Why are they so poor?

Why are they so poor?

Aren't they literally communist state right now?


Because Russians don't let people have nice things

The major industries are taken by Russians.
And Moldovan language is kept wretched such that the developed education cannot be provided with it.

>it's all Russia's fault episode

Ukraine cucked them from the sea

The only fully communist/socialist state left is Cuba.

Because communism

Best Corea?

it's always russia's fault

Because they went full Ukraine post '89, not like smart Central Euro countries who actually transformed their system from socialist to capitalist.

> they

Who they? We, or Moldovans don't have any choice.

Because it is inhabited by rromanians

The eternal Ivan is to blame.

Moldovans. At least you were left with some post-soviet industry and strong agriculture, while Moldovans... they don't have anything.
Why you fucked your country up so much after USSR collapse? In 1990 Poland and Ukraine GDP were almost equal. And now this is a massive gap.

for 25 years oligarchat deeply took roots and we need someone with balls and without lust for money to stop this

>we need someone with balls and without lust for money to stop this
I think that's the problem of all Russkiy Mir since years

well, well, well

when talking about eastern europe's misery, 9 out of 10 it is

> poland
> central europe

fascists in disguise

because the eu has been throwing money at poland for a decade

what do the colors mean? origin?

Switched to something called Juche in the 80's I believe.

They were actually richer than Romania until 1992 when Transdnistrian war happenned. They were left out without any industry and huge debt. Now they are struck in poverty with farming based economy and uneducated population who still wishes to be a part of ussr.
