Who would win this, though?


Other urls found in this thread:


>beat the world's most powerful empire
>cant beat communist farmers
I don't know which of you is worse.

The one that had aid from evey other European Empire at the time?

communist farmers was a stalemate, bro. It was propaganda that decided that war, not military strength

>random illiterate farmers
basically brits abroad
It was a civil war because America hadn't been formed then, so how could America have won dwayne? :^)

im not just saying it, but we really didnt put enough soldiers and resources into the war in america, india was where all the business was and we just didnt see america as a priority, at the time it was more hassle than it was worth and lives were being lost for nothing.
of course if we wanted to, we would have put more forces in america and wiped you out, of course france made it a lot harder and in turn they won the war for you.

we stayed loyal, we're still loyal... when will the Englishmen come home to unite us and save us from the eastern hordes

>le create same thread every day because you have nothing better to do


>beat the world's most powerful empire
The British empire at the time was tiny and had a massive over reliance on German mercenaries who all got murdered by George Washington on Christmas.

Id just like to point out that to kill men on Christmas was incredibly dishonorable and disregards the most basic rules of civilized engagement

good post

>we would have put more forces in america and wiped you out
That sounds easy nowadays, but think about it in context of 18th century logistical capabilities and you realize that the British Empire couldn't realistically pull that off. The colonies were simply too far away to be controlled effectively by Parliament.

After US independence, the British empire created the industrial revolution and became the mightiest nation in the world for over a century. Meanwhile, illiterate Americans were genociding Indians and whipping black slaves.

I'm the first one to cheer for the removal of eternal Anglo, but refusing to admit that the British came out of that war as the most successful country is stupid.

>After US independence, the British empire created the industrial revolution
The Watt steam engine existed before the American revolution m8.

The US has had the world's largest economy since 1860, less than a century after the Revolution.

you too will go the way of all empires

Not disputing that tbqh, we'll probably go back to being isolationist like we were prior to WW2.

Mate its only a matter of time before North America looks like Europe, just a mess of bickering states living in the after glow of glory trying to grasp at the left over scraps of a fading dream

The brits indeed.

>having civilized engagement in war

typical american thing to say, while I bet you also complain about the tactics implemented in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

>I bet you also complain about the tactics implemented in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Nope. Go fuck yourself faggot

so do you think that all things are justified in war? anything goes?


what of the rape of children as war loot?

>The US has had the world's largest economy since 1860
I call that bullshit, source?


>It's like you can't read

well mate it seems to me well I'm not here to judge but you lack even the most basic levels of civility... its a shame because in order for a civilization to last it requires at least a basic level I hope your not the majority within the us


Well ok if you're going to be this much of a faggot then I guess I will try to give you a serious answer.
No, raping children as war loot is not ok; that is just fulfilling evil desires and does nothing to actually win a war. But yes, killing your enemy on Christmas is fine. If you literally are going to go so far as to do something like kill people, it should only be because you firmly believe that it is the right thing to do. If something like it being Christmas makes you not willing to kill them, then you probably don't actually think you are 100% justified in killing them in the first place and shouldn't be killing them at all on any day.

How does raping kids help you win faster?

That's fair and logical, and I agree with you somewhat. And you think American Independence was worth it? I only ask because where I went to school we kinda view it as pointless and rather silly, but its a bias view I'm sure.

Go all out or go fucking home, m8. You just get more people killed if you try to keep war "civilized."

Why do you think our occupation of those two ME shitholes was such an abysmal failure?

somebody make this for California vs usa

because you had and still have no idea what you where doing. If Mother England had taken the advance and occupation a new government, Police force,local and foreign military force would be organized and stationed in a fortnight. I know take it from me my family own "payed" workers till the 90s.

Worth it if only because it means I get to drink your salty anglo tears.

That's the difference. We wanted to keep them "independent." Not make them a colony.

Instead we kept handing power back to the locals and expecting them to know how to fucking run a country.

fair on all accounts