Why are the light skinned regions of third world countries always have superiority complex about dark skinned regions?

Why are the light skinned regions of third world countries always have superiority complex about dark skinned regions?

You are all fucked, embrace yourselves.

Onda vital tio coño

T B H they're psychologically fucked from the caste system they had for centuries.

Turks and Kurds, North Indians and South Indians...

dale dale toca de aca "gaznápido" AAAAAAAAAAJ

shouldn't you say "we" rather than "they"?

I think it's a Southern European thing.


that's classism though, not racism

not our fault that, historically speaking, brown and nigger people are poorer

It's not just a complex, it's a fact.

We had no caste system.

turks and kurds have no caste system? because kurds aren't turkish?


This, they don't get that discrimination here is about how you speak, dress,your neighborhood, etc. You can be blond and still get called "negro cabeza" here if you're ghetto. The race=culture here isn't that defined like in USA or Europe.

Nope, they are Iranian.

Uruguay is the lightest skinned country of this region, right?

Their GSV looks disgusting. You're all fucked, embrace your third world brothers.

just a little correction, it IS defined by race in USA
a black person that acts decently would be called "oreo" and rejected by niggers. segregation is strong there so interracial relationships are considered "sexual trasgression", which explains the fetish
all of this is important for them, not for us

kurds are kurds though
USA should create Kurdistan in Iraq already, if UK created Israel then why not

thats kurds don't want to be turkish because of the discrimination

>all these threads about LATAM lately

Why all this obsession?

I mean they are their own ethnic group speaking an Iranian language.

Kurds should not be Turks, we should be assimilated as few shitskins as we possibly can.

Kurds are literally darker than kurds.

Because your obsession with being white and your insecurity makes the banter against you very easy to make, just like Americans.

>lightest skinned country

Tbh i only see that with Argies and South BR.

you are going in circles

you are darker than the portugese

Rio is better than ~white~ southern States, nice try tho.

Caste discrimination is different from racism.

Who the fuck wants to live in Rio? I would never live in Rio.

I'm /mulatinho/ and proud

>I would never live in Rio.
That's good, we're full. Don't come.

>implying shitskins are a different race from shitskins

Even Dominicans and Bolivians are insecure. They pick the lightest region and shit in the darkest region.

I found this pic in hispachan.

>social class = race
this is where your mistake is

I can literally differentiate between Kurds and Turks just from their appearance.

These three girls are Kurdish and they barely look different from Turkish cast on Turkish soap operas.

So you are no different from Latin America.

But you're wrong. I see these people every day. It's obvious these are Kurds.

The ones fucked are whiteys tho

northern italy is way up the map
italy reminds me of a flipped brazil whote north nigger south

dude i can totally tell they're kurds

and the difference is that turks are racists while we're classists
race =/= caste


I believe the argentos are the most obsessed with loving the white cock.

The rest are just mindfucked by the caste system. They reject their amerindian DNA.




love argentina

I fucking love you too

North Brazil and South Brazil is AUTISM. Most BR posters are autists.

The whitest BR poster from /luso/ is a guy from fucking Ceará, North Brazil.


Why Argentinians see themselves as blonde?

>b*rgers in charge of grammar

love 2

White Brazil is not really different from Europe. In time, all of Brazil won't be.

Forgot image

>is not really different from Europe. In time, all won't be
i shiver to the implications

There is no "all".

I always laugh hard with these cherrypickings from imageboards

I am as affected by Latin Americans as a Chinese people is being grouped with them.

Why do all this meme montages have English messages ? You retards, our population is basically monolingual. Why would them manifest with english messages ?

it's in english because it says London. right lower corner
next time i'll check i saved the enlarged pic, my bad

Because refugees don't bother to learn the main language.

Do you even go out

Then why would people call shariah for France in London of all places ?

brits hate the french?

Refugees (here at least) are busy making makeshift camps and are usually not wearing this kind of attire

The white parts here are as fucked as the shitskin ones albeit in a different manner.

But still fucked anyways

Castelhano viado. Lembrete de que nunca perdemos uma guerra para vocês.

its like our version of the american dream.
we also killed all thee indios, the blacks and were bf of nazis :D

It's funny because the same thing happens in Europe.

Why moor shits are so obsessed with latam, anyways?

>andalucía is dragging us down
>south italy is dragging us down
>the deep south is dragging us down
etc, etc

Is that first part aimed at the US?
Because we don't actually have segregation in the same old sense, but a shit ton of social stratification, that people do more to themselves now days.
Also a black person who gets a job, and tries to be a decent human being isn't exactly a rare thing in many places.
Where did you get your information?