
Is Italy becoming too self aware?

Also post good jokes you have about other countries

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do hungarians find scotland so funny?



Flemings never make jokes about the French, but about the Dutch instead.

What jokes about estonia do they have?

A belgian goes to the bar
He comes back to his house and hit his wive and childrens because he's an alcoholic living in a depressive grey muslim shithole

How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?
You dive down and knock on the hatch.
How do you sink it again?
You dive down, knock at the hatch at which they opens and says "Oh no, we won't fall for that again!"

To my understanding they like joking about Estonians being generally dumb.

>have 100 quadrillion wars with Denmark throughout history
>"fuck it, lets joke about Norway"

How do you make a "dumb Norwegian" joke?

You steal the ones Norwegians created and replace Sweden with Norway.

"Vad kallas smarta personer i Norge?"

This map clearly shows that sweden is a fucking joke.

Probably just N. Italians talking about S. Italians

A classic joke about norway is.
"What do you get if you cut a piece of paper in half?"
"A norwegian puzzle"

no, not about dumbness
they joke about our slowness

>what call smart persons in Norway?
This is pretty cute.

Poor belgians

A belgian driver is arrested by the cops, they want him to blow in a breathalyzer to see if he drank alcohol.

He removes his glasses, and blow in the breathalyzer, the policeman asks why he removed his glasses.

The belgian says "it's two less glasses"

Another classic joke about norway.
"How do you put an norwegian occupied for the day?"
"You write 'see the next page for more info on the both sides' "

Svenskene seg i mellom: – Jeg skulle onske jeg hadde jakke på meg. – Hva, i denne varmen? – Ja, for da kunne jeg ha tatt den av meg så det ble litt kaldere.


We have perfected the
>trust no one not even yourself
meme to an art

Whoa, I can read swedish

Our jokes are mostly internal than about Spaniards.

Spanish is more of a joking insult than a joke, meaning untrustworthy, inept or lazy. But even fr the latter two we'd use Alentejanos instead.

"Vad heter Norges kortaste bok?"
"Smarta Norrmän genom tiderna"

tfw russia is making really big jokes in ukraine rigt now

In Italy we insult people that literally live in the next town or city from us.
For example, I live in town x and 5km away there is town y. They have been at war in the last 1000 years during italian city states and jokes or rude comments about each other still exist today.
For god sake even songs exist about this, it's so fucking retarded.

as far as I am aware, all the usual jokes about jews being tight with money are about scots in hungary

t. skinflint scot


Once upon a time there was two Norwegians talking to each other.
Norwegian nr.1: in four thousand years there will be war between Norway and Sweden.

Norwegian nr.2: why is that?

Norwegian nr.1: Because that's when they will understand our jokes.

No jokes allowed in Belarus

We got some jokes about Scotsmen being tight on their money here too.

>stealing our joke


> jokes about the Portuguese
What the fuck op, our jokes are about Lepe first, Basques second. The Portuguese are irrelevant in Spanish jokes.

>Swedes having original jokes



Nä fan nu blir det krig.

>Poland is such a depressing place to live that they don't even tell any jokes

We have more jokes of Catalans, Andalusians, Galicians and Basques that of Portuguese.

WTF i love hungary now

Take a closer look at the map, burger.

Every fucking time.

u just got

>even kosovo thinks they're a fucking joke
Wew lads

A Norwegian, a Dane, and a Swede got all three 21 years in prison for their crimes.
But they all got one wish that they could bring with them into prison.
The Norwegian brought his wife with him, the Dane brought with him enough beer for 21 years, and the Swede brought with him enough cigarettes for 21 years.

After they had done their time first came the Norwegian tumbling out with his wife and dozen kids, then the Dane stumbled drunkenly out of prison.
Lastly they opened the Swedes cell... In the corner there sat a distraught Swede screaming: ANYONE HAVE A LIGHT!?

Let me guess

Livorno and Pisa

btw Pisa medda

>The Portuguese are irrelevant
Not only in Spanish jokes

>Sweden is surrounded



>all these rivalries

Why does the Greek alphabet have so few letters?Because they sold th other letters to pay denbt XDD

How do you stop an Italian tank?

You shoot the guy pushing it.

self deprecation is our national sport
even Dante includes a piece of whining in the Commedia

Why did the Italian boy grow a moustache?

So he could look like his mom.

no soap, radio!

Why do Filipino ships have glass bottoms?

So they can see the remnants of the old Japanese navy.

What did Bosnia do to deserve this?

I have not yet heard a single joke about Portugal since the last time that someone made this thread various years ago.

Why is the Polish man scared of Britain?

The last time he went into a store he saw bottles of Polish remover.

How did the Germans conquer Poland so fast?

They marched in backwards and the Poles thought they were retreating.

2 men drive into a car wash. Which one is Italian?

The one on the Vespa.


Why don't Spaniards like blowjobs?

They don't like any jobs.

What does an Albanian have that is bigger than what a Greek has?

A criminal record

What's the shortest book ever written?

"List of Swedish war heroes"

What does a Swede do with m&m's?
Eat them

What does a Norwegian do with m&m's?
Try to put them in alphabetical order

What does a Polish bride get on her wedding night that's long and hard?

A new last name.

The number of alphabet letters

What are some Albanian jokes?



We already humiliated them plenty in aforementioned wars.

>this meme map again

It's wrong. I've never heard a joke about Portugal in my life.

fun is now of illegal
t. Lukashenko

Estonians being slow

If your countries joke about eachother, you should be the same country

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irish man?


Are they slow?

>All of Sweden's neighbors
>Even the one that shares a border with russia

Color me unsurprised

Why wasn't Jesus born in Ireland?

He couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin.

nice digits

Whats the difference between an Irish wedding, and an Irish funeral?

There's one less drunk

Truth isn't funny >:(

plebbit tier

nice quads

>All the Scandinavian countries ganging up on sweden

When is the only time you can spit in an Arab woman's face?

When her mustache is on fire

wtf I can read swedish now

Why do you think Swedes are so open to negros and mudslimes?
They're used to being ganged up on and thrown around.

Ot's pretty easy language.

A swede accidentally shoots his friend during a hunting trip. He immediately calls the emergency number.
Swede:"My friend is dead!"
Operator:"Calm down! Are you sure he's dead?"
After a moment of silence the is a gunshot on the other side of the line.
Swede: "Okay. Now he's definitely dead!"

A Belgian terrorist wants to blow up a bus.

He burns his mouth on the exhaust pipe...

It's actually because we've dominated all of our neighbours so completely at one point or another.


Santa Claus, Wise Swede, Jesus Christ and and Dumb Swede walk past a 100kr bill. Who picks it up?

Wise Swede, because the others don't exist.

The Jew following them

An Albanian went once to Italy.
He saw there was a marriage and asked somebody "Who is getting married?"
The man did not understand and said "Non capisco"
The other day the Albanian stumbled some people in a funeral and asked "Who died"
The people didn't know Albanian, so they said "Non capisco"
Then the Albanian sighed:
"Oh poor guy,yesterday he married and today died"

You like to be dominated by negros and mudslimes because you "dominated" your neighbours?

We did brutally dominate our neighbours. And we're talking about jokes.

I didn't know that getting gangbanged by brown people was a joke in Sweden