What are somethings we can look forward to from the Brazil Olympics?

What are somethings we can look forward to from the Brazil Olympics?

>Sailors hitting trash in the bay
>Unfinished and crumbling infrastructure
>Tons of spectators being robbed
>Some gratuitous beach shots of ASS
>Some government protests

Add to the list.

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Probably at least one murder of an athlete.

Song related.

Bangladesh taking home the gold

>chicken legs
pick one



Straya with the good Banter.

The god tier traps

Someone make a better one


Remember the days prior to 2014 World Cup? everyone shitting on brazil for bad infrastructure and delayed stadium openings and it turned out to be one of the best (if not the best) WC ever.

does she have a cock?

It was great for everyone but Brazil

>one sport
>the only sport you're good at

nice try


every fucking time lol


How have those stadiums been doing since then, by the way?

I'll gladly get zika if it means fucking this trap.


You don't have to swim in a river of shit to play soccer.

The swimming events delayed because they haven't filled the pools with water yet


It's like faith



>people from all over the world go to Brazil 2016
>all of them contract zika virus from the mosquitoes
>come back to their own countries, the mosquitoes in the native population then have it
>WHO catastrophe

My dad used to go on business in brazil in the late 90's. He said it was a shithole then and it's a shithole now.

Though I'm pretty sure he banged some nice brazilian bunda because my mom always gives him a dirty look when he talks about brazil.

kek hates brazil

Daily reminder

one thing we can definitely expect is


>literally WHO

> 7 - 1
> -
> 1

Don't forget Zika!

great. like 30% of them are used on lower divisions but it also increased the level of the non-WC stadiums overall. rarely we see a shit stadium or pitch like before the wc.

well it was fucked up, but no one really loves international football, does it? I was happy we had a great tournment. would come back in time to watch again anytime

Brazil has an infrastructure of 0

Much worse than USA's infrastructure of 100



>Kermits asshole
Holy shit my allergies I can't breathe bruh too funny bantz to the max


the bangladesh post about the qatar WC is gold too.


Traps desu senpai

>Remember the days prior to 2014 World Cup? everyone shitting on brazil for bad infrastructure and delayed stadium openings and it turned out to be one of the best (if not the best) WC ever.
you STILL don't understand that you should have spent that money on schools and hospitals, instead?
stay 3rd world, Brazil.

Is this the work of the mods or the gods?

>if not the best
Not even close.
>England '66
>Mexico '70
>Mexico '86
>Italy '90
>South Korea/Japan '02
All far better.

can't wait for everything to go unreported

lol at huetards who engage in damage control.
tons of people got robbed in the world cup, it doesn't become news until one gets killed. guess that's "celebration" worthy huh
one foreign journalist did die in a car crash though, taxi collided with a robber's car trying to escape the police.

as for the olympics, the sailing event will be disgusting. the government will only remove the superficial trash, but the bay is infected with sewage and smells awful. They should have moved the event to another city within 50km radius.
I don't actually care though, it could be super-successful in terms of attendance and safety, but at the end d of the day it's a huge waste of money, lots of white elephants spread through the city, places most people need to make a 2h travel to reach, a fucking golf course, a cycling arena and all that crap good for nothing. just good 'white elephants athens' to get the feel for it.

*just google

>Not including USA '94



Uneventful tbqh

These can't be traps.


Can't use google?

Keep your faggotry where it belongs, defect.

Some great and I mean great fucking trannieS.

I got a webm of /gif/ the other day of this guy eating a Brazil trannies ass (she was 9/10 with a nice fat ass) in the middle of the street at night for like a solid minute. I mean he was really going to town on her ass and he didn't wanna stop. And all the other hot trannies egging him on. Jerked to it a few times. Is post it if I weren't on my phone.

>no 7-1


The only reason he stops is cause she pulls her panties up. He woulda ate that ass till his tongue fell out. I'd kill for more of her. Wonder what her dick looks like


There is in fact a god. I didn't believe but now I KNOW.

There's going to be a lot of



This. Congratulations, you leased a Ferrari for a few months despite living in a slummy apartment and in debt of to your ass! You're doing great!!!!





Literally no point in looking forward to it as a sports competition, I want to see the candid stories that come out from journalists and tourists of people getting raped/killed

I just want thick tranny ass tbqh

>death march will literally result in death
Can't wait

Zyka outbreaks!


Nice, I remember those tears. I was so happy.

You didn't even know what football was back then!!!!!!


can't get away from it

lots of shitty hue music

Meme Magic strikes again


Where's the rape?
That should be on the free space or something
