What happens here?

What happens here?

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A bunch of El Salvadorians have moved into my county.
They're better than Mexicans, but their Spanish sounds fucking bad.

>named their cunt after a jew on a stick

This. A buddy of mine is from there, nothing but murder, cocaine, more murder and more cocaine.

Found the mara

sup ese mara

Murder, corruption, drugs, dumb hordes, some few nice places.

a weird war.


Maras and pupusas

I've never really understood pupusas, they're basically gorditas but with less filling

Mexico's mexico's mexico


Probably drugs and cartels like every other country there.

Tell me about the Central American, why does he murder so much?

There are poorer and more criminal places in the world, but why do these people in particular have such a blatant disregard for human life?

"Gorditas generally have more filling than pupusas (hence the name gordita—"little fatty")"



25% of Salvadoran men are in a gang of some sort

Wtf I hate my country now

Just so you know that war didn't started because of a football match. It just happened that we started to kill each other while our two national teams were playing (not in the stadium but our armies on the streets).

wow, these obviously real numbers can justify a US military invasion, isn't it? I'm kinda sure they got oil too, so double reason.

It's higher than that.

Actually it's a product of the US. You see back in the day, they deported thousands of gang members back to central america. Now these same gang bangers multiplied themselves in central america and bam destroyed their own countries.

They need to enforce the military force to kill them all otherwise there's no fix.

Cute girls
Ugly dudes
Nice bitches and mountains
And... corruption

You have no clue how bad the situation is dude.
I know a Salvadoran family that came during the civil war. Great people, they talk all the time how they miss their family and the culture but are too scared to go back.

Why do you keep living in that shithole? Move somewhere else. Save your sanity and your future.

>You have no clue how bad the situation is dude.
It can't be worst than Mexico Tbh.

It's worse, El Salvador has higher homicides.

They're already done everything short of breaking out tanks and fighter bombers dude, none of it works.

What the government really needs to do is broker a peace between the gang leaders and take steps to rehabilitate those that can still be saved.

Low Middle class life here is pretty good, and the country is nice overall. But yeah, when I finish my studies in college I will definitively move, the corruption here is something you just see in Somalia or something like that.

It's much worse desu. Mexico at least has some control over major cities.

Them making a peace agreement with gangs is what made this country worst, gangsters need to be exterminated we like it or not, they're just subhumans that can't be introduced into a normal working society.

Reality is Mexico could destroy narcos easily, but that would destroy the income of some political entities.

We are dont really that bad frog

They're fucked then, they should just ask US so they can send their military power there in exchange for resources.

Gangs can be stopped by our own government, gangsters are rats living in mud houses, they're not intelligent nor as organized as Mexican cartels. The only reason for why the government doesn't do anything is because they steal all the money that could be used for police and military equipment, and if they not steal the money they sell the military armament to Mexican cartels.

The reallity is that you can't destroy narcos until you take their primary source of income, that just so happens to be the most lucrative business in the world. It doesn't help that a lot of the people who are after them are corrupt and incompetent as fuck, but a billion dollar industry gives a giant edge against corrupt people, and even against law abiding people when the options are either money or the murders of not only you, but your family.

It is not as if we are not trying to exterminate them. We are, and the army is actually doing such a great work at doing it that it has raised human rights concerns over the world. The result? It is not working because we can't kill our way out of this.




Our fault?



according to wiki maps maras have heavy presence in mexico

shouldn't have deported them?
or shouldn't have allowed them in the us in the first place?

inb4 americans should educate their kids and violence in mexico will stop

You just verified what I said, the Mexican Army can utterly btfo the cartels, just as the Salvadoran government could with their gangs, our "leaders" simply don't want to do it.

Americans should educate their kids and violence in Mexico will stop

Both of your answers are kinda true. But the problem was that the majority of the people that later founded gangs in USA didn't immigrate to the USA for economic reason but for security reason given that their neighborhoods were being massacred by death squads founded and trained by the USA. When they were in the USA they faced a lot of discrimination by Americans and Chicano gangs so they formed their own to protect themselves from them. Then your government deported them all back here knowing that we wouldn't be capable of stopping them because our country was in a bad state because our civil war just had ended.

>Cute girls

I ve never have seen or heared of Mara presence in here, i think they are in the shithole of Chiapas

>On March 7, 1980, two weeks before the assassination of Oscar Romero, a state of siege had been instituted in El Salvador, and the war against the population began in force (with continued US support and involvement). The first major attack was a big massacre at the Rio Sumpul, a coordinated military operation of the Honduran and Salvadoran armies in which at least 600 people were butchered. Infants were cut to pieces with machetes, and women were tortured and drowned. Pieces of bodies were found in the river for days afterwards. There were church observers, so the information
came out immediately, but the mainstream US media didn’t think it was worth reporting.
>Peasants were the main victims of this war, along with labor organizers, students, priests or anyone suspected of working for the interests of the people. In Carter’s last year, 1980, the death toll reached about 10,000, rising to about 13,000 for 1981 as the Reaganites took command.
>The news wires carried a story by AP correspondent Douglas Grant Mine, reporting how soldiers had entered a working-class neighborhood in the capital city of San Salvador, captured six men, added a 14-year-old boy for good measure, then lined them all up against a wall and shot them. They "were not priests or human rights campaigners," Mine wrote, "so their deaths have gone largely unnoticed"-as did his story.
>The Jesuits were murdered by the Atlacatl Battalion, an elite unit created, trained and equipped by the United States. It was formed in March 1981, when fifteen specialists in counterinsurgency were sent to El Salvador from the US Army School of Special Forces. From the start, the Battalion was engaged in mass murder. A US trainer described its soldiers as "particularly ferocious….We’ve always had a hard time getting them to take prisoners instead of ears."

We should've killed them in the spot.

Oh. I retire what I said.

>In December 1981, the Battalion took part in an operation in which over a thousand civilians were killed in an orgy of murder, rape and burning. Later it was involved in the bombing of villages and murder of hundreds of civilians by shooting, drowning and other methods. The vast majority of victims were women, children and the elderly.

No they can't corruption and infiltration has made them staggeringly incompetent and our security budget is a pittance compared to narco profits, the government doesn't have the means or the will to do it, and human right violations are off the roof as it is without the government comiting to total war.

Then again, letr's keep things in proportion, violence in Colombia and Brazil is twice as bad

The short version is:
1. Personally I am against drugs (I include alcohol, which is a drug), I do not consume anything other than coffee, I do not promote them and I don't like to be with people when they are under their influence.
2. I think that sometimes consumers overreach themselves by claiming that their hobbies are totally innocuous.
3. I believe that anti-drugs movements are even more vastly overstretched by painting frightening and false scenarios on drug use.
4. I believe that everyone has the right to use drugs as part of their freedom to do with their body what they want (as long as it does not directly harm those around them).
5. Prohibition has not worked. On the contrary, and the price has been paid with money, resources and lives to combat drugs, and the damage is colossally higher than what would be paid if they were legal, if those who consume them could have access to a quality-controlled product with reliable information about what they are and what it does, and treat the addiction with professional support (without moral shit).
6. I defend the total and absolute decriminalization of consumption for responsible adults, the control of production, its integration in the economy and what it could contribute to the public treasury resources that may serve to encourage the aforementioned at the end of point 5.

>You just verified what I said
Really? Look at what happened when we tried to exterminate them with the army since 10 years ago. Cartels are still here and the murder rate almost tripled. Their industry is as alive as it was 10 years before despite the fact that we are killing them all.

It is a fucking stupid approach that has cost us hundreds of thousands of lives. AND IT IS NOT WORKING.

>The Atlacatl Battalion was being trained by US Special Forces shortly before murdering the Jesuits. This has been a pattern throughout the Battalion’s existence-some of its worst massacres have occurred when it was fresh from US training.
> In the "fledgling democracy" that was El Salvador, teenagers as young as 13 were scooped up in sweeps of slums and refugee camps and forced to become soldiers. They were indoctrinated with rituals adopted from the Nazi SS, including brutalization and rape, to prepare them for killings that often have sexual and satanic overtones.
The nature of Salvadoran army training was described by a deserter who received political asylum in Texas in 1990, despite the State Department’s request that he be sent back to El Salvador. (His name was withheld by the court to protect him from Salvadoran death squads.)
>According to this deserter, draftees were made to kill dogs and vultures by biting their throats and twisting off their heads, and had to watch as soldiers tortured and killed suspected dissidents-tearing out their fingernails, cutting off their heads, chopping their bodies to pieces and playing with the dismembered arms for fun.
>In another case, an admitted member of a Salvadoran death squad associated with the Atlacatl Battalion, Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez, detailed the involvement of US advisers and the Salvadoran government in death-squad activity. The Bush administration has made every effort to silence him and ship him back to probable death in El Salvador, despite the pleas of human rights organizations and requests from Congress that his testimony be heard. (The treatment of the main witness to the assassination of the Jesuits was similar.)

Things get really graphic and disturbing here.
>The results of Salvadoran military training are graphically described in the Jesuit journal America by Daniel Santiago, a Catholic priest working in El Salvador. He tells of a peasant woman who returned home one day to find her three children, her mother and her sister sitting around a table, each with its own decapitated head placed carefully on the table in front of the body, the hands arranged on top "as if each body was stroking its own head."
>The assassins, from the Salvadoran National Guard, had found it hard to keep the head of an 18-month-old baby in place, so they nailed the hands onto it. A large plastic bowl filled with blood was tastefully displayed in the center of the table.
>According to Rev. Santiago, macabre scenes of this kind aren’t uncommon. People are not just killed by death squads in El Salvador-they are decapitated and then their heads are placed on pikes and used to dot the landscape. Men are not just disemboweled by the Salvadoran Treasury Police; their severed genitalia are stuffed into their mouths. Salvadoran women are not just raped by the National Guard; their wombs are cut from their bodies and used to cover their faces. It is not enough to kill children; they are dragged over barbed wire until the flesh falls from their bones, while parents are forced to watch.

God damn it why did I read all that...

so, none of them were violent at all to begin with? they became violent in the US? if they were not criminals why did they have to protect themselves? and you say chicano gangs, do you mean the children of law obedient mexican immigrants joined gangs because they learned violence from americans?

yeah, it could be the map just shows presence per country

Source of this shit?

If it's true, let's nuke el salvador. Nothing of value will be lost.

>decriminalization of consumption
even hard drugs like heroin? it is getting more a and more common because of the huge supply from mexico. of course more and more people get addicted as supply keeps growing. but you basically blame the demand from the us.

Chiapas is actually not as bad as other places when it comes to violence, it's a downright fucking calm oasis compared to Tamaulipas and Sinaloa, Maras have a pressence all along the migrant's route, although they tend to lay low in areas no middle class Mexican will visit, they're a stronger pressence in the border with the US however, they indirectly work as low level operators for the cartels, which brings me to the other reason you don't see m,uch of them in Mexico anyway, they do eventually move into the US, the more conservative cartels like Sinaloa absolutely despise them.

>if they were not criminals why did they have to protect themselves?

Because they were not criminals?? Gangs in LA didn't like Salvadorans so they usually beat the shit out of them

>and you say chicano gangs, do you mean the children of law obedient mexican immigrants joined gangs because they learned violence from americans?

What? I'm not Mexican so I don't know about that

What even is your point? That supply is more important than demand? That people either magically don't use drugs or that drugs are hard to get just because they are illegal?

If people want to use heroine, let them do it. They are going to do it anyway. And it better be real heroine as opposed to a 50% heroine and 50% bleach mix or whatever the fuck they put in the mix so they can make more money with less produce.

My GF is from here

They have Senegalese ancestry but they deny it.

Murder and drugs


A state from the federation.




Who is they?? Every educated Salvadoran knows that we have African blood, because, you know, slaves just didn't magically disappear.

well i don't know what my point is, because i am not sure if there is a solution. some of you guys are under the opinion that there is some consiparcy and the CIA wants it this way. but meme asides, it is a vicious circle. i don't know what's more important, supply or demand. i mean even if you somehow hurt their business, it is not like they will suddenly stop being violent criminals and go to work instead? they are well organized, they are violent, they are not afraid of anything, how do you stop them. even if the situation improves in the us, there are still other countries with heavy drug use, especially brazil, and they narcos probably collaborate with cartles too?

t. .1 percent Oceanian

Bunch of fags claiming islands that they don't deserve.

>5.5% black


It's as much as 7 percent on some gedmatch tests, undoubtedly some of the unassigned is african ancestry

Say that to my face

If you hurt their business they will stop having billions of dollars to corrupt the system even more. They would still be sick violent fucks, but they would have a tremendous amount of less power and influence, and they would be way easier to deal with.

Think of this as the prohibition time in the US. Legilizing alcohol didn't stop them, but it certainly took a lot of power from them.

And about the rest of the world, not only would it take away the biggest market away from them, but the route would no longer involve Mexico in the case of Brazil.

>El salvador
>nothing worth to save

i love ES :3

next time we won't stop

This has a simple solution. Give us the islands. Then you guys won't have a dispute. Happy ending.

I'm sorry bro, but seeing that genetic study I would recommend you to dump her as soon as possible. 100% sure she will look like this in the future



Francisco Morizan did nothing wrong

I lov gutmala, 2

It was a fake story after all


Why is it "fake" just because it's from Noam Chomsky's web page?

Well her mothers top qt too, they look white 2bh

>defending liberal scum

i wish something could be done to at least prevent money laundering with the help of big banks around the world. that is fucking pathetic. but when so much money is at stake, it is all about greed.

>Ugly dudes
most qts i've seen have been dudes

yes. that commie is nuts.

He's not a communist.

She is genetically a lot more non-white than white, I have doubts about that, but maybe they are an exceptional case

I made a bread about El Salvador in the morning but it 404e'd.
I'm glad someone made this, i love my neighbors tbqh. El Salvador has great beaches, nice people and cool places to visit.

That honduran man was based. You don't like his idea of an unified Central America?

Obviously but when you are mixed like that both parents can pass on recessive european genes for skin color and such. She used to think she was completely european before this test

No way, bro, I mean the ones who look like Southern Europeans are generally good looking, but mestizos are very ugly in general

>nice beaches
Can comfirm, they are nice

Look at Portugal. They decriminalized all drugs in 2001. Consumption of hard drugs have dropped.