Do people of your understand Fascism? What are their views on it?

Do people of your understand Fascism? What are their views on it?

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politics are for pol

Some do, most don't

Everyone views it negatively except the self aware fascists and a portion of the alt-right who romanticizes it without actually knowing what it is

Shut up jorge

Do you see yourself as one?

No, I believe I'm in a gray zone where I have classical liberal ideas but have an economic sense of restrained restraints, i.e. regulated regulations that prevent abuses by corporations but ensure their prosperity through mutual suffering between worker and business

Compromise, that is

another quality post from leaf

Not even modern "fascists" know what fascism was. Most of the regular far right guys think it's the same thing as national socialism, but Mussolini wasn't a race ideologist for example.


this also applies to the lefties tho.

>Self aware fascists
I haven't actually seen leftists support fascism openly, though there certainly are fascist leftists

I think your misconception stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of fascism.

Refer to OP pic please.

>I haven't actually seen leftists support fascism openly
i have, cos they dont know what it actually means most of the time.

Fascism is as universally hated as anarchism, whats your point?
To anarchism lies a wall too, so by that logic there should be one wall, with anarchists sitting on one side and fascists on the other

Regardless, there isn't consensus on a true definition of fascism, what with the entire thing being so muddied. I'd like to know which one you're using

And more to the point, a single info-graphic is not representative of reality; especially since it is obviously rhetorical propaganda

Rapid city, what sort of a name is that?

No, they'll dub anything they dislike as fascism.

Leading to pearls such as
>You value individuals over the collective? YOU FASCIST PIG

It's named after Rapid Creek, which is a wonderful little thing that flooded and killed 237 people in a few hours back in '72

We then used children to find the corpses buried in the mud, payed them ten dollars per hour

Simpler times


Why do all fascists act like edgy 14 year olds?

You're too much of a retard to ever understand any concepts

I do.

I also understand that it is a shit tier ideology along with every other form of dictatorship out there.

Democracy and the Free market always have been the best option for humanity, they still are, they still always will be. Do not deceive yourself into thinking that some fascist utopia would be ideal; it wouldn't. And to find that out, you'd simply need to read history.

>He just accused me of acting like an idiot
>I'll just call him retarded, that will show him

I'm not trying to "show him" anything. It's a statement of fact.


>Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, the most imperialistic elements of the financial capital... Fascism is neither the government beyond classes nor the government of the petty bourgeois or the lumpen-proletariat over the financial capital. Fascism is the government of the financial capital itself. It is an organized massacre of the working class and the revolutionary slice of peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in its foreign policy is the most brutal kind of chauvinism, which cultivates zoological hatred against other peoples
Nuff said.

And if you ask if I support it, no, I'm over 18

You could have just you didn't understand what it was.


Sounds like Russia desu

Yes. Our modern government is the finanical capital armed with foreign technology

For those who don't know, the Soviet Union used the word "Fascist" instead of "Nazi" or "National Socialist" because it sounded too close to the way they were calling themselves and would have reminded people of the germano-soviet pact.

It why even in those day and age the left still use the word "fascist" rather than "nazi" as an insult, eventhough Fascism was pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Nobody does because the definition is too ambiguous

Actually, because of this way to explain what fascism really is . The Dimitrov's definition was the main definition of fascism in the Union (and, probably, in the rest of the Warshaw block)

>Listening to a retarded communist

>not coming up with something better

Fascism is the embodiment of the traditional worldview, as it
manifests in the modern world. This means fascism is primarily
concerned with truth, which is to say, with objective reality. It
also means that while fascism is not an ideology,fascists
can employ ideologies to deal with specific circumstances when
the need arises.
Fascism cannot be compared with ideologies like capitalism or
communism, since those are simply alternate methods to reach
the same goal (ie. the greatest comfort and safety for the greatest
numbers), while fascism holds a completely different goal: to
make human society embody the eternal truths of the universe.
Of course, since the world is a complex and mysterious place,
which no one can claim to fully understand, implicit in the fascist
worldview is the need to explore and experiment in order to
attain a greater knowledge of the truth, which will be reflected in
our laws and institutions. Inversely, the purpose of science in the
modern world-view is to create gadgets for our pleasure and
convenience, while uncomfortable findings are swept under the
rug to allow liberal myths to go unchallenged.

Fuk messed up formatting from copying from le book

But I think you can read it still.

>to find that out, you'd simply need to read history
fascism was defeated militarily, not ideologically

Ideologies like libertarianism are full of tenets, ideas that define
them. For example, libertarians insist that since everyone is selfish, giving anyone a monopoly will lead to corruption. That is one of their tenets. By making a simple list of these tenets, it's possible to explain what the ideology is about quickly and easily.

This is not possible with fascism, because fascism has no tenets. Indeed,
fascists tend to be "racist", "socialist", "anti-semites" and many other things, but those are not inherent components of fascism or inherent personality traits of fascists. After all, we must remember
that at some point in history, liberals were also "racist", communists also believe in socialist policies, and conservatives also were anti-semitic. Such details cannot define the essence of our worldview.

A fascist simply looks at the evidence and decides that reality is racist, human nature is that we are social animals, and jews have
historically been a harmful influence on every society that hosted them. If it was proven the other way around, a fascist would adopt the opposite notion.

Hope this makes sense to you.

>ideologies like capitalism or communism, since those are simply alternate methods to reach the same goal (ie. the greatest comfort and safety for the greatest numbers)
Capitalism is not an ideology, it's the current state of things. Communism is not an ideology either. Capitalism doesn't promote economical equality and freedom of political institutes from the influence of those who own the means of production.
Communism is a historical formation which will come in the future in the original marxist teaching. The marxist parties were calling themselves communist because it was their main goal, not their ideology.
> the purpose of science in the modern world-view is to create gadgets for our pleasure and convenience, while uncomfortable findings are swept under the rug to allow liberal myths to go unchallenged.
So, what's the difference between capitalism and fascist state?

They are systems on how best to allocate and distribute limited resources in society.

Read my other reply to you.

Fascism is a worldview.

>because fascism has no tenets
If the political movement has no tenets, it doesn't actually exist, no?
Then what's written in "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Mussolini?
>After all, we must remember that at some point in history, liberals were also "racist", communists also believe in socialist policies, and conservatives also were anti-semitic. Such details cannot define the essence of our worldview.
This is the judgement about the outer form and not about the internal structure, the genesis of the certain beliefs, ideas and so on.
People are believing in the things which suit their economical needs. For example, the members of church are supporting corporativist groups in politics, because they can have greater material benefits in the society led by corporativists.
>Fascism is a worldview.
So, an ideology. There can be a scientific worldview, religious worldview, philosophical and political (through the prism of political ideology). Some of them may be in touch with each other or come from one another.

why the do these images always write concepts capitalized? do they think this will make it look more important? it's like I'm reading TVtropes except with edgy teenager-tier politics

>fascism in an ideology but communism isn't
so it's true

And ideology and a world view are different.

First of all, we often say that fascism isn't an ideology, but a worldview. What is the difference?

When a man is on a journey, he needs a few things to insure he'll have a good trip. He first of all needs to know where he
wants to go, to have some idea of his destination, even if it's just a feeling (go where it's warmer) or a vague direction (east). He'll also need maps, which contain the knowledge that will get him to
his destination. In life, a man's destination is determined by his values, and he makes tactical decisions on a day to day basis
according to his knowledge or ideas, which are like his "map" to reality. Similarly, groups of people, who are headed in the same direction, share a common worldview, and they base their policies
on an ideology. In other words, a group's world-view is the system of values by which they judge everything else and decide what their common goals are, while ideologies are the theories and models they develop to reach those goals.

Destination = Value system (individuals) = World view (groups)

Maps = Ideas (individuals) = Ideology (groups)

Marxism is.

oh, I see
you're just being pedantic as fuck

Why do they always have such cringy edgy names?

I have to. It would be important for my job in the future. Non-pedant people are those who fuck up shit constantly and turn basic meanings of phrases into something opposite.

They think that maskuline and militant name can turn a group of pussies into vikings.

I always wonder why it's a horseshoe and not a full circle. If they are similar, there should be something between Communism and Fascism, right?
Something extremely authoritarian, based on the strong abusing the weak.
Feudalism, maybe?

>Something extremely authoritarian, based on the strong abusing the weak


What is wrong with the name? It's perfectly fine, what the hell else would it be?

Funny since commie propaganda is filled to the brim with that shit.

Well, the western commies surely are acting in the same way. "Screw the theory and practice, we want a cool name".
It has two flaws. First is the attempt to make the movement sound epic without itself being epic. The second problem is it's secondary nature. The attempt to play on brutalism is similar to the Stahlhelm of Weimar Republic. To be honest, they did sound cool and they didn't looked edgy.


>being this triggered by a simple name

I know this is the birthplace of autism but this is too much.

You're talking to the buckle of the butthurt belt

>western commies surely are acting in the same way. "Screw the theory and practice, we want a cool name".
Are you implying eastern commies aren't?
>USSR and their puppet states
>Equality for all!*
>*except people who aren't party members, fuck those guys
>claims to be communist
>is more capitalist than EU and USA put together
>someone's laughing at my edgy beliefs!
>q-quick, call him butthurt and triggered!!
never change, Sup Forumstards

I'm just saying all the walltext makes you look pretty rustled.

>Laughing at "edgy beliefs"
>Making yourself look like a retard by getting so attached to the name of all things instead of the Ideas

It's so clear you don't have anything relevant to say so you try to find something you can "join in" with.

>literally 3 lines of text
I know burgershartians like walls a lot, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't one

No, they are too politically correct for that

>Do people of your understand Fascism?


>What are their views on it?


I understand it much better now, thanks OP.

You're a special case of delusional loonies.

You're not getting my idea. I'm talking about groups with loud names like RKRP-RPK party, who did nothing to deserve them. For example. naxalite People's War Group deserved it's name, since they're trying to fight against indian state and they claim to stand for people of India.
And Red Army Faction didn't. Because it wasn't an army, it was a group of terrorists, who never even tried to be an army.

>getting so attached to the name of all things instead of the Ideas
>Ideas, with a capital I
See, I knew you were a pompous manchild and that name was a very clear clue.
>It's so clear you don't have anything relevant to say
It's so clear you're on the wrong board

>Fascism has an anchor and is therefoee not degenerate
>Doesn't mention what that anchor is except that anchor's absolute
>"It can't go on a political spectrum except that it can, let me show you exactly where it goes"
>No mention of any actual ideological elements anywhere
I don't think the person who made that picture actually knows what fascism is beyond nazis and swastikas.

It's addressed in a book.


I get that, but it's odd that you made a distinction between western commie trash and eastern commie trash, as if your local brand was any better.

>Wahhh someone capitalized leaders of an important word in a sentence to give emphasis

Kill yourself

>to make human society embody the eternal truths of the universe
It would be pretty hard to come up with a more vague phrase. What a load of meaningless bullshit.
How come
is even possible, eh?
Aren't you basically gay snowniggers with healthcare pretending to not be a part of USA, with a literal fucking twink as a president on the top of all that, eh?

>A fascist simply looks at the evidence and decides that reality is racist, human nature is that we are social animals, and jews have historically been a harmful influence on every society that hosted them.

CPSU wasn't running for cool names like RED STEEL COMMUNIST PARTY OF LIGHT-CARRYING UNION OF SOVIET SUPER-REPUBLICS, but it had it's own history of fails and wins. Chinese party also has it's own successes and failures. But they don't try to call themselves a superhero team. Unlike european leftists whose main activities are internet shitstorming and participating in the public meetings, or modern european rightists, who are just talking about their desire to push the immigrants (and probably jews) from the cliff while in fact being either chavs searching for the justification of their problems and street brawls or home-grown intelligencia, which never tried to shoot a gun or even to oppose school bullies. Neither are capable of real action like occupying a factory or waging another Beer Hall Putsch.

>Aren't you basically gay snowniggers with healthcare pretending to not be a part of USA, with a literal fucking twink as a president on the top of all that, eh?
You're forgetting about ukranian diaspora in Canada, who are the descendants of members of OUN, UPA and similar groups.

>But they don't try to call themselves a superhero team
It must be an anglo thing
absolutely disgusting

said the communist

My specific, perfect, entire infalliable brand of fascism has never been tried!

but that's exactly my point toothpaste commie

fascism has been tried, it worked perfectly well and then it got destroyed by external forces