Now that the dust has settled how do you really feel about Trump the president?

Now that the dust has settled how do you really feel about Trump the president?

Not Trump the meme.

stop fucking asking


He will fail to fulfill most of his promises and half-ass the remainder.

don't give a shit

More likely he'll only really fulfill the promises that stand to benefit his party and a few wealthy business owners, and then half ass everything else. And once he's out, the republicans will worship him as a hero of the poor like pic related.

Betting pool is open for how long until Trump gets impeached. There is simply no way he can keep his business interests separate from the presidency. It's only a matter of time until he does something blatantly illegal, because he is too dumb to understand he isn't above the law.

He'll resign, the Republicans will wait for him to kinda fuck up then start the impeachment process, he will see this as an out because he doesn't want to be president and will step down


I've been hoping Trump would win since I first heard he was running for presidency. I don't mind him, but can't say much for his policies since all I know is that he wants to strengthen bonds between the U.S of Ayy and Mother Russia

He is way better than the alternative warmongering feminazi


I have a two year bet on President Pence

I'm happy that China is now our greatest ally.

Idgaf really. However, I do have a shit eating grin on my face when i read about salty liberals and butthurt Hillary supporters here in Yourop.

That shit is my guilty pleasure, anyone else?

I want a prostitute wife like his, seems like the mark of a go-getter

He's surrounding himself with extremist lunatics who dispute climate change and establishment men.
It won't end well.

Chicano here
I'll be honest, I was pretty triggered when he won. I didn't come into Sup Forums for like a week after. It'll be business as usual. He's appointing a bunch of your typical Washington establishment puppets to his cabinet, with the exception of a few people. Middle class will take it on the ass again, and the rich will continue to prosper. He already backtracked on the wall, climate change, and gay marriage. At the end of the day, the president will not bail you out on your shitty life. You have to better yourself, and keep up with a changing world. If all you know how to do is operate a machine in some factory, you deserve to be poor.

>backtracked on the wall

you wish

>He's appointing a bunch of your typical Washington establishment puppets to his cabinet, with the exception of a few people.

It's about 50:50

For the first time ever, if feels like I'm watching while the USA could ACTUALLY crumble. By itself.

>I'll be honest, I was pretty triggered when he won. I didn't come into Sup Forums for like a week after.
literally fucking howling, thank you for brightening up my day