1. Your nice cunt

1. Your nice cunt
2. Now that the dust has settled what has been the reaction and general opinion of people in your cunt about the election of Donald Trump?


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Everyone is still fucking complaining and trying to turn the tables, acting like we've elected the second incarnation of Hitler. I fucking hate it. I can't get away from this shit either online or in real life. I just wanna get this shit over with and get him inaugurated so the dust can truly settle.

Trump is a step in the right direction, at least.

Who cares about them? Yeah they're annoying but just laugh at them, they have no intellectual argument against Trump. They're just stupid antifa kids who think trump wants to gas all blacks and spics or whatever.

It's not going to unless you get 9/11 2.0 because you fucks just reset the world to the 2000s by electing what's looking to be Bush Jr. all over again.

>Trump is a step in the right direction
Unless you're from Alberta don't pretend this is the Canadian opinion.

Trump is a complete change to Politics and the right in the US especially.

Thanks to him the overton window is shifting, although he does have a few issues we should be critical of.

Only a few people I talked to from dozens were positive about Trump.

A couple of days ago when I was drunk I talked to three girls and one of them was actually positive about Trump. She said she was Moroccan which makes it even more notable.

It's hard to know what the opinion of Canadians really is, the media lies a lot and I'm willing to bet there's a whole lot of closet Trump sympathizers(if not supporters) who simply don't display or voice their views.

What do you even mean by this? Nothing I've seen from his cabinet picks inspires any confidence that this is the case.

If nothing else it should be entertaining.


Most hate him.

I think his language and brashness is shocking to a lot of brits. Our politicians can be corrupt, controversial, bitter or whatever yet they're still held to a high standard of civility in public or in the house of commons. Calling people pussies and fat slobs would be political suicide.

All my leftist friends are still acting butthurt, and I'm enjoying their tears. They never have a response when I explain that maybe the reason why people voted for Trump is that the left has spent the past few years pushing the most divisive and vitriolic politics I've ever seen. Swing voters are the ones that determine an election, and if your entire campaign is essentially insulting anyone who may be leaning anywhere right of center by calling them racist/sexist/whatever, of course you'll never get anywhere trying to convince those same people to join your cause. The sheer lack of insight that these people demonstrate by not realising this themselves is astonishing

>yfw many are doubling down on the same strategy after the election



That's exactly how my last conversation on this topic started. One of my friends was going on about how Trump won because Americans are evil, racist rednecks. I waited for her to finish and told her that the sort of shit she was saying was EXACTLY the reason Trump won, and explained what I said in my post above with a shit eating grin on my face. She had no response after that

The majority of people who know of him agree with him.

Good, it is always nice for hypocrites to be put in their place

Now that he has nominated his staff we basically all know he's openly racist
Only people that support him are self haters that don't have the balls to say anything out loud out of the fear of being rejected. There's not a single good thing that comes out of this man into Mexico.
And I think is fine, I rather have an outspoken enemy as neighbor than a backstabbing friend. We were hated by a big chunk of americans already, it was about time to put it all clear.

Eastern Euros agree with the most pro Putin candidate? Explain this to me.

So is the alternative just never calling out racism when it actually happens or what?

We enjoy the memes and his larger than life personality, and his anti-establishment rhetoric also strikes a chord here.

However I think if people actually looked at what kinds of policies he's pursuing and the people he's surrounding himself with, they would not like him. He's far too right wing for us.

There's nothing hypocritical about pointing out that racists voted for a racist.

Trudeau go back to sleep

No, it's realising the difference between actual racism and opinions you just disagree with.

For instance, wanting to have more control over the amount of people migrating into your country is not inherently racist.

I'd like to add I'm not trying to be condescending but I'm asking seriously.

It turns out that people can have more nuanced opinions and they don't see one aspect and go "HURR HE AN NAZI RUSSIAN LOVER".

He's against going to war with russia, which is something that we agree with, since war with russia means we'll be right on the frontline. He's against illegals and unchecked immigration, which is something that we agree with. He's against globalism, which is something we definetly agree with. He's also not a criminal, which is not something that can be said about Shillary. If he went against Bernie, people would've probably supported him instead, since he is also right about different things that we agree with, but as it turns out Bernie is a weak spined nigger who sold out to a lizard in human skin.

Most people here don't care about internal policy. I mean they have no opinion on the wall, on tax policy....etc

The NATO remarks scared people though.

Bush was a neocon, pretty much a conservative stereotype - muh oil, muh god, muh israel, etc., all while essentially just being democrats on a 15-year delay.

Trump, on the other hand, is basically much more similar what conservatives were like 60+ years ago.

Most Romanians don't even know what globalism is mate.......

We are politically inept.

Sure we know. Maybe your neighbors in the village don't, but the majority of people do know about this kind of crap.

>We keep calling everyone we disagree with RACIST NAZIS, why are people shifting to the right???

Doesn't that lend credibility to the fears of racial and minority persecution some feel? Please elaborate.

I'm from Bucharest...

That's just because you still have that whole Victorian "British gentleman" thing going on.

A hystrionic scumbag.

I don't think he'll be travelling abroad much.

>Doesn't that lend credibility to the fears of racial and minority persecution some feel?

60 years ago, the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow.

>A hystrionic scumbag.
>I don't think he'll be travelling abroad much.

In what way?

You're being obtuse. If someone was being racist them what's to be done?


The left and the right admires him.
Everything in between hates him but tries to pretend they not.

There's nothing wrong about people shifting to the right.
Just don't convince yourself that liberals are pressuring you to those opinions.

When are you going to fix your Merkel problem

How is he being racist?

The words racist, nazi, fascist etc have been used so much that it's like the boy who cried wolf at this point. Racist is pretty much synonymous with "Saying anything opposing unbridled immigration(particularly from non-whites)"

Nobody cares enough to talk about it. Nobody really had any hope for the nation that elected Bush TWICE.

Ok, stop with the whataboutisms and answer the question.

t. people who elected politicians that want to make Sweden a muslim country

>Just don't convince yourself that liberals are pressuring you to those opinions.

They're not pressuring me, but they're pressuring others.

When Liberals go over the top with things that's when people start seeking alternatives, and trump looks like a better and better option to them.

And the fact that people are calling Women "traitors" for voting for Trump, or accusing millions of Americans who voted for him "racist" is just ridiculous

I'm not saying he's racist. I'm just saying if racism occurs then what can people do, since your suggestion is telling people to bury their heads in the sand and not talk about it.

Liberals are certainly pushing people further right. If you asked me a few years ago, I was certainly far more moderate. But somehow, when you've got pushy assholes trying to convince you that every opinion you have is racist, or invalid because of some bullshit "privilege", you really stop caring what those people think and adjust your views to actively oppose the fucking horse shit they're pushing

t. people not living in a democracy because the government doesn't give a fuck who they elect

At least our shit is fixed in two years, you're just fucked

>I'm just saying if racism occurs then what can people do, since your suggestion is telling people to bury their heads in the sand and not talk about it.

Hmm. I guess I'd oppose it vehemently, there's plenty of racism against Whites.

So the impression I'm getting is nothing if it happens to non whites.

How are you going to remove 1 million Muslims and niggers? They are not going away even if you took zero new ones. Only our economy is fucked, our demographics aren't.

>This denial

Because he'll need extra protection from a marine army corp as soon as he steps in Yurop, and because whoever civil politician gets to greet him and take a photo together is gonna lose many internet points in front of his electorate and public opinion. Exvept the fascist one

I don't think there's enough racism against non-whites.

Hopefully that can change soon.

>how dare you call me racist

>Exvept the fascist one

Is there even any real fascist politicians in Europe? Or are you talking """fascism"""?

Trump is a centrist anyways, you make him seem like some sort of Hitler or something.

Comparing Trump to Hitler is an insult to Hitler. The man didn't dodge the draft and went several years without fucking up his country.

I'm proud of it, I just meant others don't like it when you try to lump them all into a group, or tell them about their privilege or whatever.

The articles post-trump are just hilarious.

>Why did women not unite to vote against Donald Trump

>How dare you not vote for the candidate we wanted you to! You're a strong, empowered woman, you have the right to vote for who we tell you!


See I don't get this. You say minorities shouldn't be worried and that their fears are unfounded and then close with this.

>12% non-finns



(note that that statistics doesn't even include people born in Sweden to immigrant parents)

>You say minorities shouldn't be worried

They shouldn't be worried about Trump. He's a centrist and doesn't intend to sign off on limiting any legal immigration to the United States at all.

>and went several years without fucking up his country.

Trump fucked up the country?

I wasn't aware. He's not even in office yet and yet he's somehow fucked it up. I find that greatly interesting.


That it's sure not the Republican Party that's kept the black man down in this country.

>When Liberals go over the top with things that's when people start seeking alternatives

This is the same invalid argument that people have for Islamic extremism.

So you're saying your beliefs are based on contrarianism?

Swedish speaking Finns are more Finnish than Swedish

LMAOing @ Swedistan

I'm saying that if you insult and slander people, they fight back.

I'm not talking about partisan labels. J Edgar Hoover was a conservative Democrat.

Two days after the election and they had to close off fifth avenue in NYC because the retard wouldn't leave his Trump tower.


One of the busiest cities in the world brought to a halt and he hasn't even taken office yet. That's got to be a new record.


according to their genes, yes

>Two days after the election and they had to close off fifth avenue in NYC because the retard wouldn't leave his Trump tower.
>One of the busiest cities in the world brought to a halt and he hasn't even taken office yet. That's got to be a new record.

Oh wow! How terrible

That must mean the US must be collapsing. How dare he stay in his tower.

Look at the picture you fucking buffoon. Look at the image I posted. Does that seem like he's making america great again, or worse?

Petty insults are enough to profoundly change your political opinion?

Then why do admittedly racist people like yourself cheerlead for him? Should that not be a cause for concern or at least merit examination?

According to everything else, no. They have swedish genes in them too because we raped you for like a millennium.

Don't reply if you ignore my posts plz

I think it's a lot more than that.

>Then why do admittedly racist people like yourself cheerlead for him?

So he's guilty by association? (even though it's not really association because he hasn't partaken in anything with these people)

How does that make sense in your mind?

The reason "racists" support him is because he's the best option in this election. Doesn't mean HE is racist, or is perfect in any way. And he has plenty of flaws that can and should be addressed by so-called racists.

You are missing the point anyway. You have billion times more sandniggers and niggers than us.
t. otheranon

>According to everything else, no. They have swedish genes in them too because we raped you for like a millennium.
Only genes matter, my Swedish friend. According to male lineages here, the immigration from Sweden wasn't even that large as it is thought to be. Like 5% of our male lineages are from Scandinavia, I1 is native here too.

It's not guilt by association. It's seeing and addressing why he's appealing to people like yourself. If he truly intends to be a president "for all Americans" as he has said you can see why your type of support which stresses preferential treatment might run counter to that claim.


You're much, much worse off than we are when you take Ivan into account. Finland won't even exist by 2020.

So that makes you even more Swedish. If Jämtland declared itself its own country tomorrow that doesn't make them genetically not Swedish.

They always start shouting that racist shit and denying the statistics. They're denial af and don't seem to understand the reality, maybe it's because of their shitty immigrant-filled schools where everyone's opinion is right if it's not racist (except being racist towards Finns, Americans and East-Europeans is completely ok).

>It's seeing and addressing why he's appealing to people like yourself

Because he's the only one slightly standing up for white determination? Who else would one support?

white self determination*

>If Jämtland declared itself its own country tomorrow that doesn't make them genetically not Swedish.
Because they're genetically Swedish, we aren't.
Our genetic distance to you is as great as yours to Southern Europeans. >You're much, much worse off than we are when you take Ivan into account. Finland won't even exist by 2020.
Russians are integrating pretty well, our population is atm about 4% non-European, yours 20%.

How is he standing up for it if he says he wants to represent "all americans"? He's not going to stop interracial marriage or bring back segregation or anything like that. Minorities are afraid that he'll turn a blind eye towards violence directed at them.

Even I have some Swedish ancestry and I'm not a fucking Swedefaggot. Don't even speak a word of it.

Absolute horror mostly. Except for the neetrats who want nothing more than to see the world around them burn.

Ours is well under 12%.

>Russians are integrating pretty well

Russians are worse than Albanians

>Too dumb to speak
>Not swedish

Odd coincidence

Basically, fuck niggers and fuck you too, FUCKING LEAF.

>How is he standing up for it if he says he wants to represent "all americans"?

Because it's not Binary. It's not On or Off. He's the best option so far and he's shifting the overton window and giving people hope about the future of America.

>He's not going to stop interracial marriage or bring back segregation or anything like that

Okay? No one is talking about banning interracial marriage or segregation. Those are not the issues at hand, not by a long shot.

>Minorities are afraid that he'll turn a blind eye towards violence directed at them

Yeah poor minorities. It's not like they commit disproportionate crime and violence in the United States. I'm sure now that trump is elected everyone is going to be gunning to lynch blacks and gas Mexicans. Those evil racist whites.

Get a grip.

Just tabloids jerking off their dicks. Their opinion doesn't matter and will never matter.

>Russians are worse than Albanians
No they aren't here, maybe because we're not full cucks like you.

why are you lying all the time?

Same media saying "Trump will never win".

I'm glad at least this election has shown people that only fools listen to the media.

Hope for what? You yourself stated that your endgame is to see minorities discriminated against. If that's what you wish to build forwards to why shouldn't they be afraid?

>If that's what you wish to build forwards to why shouldn't they be afraid?

That's what *I* want, but not what's necessarily going to happen.

There have been tremendous cultural and demographic shifts in the US.

Even if Trump stops all legal immigration it's still going to continue to happen. Most babies born in the United States are non-white. But hey at least it's something.

Yes there are. They just don't openly label themselves as such because that gets you 4 or 5 votes.

Might be a centrist by canadian standards. By euro standards he's some sort of weird caricature of a piece of shit pandering and surrounding himself of far right hardliners, racists, agressive cunts, dollarydoo conservatives and afuggin literal creationist relugious crazy.

We don't have that kind of shit here in Europe, the mere concept of it goes beyond the realm of reality and into a paralel superdumb universe of weird fucking parody of Europe. So the label is complicated but goes somewhere in between the lines of Hitler;the parody and some fuck up retarded hillbilly alt-right.

>discriminated against
Ovens don't discriminate. They burn whatever you throw in them.