How come Islam spread so incredibly quick and overran the holiest of lands for Christians...

How come Islam spread so incredibly quick and overran the holiest of lands for Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians while all other religions needed hundreds of years to even spread to one nation?

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umm..becasue they forcibly converted people and slaughtered the ones who didn't?

Pretty much this, that Islam was spread by the sword is historic fact.

But Christians did that too and it still took a very long time for Christianity to spread to europe. And the ancient egyptians tried to wipe out Judaism as well by killing or enslaving most jews. There must be another reason behind the extreme fast spread of Islam

Turns out when you are barbarian living in a desert and have known violence through most of your life, you tend to enslave others and kill them.

Islam is areligon of war.

umm..muslim raiders rode horses and reached further?

>But Christians did that too and it still took a very long time for Christianity to spread to europe.
and yet look where we're at, abdul.

the world order is being dictated by christians while muslims are living in mudhuts and are nothing short of irrelevant.

I'm talking about the genocide of the Anglo-saxons by Charlemange. He wiped them out or forcefully converted them on masse and yet it took many years for them to mostly leave paganism behind. Yet Islam took the middle east, north africa, Persia and central asia like a storm


Let's be real. None of the people who are actually running stuff are Christian. They're just Christian by name.

>ancient egyptians tried to wipe out Judaism as well by killing or enslaving most jews

nice meme

It took many generations before most conquered areas had become majority muslim, it's the power of having a strictly state enforced religion which priviliges one religion from the others.
Want to be christian? well you better pay up, i imagine most poor people converted out of necessity, not necessary because a sword pointed at their chest.

If Khalid ibn al-Walid had been born a few decades later, Islam would have stayed a local weird monotheistic cult of the desert like Yazidism or Shaivism. He was the best general of his era and made it possible to spread Islam through the civilised world.

This. He even beat Prophet Muhammad in a battle kek

Because christians don't spread their religion by the Sword, if we did it we would have slaughtered Mohashit when he came to Abyssynia, or we would have exterminated every shitslims in the land we colonized.

This. The jizya is an economic incentive to convert.

Fact: This is Iran in the 70s;

Actually the early muslims DIDN'T want people to convert precisely because them paying Jizya meant they were afforded more rights, they preferred to keep people unconverted so they had more control over them and so they couldn't compete with Arabs in society.


Most people are stupid and love fancy cults. Christianity have been losing its grip and become a religion for pussies.

t. mahmud al checheni

This is true, the Bible emphasises that the only real Christians at any time are a faithful remnant. Genuine Christ-like behaviour and political power (in the hands of humans) are probably antithetical too.

It's not that common. And I'm not a muslim. I hate every single muslim on this planet with all my heart and if there was a button "remove all kebabs" I would push it without a doubt.

they fight?

When Christians gave women more rights and powers was when they began to fall. Women can't be reasoned with and that means nothing will get done right. The only smart thing Islam did was keep women on the bottom where they belong.

ever heard of zakat?

>When Christians gave women more rights

When Americans gave women more rights, and forced the Christians to gave women more rights*

>Americans can change god's will
God bless america!

>I want to critisize Islam
>so let me find the most ignorant village people's weird photos to prove my point.

>Americans can change god's will
Americans are already a Catholic colony and women will soon lose their rights, anyway,i hope the spics will force the Europeans countries to reduce women(s right and force Catholicism onto other countries like Americans forced atheism and degeneracy onto other countries

They had better haircuts back then so what.

Religion is a tool of the state.
Islam was born in a growing empire.
Christianity was adopted by an empire long after it's inception.

Atheism is good, degenerated left scum is bad.

Persia is in the Middle East you dumbfuck

There are the traders, that brought people from afar to learn of Islam. Kinda how Mali became Muslim.
Then, there are the conquest of Persia and North Africa by a growing empire that adopted Islam, unlike Christianity that was adopted by an empire prior to it's fall

>has a western monarch
>overthrew them
>became an Islamic Republic
Because ayatollahs are way different than monarchs, why not overthrow them?

answer is türks

Atheism is the source of degeneracy

If the Christendom still existed there would be no shitskins nor mudslims in Europe.

Atheism is opposite. We just need to remove savage ancient cults. But there is the problem: too many people consist in these cults. And by tolerating one(no matter which) you only make it worse.

>itt islamized (inshaallah) countries

the kuffar don't need to pay zakat like muslims obligated to, so they need to pay jizya instead :^)

allah suck my dick

Norway was christened by the sword. And converted to protestantism(which evolved to lutherianism) by another sword.


If a society abandon its cult, it will become a prey for violent barbarians like mudslims.

Catholic Europe killed the sandniggers
Atheist Europe welcome rapefugees


Society should rely on its values. If you believe in some crazy shit and want someone to do something because of it - go the fuck out of a society. There is no need for a cult to fight another cult.

>There is no need for a cult to fight another cult.

A cult is needed, as America's wars showed it.

You can kill how many muslims you like they will continue to fight until they are all dead, if you want to break their fighting spirit the only way is to break what make them fight aka islam.

> If you believe in some crazy shit and want someone to do something because of it - go the fuck out of a society

European society was created by Christianity, and is dying because Europeans abandonned Christianity, anyway, in Europe atheists are the ones who should fuck off.

>the only solution to a regressive jew desert cult is to join my regressive jew desert cult

we should gas you both desu

Lmao niggers couldn't take over India. India and China are the reason why Islam hasn't taken over the world, the day these two fall to Islam is the day Islam takes over the world

Conquered people converted in mass because they didn't want to pay the tax

Thing is Islam doesn't understand kindness and harmony. Might is right in Islam and violence is the only way to keep them in check.

Thank you for slaughtering them based poofriends


Shut up ching chong chang nigger

Christianity is finest of the religion in this universe, your nigger shintoism can't compete.

But we can keep them in check with atomic bombs and stuff like that, swords(read Christianity) aren't needed anymore.

Wow I find it absolutely hilarious how you foreigners somehow manage to consider yourself to some superior moral level just because your aggression is not motivated by religious motives just by the fact that you're bloodthirsty sick fucks.
I regularly see Israelis celebrating the ethnic genocide of Gazans.
I regularly see Serbs proud of the genocide they held.
I regularly see Americans on Sup Forums celebrate the bombings of hospitals and schools by their drone strikes, and proud of figures that bragged about killing civillians.
But I've never seen any single Jordanian celebrate the bombings of Belgium or France.
But remember, we, Middle Easterners and North Africans are the unpeaceful bloodthirsty murderers who ought to be exterminated.

Not really, by the 13th century half of the Egyptian population was still christian, almost half a millenium after Mohammed.

cos w*stern euros always helped them

Not true. Coptics were still Christian, but at that point the majority of 'Egyptians' were actually Arabs

Christianity exterminated Islam in Central Africa and South Sudan, and nearly exterminated it in the Balkans, Buddhism exterminated Islam in Vietnam and is exterminating Islam in Myanmar, WHILE atheism ceaselessly suck Shitslam's dick.

Atheism is a kike invention to allow islam to take over.

>kike invention
>literally worshipping a jew

You can check for yourself.

>I have nothing to contribute so I'll be a pedant
It's another episode of when anglos try to appear smart

islam came to power while the byzantines and persians were weakened due to plagues and wars with eachother

>literally worshipping a jew

Worshipping the Son of God who has white hair and red eyes according to Revelation, which mean that Jesus is an albinos, thus the whitest possible.

Jesus is the whitest human on Earth, it is why he was mostlty followed by whites a few centuries ago.

>He intrinsically believes it
Can't make this shit up


They support killings in France, Belgium etc by maintaining bloody savage cult. Islam is not a religion of peace and anyone who truly believes in what Quran says should be exterminated.

Can confirm they are calling to slaughter us in public and we can't touch them whitout being jailed, there are already Sharia in some place, i've even heard of black slaves imported from Sudan.

Yeah, right, and you the oh so peaceful person calling for use of atomic bombs are informing me on how Muslims who I grew up all my life around are so unpeaceful because of our faith. Haha.
Go fuck yourselves. Oh god, how much I hate hypocrites and your utter lack of self-awareness.

Yeah riiiiiight.

>Denying the whiteness of God
Wew lad

I wouldn't say it if muslims sat in their shitholes, but they are tend to ruin it and then infest normal countries with themselves. And once they got there they start to ruin their new home too. Nothing more than vermins.

Muslims can't just sit in their shitholes because of peaceful white people like you who call for the use of atomic bombs and vote for war mongers so it can fullfill their Islamofobic fantasy dream and then call Muslims vermin for fleeing.

Did the Indians, Greeks, Slavs and Yazidis nuke you?


>You can be stoned to death as punishment for refusing to believe in fancy shit
>He thinks he lives in peaceful society
That's the problem


dont lump us in with americans, please

Russia bombs you because your government can't handle its terrorists by itself.

There is no stoning penalty for anything in Jordan.
And we have Christians in Jordan.
Histroical empires acting like empires and seeking territory on expanse of other empires is not the fault of people or religion.

Yeah right terrorists in hospitals and schools.

>And we have Christians in Jordan.

Yes, you shot them

Sometimes yes, but when did we bomb these?

Damaged terrorists.

Almost everybody condemned his killing. Even salafist sheikhs said it was wrong - however they still recognized what he said as blasephemy.
In general on societal level, everybody treats Christians the same except for maybe some uneducated people.

But what does Quran say about infidels? Don't tell me this is"""wrong""" interpretation.

Yes but it was not the core beliefs of christianity, Conquerors used it as an excuse. In Islam you're literally told to expand by the swrod. Subjugation of Infidels was also permitted by call of Jihad, which was in Islamic holy texsts. Crusades again were merely Defensive/opportunistic moves agains the verg growing Islam and never were permitted in any holy text apart from Pope Urbanus's speeches.

Seriously? It happens on regular basis.
Btw I don't think white people or Westerners or Russians or any people are in any way responsible for war crimes that they didn't take part in but when it comes to shitheads that do support these war crimes just because they're screwed in the head into believing that all Muslims are responsible for a terrorist attack even when they in no way condone it or accept it just because they share the same faith as them then yes I do.
What do you mean?

I heard recently USA bombed school or hospital in Syria, they said it was a mistake and apologized. There are many news about it when it happens and I don't often see them.

Islam like any other religion considers itself the most correct. So in the Quran it says infidels (except children and people who hadn't heard about it like in some parts of Africa and insane people) will go to hell.

I can google surahs, that call to kill/invade/etc infidels, but we both know they exist.

So did other religions that spread much slower.
I don't buy this meme, because slaughtering people will only breed resistance among the population.

I'm honestly of the opinion that the Jizya tax gave most people an economic incentive, while local rulers propagated the religion for extra tax money.

I know they exist. I know that in Islamic history there were so many horrible and ugly crimes committed unrightfully by Muslims on other people. I know all that. But this wasn't the prophet's or religion's fault. In general prophet only attacked people who attacked him. For example, pagan Arabs since the begining were killing and torturing Muslims, so this was a call for war. However, only combatants were to be killed. The prophet's uncle was a pagn who did not join pagan Arabs who were killing and torturing Muslims, so nobody tried to hurt him.


because islam is basically supposed to be an answer to the confusion brought by christian elites.
basically a scheme to overthrow outdated schemes.
it just harder to be replaced because it affected mostly an uneducated and poor peasants, who take it seriously as liberating religion.

That's the problem with religions. Every one of them claims infidels are inferior, because otherwise religion wouldn't make sense. Why believe in something if you don't differ from someone who don't. Where is the profit?


Hmmm, Christianity proposes that unbelievers are misguided and god will judge them independently.

I think it's just a problem with humans in general. There's always evil people. You for example don't have a problem with nukes because you think these people are inferior to you and less worthy of life.

Ayy lmao