There may not be a such thing as a superior race, but culture can be superior. Israeli culture (rather secular...

There may not be a such thing as a superior race, but culture can be superior. Israeli culture (rather secular, not too ridiculous of a religion, and even if people are religious, they have some good guidelines for life) is superior, and so is Chinese. China is secular, strong, academically fantastic, their economy was great, their writing is amazing, military is great, law is strong. Israel is technologically advanced, has a great defense force, high education rate, good language, many excellent Israeli westerners.
No culture is better than these two, prove me wrong.

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>inb4 the JOOZ ,shekels n shit

You are just racializing culture.

Israelis still are superstitious and live in a State only based on theological principles. That is something always amazed me to justify from every israeli I met, they cannot support their secular views without reclining into the most idiotic jewish views. Besides, they are proto-colonial and in a scale of civilization thatis pretty low.

Chinese people have culture for thousands of years and History owes them a lot, although there is no major epistemological construct that is being used worldwide, as it is in the case of Western European Philosophers.

TL;DR OP is a fag

These guys both have noses longer than their dicks. Coincedence? I think not

TL;DR OP has tiny dick and these fags make him feel better

>Chinese guys have noses longer than their dicks

Shit, they also have small noses ....that means...oh.

China, the culture that finishes off wounded pedestrians so they dont have to pay medical bills, and leaves their elderly out in the fields to die so they dont have to pay for care.

Too many suicides at a factory? Lets put up a net instead of improving conditions.

Modern China is the most fucked up culture around.


nice western propaganda

All from chinese internet communities and news.

Have you even been there?

Where do you fucking think most of the REKT thread´s content comes from?

furthermore, those "suicide nets" you talk about are to catch falling debris from rooftop construction

what about a culture that lives bombing another culture since thousands of years?

israel is only around because the europeans felt guilty and the US likes having a stable ally in that area. without western aid israel would have died years ago.

china is a joke of a country. their economy has no future, they've functionally killed off their breeding age population, they have a puppet government set up only to support the lavish lifestyle of the upper level members, and their military is made up of 1% well funded special forces and 99% stolen game footage to show on CCTV.

coincidentally, most of that applies to russia too.

ah, so they did precisely fuck all about the suicides.

Funny you dont address the good ol pedestrian double tap.

of course, construction workers like to kill themselves too. i mean who wouldn't want to kill themselves instead of going back to their antfarm apartment.

Japan is pretty good. Minus the worship the penis part. Clean people who are raised from really early raised to be focused on the community first before themselves. Too bad about the killing themselves working and the class system that was adopted from the Europeans.

well accurate.

Do you have any literature you find worth recommending on the topic or did you just pull all of that out of your ass?

I showed a video that showed Chinese people coming together to help someone that was a victim of an accident? um hello? Nice sweeping generalizations btw, that's like saying everyone in America shoots up a place daily and is obese as hell. Oh wait...

top jew

Screwing their birth rates isn´t helping them either.


The only problems china is having with its culture is from shit they've imported from the western world

very interesting, I see alot of parallels between modern China and US during the Gilded Age. If China can rectify the financial issue they're going and stabilize the yuan, who knows what might happen?

while supporting neoconservative US movements and profiting greatly from several US neoconservative televangelists, Israel aborts a very high percentage of defective fetuses due to their small, disease riddled gene pool, china has around 24 distinct ethnicities and practices human heraldry, the ethnic chen majority was allowed only one child for a long time...this led to too many males but if the manage to breed the hybrid vigor will be far healthier than any genetic drift effected bottleneck ethnicity believing in its own inbred supremacism

Israeli does this by maintaining racial purity. If the US would get rid of niggers and spics the country could move forward.

they'd have to get rid of the government in power, and unless there is another revolution that's not going to happen. at this point they're sitting at an industrial revolution age society which isn't supportable for very long.

OP thinks facism is superior. Yay for the generation of stupid.

very true, they obviously need to dismantle this pseudo communism economy to maximize efficiency and productivity. The current government is quite stable and stubborn though, so change is not likely soon.

If we are talking about cultural superiority for a majority of the world Anglo Saxon culture dominates, this includes Britain and America. A close follow up is the French, they're mainly prolific in Africa. China is only culturally relevant in it's area. Japan is culturally more dominant than China; its cultural influence world wide has a larger impact. Basically the qualification for cultural dominance means the country usually is a previous imperialistic empire of some sort. Israel is a state founded because no one wanted to take the Jews, not even American Jews wanted their dirty asses. China didn't figure out how to move its imperialism out of it's immediate area. Seeing that we have established OP's faggotry as Israeli cuckoldry and Chinese penis envy - I will now go fap to Japanese eel porn like the cultured English gentleman I am.

The only reason the u.s is anything is because of our retarded population and a fiat worldwide currency. As soon as the population does not suit the economic puppet masters they will pull the imaginary plug and plug it in where it suits there agenda

id say well done!
one less rat scum in the world

well, cultural dominance I agree with, but that does not necessarily mean superiority

If the culture is only relevant in the country it is founded in then it isn't culturally superior. China is the only country OP listed that qualifies as having a form of cultural superiority. Sorry to say but bombs aren't culture so Israel doesn't count. If you make the argument that bombs are culture Islam of the Isis variety is more culturally significant.

Are you forgetting about Lebanon user?