What do you think of this girl, Sup Forums?

What do you think of this girl, Sup Forums?
She's a lesbian feminist gamer who makes fun of straight men.

Not much.

Looks a bit like Emilia Clark

What girl?

shes probably really angry and shit, bet she got hit a lot as a kid or molested or something. so just another brick in the wall or something


She should shave her eyebrows, how the fuck do they get so thick?

is her name adrian?

I think she's a wonderful person for triggering the fuck out of you

I bet she has a smelly pussy

>looks like a man
>ugly as fuck
>wears a chocker in 2016
not surprised at all and couldn't give a shit


If I saw her on the street I would say "hello" and go on with my day

bitch wouldnt be here if it wasnt for a straight man. kek.

>Tell her you're gender fluid or some shit and to stop oppressing you
>Tell her you're trans and if she doesn't find you attractive she's a transphobe
Etc etc, too easy to fuck with these people

>Not liking thick eyebrows

pleb detected


I want to taste her cunt

oh noes!! Le reddit army will set her.. STRAIGHT hahaha *fartz* XD

I'd rape her.

what's her tumblr? twitch? etc

Sounds like a comedian to me. Are her skits any good?

Seconding this notion. Early childhood trauma manifests itself in many fascinating ways.

i want her to lock my penis in chastity and make me suck black cocks

Clearly has mental health issues. Feel something in between pity and the urge to euthanize her.

Literally who?

Send her to the gas chambers

>makes fun of men
>chooses perhaps the most homogenously male hobby

Verdict? ---Transparent AF. Wants to be raw dogged by the entire cast of Gears of War.

>chooses perhaps the most homogenously male hobby

I thought that was being better than women. :3


it doesn't make sense. She's Lesbian, she has that one thing in common with straight men, they both love pussy but she makes fun of them? I don't get it. She should be making fun of gay men for loving cocks.

xD xD xddddd ur.so.funi.i.carnt.beleeve.it. RaWr -glomps-

Fuck green hair bitch, feelings don't matter insignificant person

This tbrh famcom.

i'd gentle insert my manhood into her feeding hole while whispering sweet things into her ear.

Tumblr feminists aren't logical creatures, you know

she makes fun of us because she scores way more pussy than we do

her name is Kelley C, she is the Mother of Dragon Dildos

Or she ought to also make fun of straight women for also being heterosexual?

What a waste of attractively-arranged atoms. There is no need to be upset, young oompa loompa-haired lady.

ironic that feminine penises are more so than her

yeah that's probably true. fuck I wish I was a woman, without the monthly cycle thing.

Is your manhood on your neck? How would you whisper in her ear?...

i feel this way about most women

I find her really attractive. Im a straight male but lesbians seem to be attracted to me for some reason. Even last summer i turned a gay girl bi

Oompa Loompa dippidy doo! Here is another pussy for you.

Who cares?

It bothers me that her eyebrows aren't the same color as her hair.

its called flexibility and yes i am a wizard.

You must be particularly feminine

my features are. Like I have an effeminate face but a strong jaw line. Idk its weird.
Like i can be masculine but with girls
im very sensitive and caring but also i fuck around and tease

Who the fuck is this even? There are so many feminist fuck faces that are unimportant. The only ones I know are Anita Sarkesian and that evil red haired monster. Why would I give a fuck if there is an additional degenerated human?

You might be a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

ahahahaha. You know the funny thing is my friends joke about that.

Did you just find a new gender thing? Wow.

Time to stalk her FB

U cant compare Audrey godess with this thing

I think she's in need of a good dicking. She would probabley chill after that and relize how idiotic she was ....

won't happen tho. Her loss I say.

No, it's pretty old I would imagine. Gender dysphoria. I think my uncle has it. Been tough on my aunt. Could just be a closet homo. Traditional values, repression, and the like.

Why do all lesbiabns Feminists look the same? ?

I mean im not dysphoric. I like being a dude and everything

> makes fun of straight men
> is lesbian
Both like girls. Where's the logic?

Probably the feminist part? Isn't the whole idea of the SJW movement to vilify straight [white] men?

would let her suck my dick. but that's about it.

she looks like she has a rape fetish, like those hyper-anti-gay people who turn out to be gay.

Well, given the information I have of her, I think she's a lesbian feminist gamer who makes fun of straight men. Also, she has green hair.

OP here. Her name is Carmen Andrea Høilund.

Would make her make me a sandwich. She looks like a dumb count and from the information provided sounds like one too. Provide some way for us to harass her.

looks like a degenerate bitch that needs to be put down before she can brainwash anybody.

Trips has spoken!!

found the nazicuck

Heil Satan?

why is she so serious?

She makes me hard.

>Implying feminist aren't jew hating nazis

"Feminism: the radical notion that women are people"...

Thoughts, anons?

>makes fun of straight men

She's just butthurt because she isn't as hot as a model and some chad she really liked rejected her.