Look at these lazy fucking cunts

Look at these lazy fucking cunts

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what is this

average amount of hours worked per year

wtf. I thought Germans were all "arbeit macht frei"?

Thats what we made people believe. We work less than anyone else but in that time actually work. Of all the G7 member-states we are the most productive per hour worked. Average American has like 1850ish hours.

amount of hours per day?

thats impossible

>Mexicans are the hardest working in the world
>Greeks are one of the hardest working
>Japan works less than Portugal

Hold up


Working a lot doest matter if you dont get shit done.

If Germans don't work for very long, then what's their excuse for having such a low birth rate?

I used to work in a clothing company as a vendor, 6 days a week, from 9 am to 10 pm. The store closed at 8pm but you have to stay because you need to do inventory, move shit around, fucking clean (because they don't hire anyone to do that), etc. Of course, those extra hours of work weren't considered at all in your payment.

You can't even sit down for some minutes while you are at it because it is not allowed. You have to clean the windows, arrange the mannequins, and be a security guard at the same time (because they also don't hire those), and whenever someone stole something they discounted it from everyone's paycheck, so they never lose money no matter what. All while you needed to sell at least 300,000 pesos of mercancy a month if you wanted a decent commision (3%).

You have to work on holidays, you have to work on christmas, you have to work on New Year.

They give you one fucking week of vacations a year.

Some people there have not taken vacations in over 3 years because you lose money if you are not selling anything.

You don't like it? Well, you can say goodbye to your work, other millions of idiots are ready to be exploited for even less money.

This fucking place is inhuman. And then I come to a chinese cartoon website to be told by sheltered first worlders that "Mexicans don't really do anything at work" or that "sleeping is not working". Fuck you.

Children are expensive, duh. Only reason I can think of. German life is pretty hilarious, most people hardly work and they still complain about how stressful everything is. We really created some sort of Utopia here in Europe. Highest standard of living, most reliable social systems, the constant need to bitch about virtually anything but at the same time, thanks to our predecessors, we have to hardly work thanks to unions etc.

Leaving Europe really is a daring thought, until you realize how much more you actually have to work in other places and how much less security the government provides for the average citizens.

germans are just work work work on the job.

canadians/anglos usually spend half the time fucking around unless its some minimum wage job.


They're not. Countries with higher hours always do so inefficiently, working equal to lower hours or generally less.

What I read was that in Japan most of the overtime work is not accounted for. So their statistics seem to be wrong.


fuck those lazy fucking cunts

lel, sucks to b u

Germans just figured out how to use their time efficiently before they start to wonder off and fuck around wasting time.

>Of all the G7 member-states we are the most productive per hour worked
3rd among the G7 and 7th overall. Germany just benefits from forcing the euro. It needs to impoverish Southern Germany to boost its exports, and then hands these countries loans so they can buy more German products (which force their own products off the market due to the EU's open border policy).

Germany embodies everything that's wrong with globalism.

Isnt it because of your shitty minijobs?

Should be proud to be on this list. We live in countries with so little corruption and inequality that we can make a living on that few hours per year.

Huh, Southern germany is the most prosperous part.
The rest of germany is to us what greece is to germany.

Bavarian independence when?

Im from Württemberg tho.

Had like 1600 worked hours last year, actually worked was probably 1200 at best.

>tfw work double the average

>germans are productive workers meme


>Nobody has noticed that the ordering is from least to most

And that the funny rhinitis that your boss is working you sown to inefficiency.

uhm, actually everybody has noticed that.
now go back to work you inefficient piece of shit

Because management and work culture steal haven't caught up to the advances of tech and efficiency.

9 to 5 is a delusion because no one works that straight at optimal pace through out and the funny thing is that you get shit done in fewer hours faster then your predecessors years ago.

after you have worked more than 6 hours efficiency drops rapidly. If you work 6 or 10 hours per day at the end you will still have done as much as when you were working 6 hours.

Go back to work instead of being a lazy bum. You have got debts to pay.