Why girls from the yellow areas like dark men so much? It's ridiculous

Why girls from the yellow areas like dark men so much? It's ridiculous

I thought blonde men were preferred by all girls

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AKA Liberalism for you

everyone wants what they can't have

>I thought blonde men were preferred by all girls
Not really. Lack of melanine is a disfunction and women are genetically programmed to seek out strongest genes.

>Why girls from the yellow areas like dark men so much?

Cause the man from the dark areas are not really interested in germr girl and prefer getting a local pussy. Anyways, It is harder and harder, that is why there are some many south-north yurop couples.

they don't

I'm sure they don't

What did they mean by this?

Read that book sometimes.
It's filled so with so much butthurt for not getting a finnish girl that it makes Sup Forums a place of peace in comparison.

>book written by an american jew accurately portrays the wants of finnish women
good goy

Non-Europeans like white men.
Good that I am a Greek.

even an american jew knows more about finnish women than finns

Haha really?

Fucking hell.


Pole girls love bbc too

Your sluts are the most notorious race mixers in western countries

>I thought blonde men were preferred by all girls

Attractive men are preferred by all girls regardless of hair color. The most attractive ones just happen to be European, who can blonde, brown haired or dark haired.

Seriously. That guy spend a lot of time there, and never ever got laid once. And most funny, and really sad, is that he thinks it's due to finns not taking him as their own, not because his communication skills suck major dick and he is really cringy.

And you're a Turk.

Girls don't actually care about looks as much as men do.

They prefer all traits associated with being masculine, for example being dominant, assertive, confident, etc. And funny of course. You HAVE to be funny in order to attract girls. Girls only have to look decent.

You truly showed me, jakub.

They don't, you jackass.

2/10 made me reply

In a modern society, girls don't care about any this. It's all about attractiveness, always has been actually, but now it's more than ever before.




Am i only one or is the hand position of the girl kind of defensive?

Dude, you're just plain wrong.

Of course looks matter but women can be attracted to other masculine traits too, like high social status, which men don't really care about when choosing partner.

It's much about attractiveness yes, but it's not ALL about it

True, if you are attractive everything is much easier even if your social skills reach the autism.

Blond is for children and women, but looks strange on men desu senpai


>that flag


Agreed. Darker = more masculine

Have you seen a hairy chested blond?

Not exactly feminine at all...

If anything, some white people dehidrated, wich is rather off putting.


hello brother, LMAO at these incels coping

Most retarded thread premise ever.

You only perceive a greater interaftion between blonde girls and dark men because it's what you pay attention to the most.

It's what gets your blood flowing, your emotions running, it adds a little spice to your life.

Since you can't tell that reality might be different from your fun selection bias, you assume the samples you've gathered (internet cuck porn and racial identity politics circle-jerking) reflect reality.

Meanwhile these yellow-haired sluts are actually taking all cocks and just having small amounts of babies with other blond men, a small proportion of actual interacial breeding excepted.

>if you are attractive everything is much easier even if your social skills reach the autism.
That didn't stop Eliot from going on a shooting rampage because he couldn't get a blonde waifu despite being handsome and having a BMW.

t. autists who don't know what they're talking about

Don't want to give these lookism/sluthate guys any credit, but people who say "DUDE CONFIDENCE IS EVERYTHING LMAO" are just as wrong as those who focus on "negative chalandrical tilts".

Women don't want to date an ugly manlet, neither do they an autist. But men who say "dude if youre a guy looks dont matter at all haha just have SMV" are wrong.

Elliot was ugly. White Los Angeles girls like WHITE guys. Chris Hemsworth or Henvy Cavill look alikes, anything else they discard instantly.


This is what uggos tell themselves before going to sleep every night to give him hope.

>high social status is a masculine trait

Yes I would say it's a balance of attractiveness + personality, unlike what the other anons are saying that it's 100% looks.

You need to get out more.

you damn well know why

>There's something in the faces of brown-eyed white men that makes them come off as more dominant than their blue-eyed peers, a new study suggests. And it isn't their eye color.

>The results were the same in both cases: Faces of brown-eyed men were rated more dominant than those of blue-eyed men, even when their eyes weren't brown.

>There are now half a dozen different genes that influence whether someone will have blue or brown eyes. One possibility, according to the researchers, is that these same genes that confer eye color have other effects on the body or are in close proximity to other genes that do, such as those that regulate the production of testosterone.

>Kleisner said it's conceivable that women's sexual choices could be enhancing the link between eye color and face shape. He and his colleagues point to evidence that women have competing preferences for dominant males as sexual partners and less dominant males as mates.


nature and science commands women to seek darker males

I don't know who's Elliott, but when I say autism I mean not putting much effort into women, of course if there is not any interaction nothing will happen even being Brad Pitt.



They want to fuck black guys but not breed with them tho.
I'd bang a black girl's ass if I had the slight opportunity to do it

I lived in Los Angeles for 5 years, i know how it is if you have a white girl fetish, i can understand why Elliot went nuts.
