Has your coutnry received ukranian inmgirantes or rapefugees?

has your coutnry received ukranian inmgirantes or rapefugees?

how do they bheave? do they work? are they like poles? are they christian and hard working?

Like rural russians
Most of them work on construction sites (probably well enough)
Lol no

We do have shitload of ukranian immigrants not rapefugees tho.

Yeah they mostly are okay. They are mostly uneducated but they are hard working builders I give them that.

do they form mafias and crimes? do they adapt quick?
are they generally educated (superior education?)

Very quick
>are they generally educated
Most of them from tech colleges (lowest tier high education here)

Yeah they make good ditch diggers and toilet cleaners. Definitely better than Muslims if only some of them would stop waving Bandera flags around.

The language sounds like Polish with a funny accent. usually I can understand about 75% of it although sometimes I have to think about things carefully to understand what's being said.

Hohols dont rape. They are just really fucking dumb and work in some factory for 600€ month

are they low iq? do they emigrate in droves?

do they get along with locals?

Yes. I really don't know much about them, as they're pretty chill and integrated. They have some particular traditions and there are both Catholics and Orthodoxs among them.

You can find most of them near Curitiba

They're literally just the same as every other Canadian but they build giant easter eggs and populate the entire Prairies.

Also pyrogies.

Idk but 1 drunk ukrainian attacked my mom with knife and poisoned our cat later

Well, the ones that come are dumb most of the time. They dont really come in packs, its just one country away so its easy to come.

Depends on individuals but since they are slavs aswell once they learn language they can blend in, their children integrate completely


Pelmeni. Pierogi are polish.

They're same as russians, desu. Tho their women are little sluttier than russian ones, if that even possible.

Large celebratory ellipoids?


Argentina had a few

do they reproduce a lot and have manuy childrens ?

why do they like egg? is their cuisine good?

Once upon a time, in a backwater village of the Austrian Empire, there lived a man with Down's Syndrome who was known to locals as Slow Vak. This disability did not prevent Slow Vak from having 20 children with his own sister all of whom then had children with each other. In a few generations, Slow Vak's descendants numbered in the millions, all of them completely inbred and mentally retarded. Eventually they even started to claim themselves as a separate nation even though there is no record of their language existing before 1905.

thats your old diaspora
what about the new wave?

>has your coutnry received ukranian inmgirantes or rapefugees?
Ironically Russia. More than a million hohols came in here. Only in my 280K city we have around 5k refugees from Ukraine.

most ukranians and eastern euros are just strippers, hookers, imported wives in joburg

is their cuisine good? does it blend with your own cuisine?

do they have many babeis or are in decline like russu
