press a few buttons on a screen and pay
>wait for my number to be called
>leave in under 5 mintues without having to say one word and spend under 5 euros

the people who work at mcdonalds don't even speak english in anglo countries