Anyone from Oslo up for some Basketball and smoking good weed?

Anyone from Oslo up for some Basketball and smoking good weed?
I just moved here, I live in the shitty part of the city, little Mogadishu, so I don't know anyone.
22, Serbian, probably not gonna murder you

Bor ikke i Oslo, men bumper.

Takk non-neger bror






Postiraj ovo u /soc/

E vidis nisam se setio
Fenks matori

Jebem ti balkanca kad nama trazi travu a u gradu par mjeseci hahahaha :D Pozz is Bosne

Ne trazim ja, imam =
Poz i tebi iz New Baghdad-a


Bump for op

umri srbino dano tebe negri jebat

I'm sorry to disturb you, neighbour friend
Didn't mean to make you angry

Ne znam sta si pokusao da kazes
Mi smo par stepena ispred u evoluciji, ne razumemo taj jezik orangutana od pre hiljadu godina.
Niko te nije nista pitao, niko ovde ne pravi frku, samo glumis nekog internet warriora

Meeting up with someone from Sup Forums seems like a really bad idea.

Nuh, already met four people from Sup Forums whilst living around Norway
Two are still my hardcore irl bros whom I can rely on
I'm a normal person, all you need is another one like that and no one gets hurt

'd meet you if I were in Oslo, OP
I play basketball every day
Reporting from Ålesund

Oh shit, I lived in Ålesund for 2 years
Aesthetically beautiful, everything else was beyond shit

Shit people, shitty weather, shitty uni, shitty everything

ye we don't appreciate balkan or baltic people in general here. Ålesund is prettier without you

Bad timing, a majority of Oslos Sup Forumsros are probably studying for exams and shit the next couple of weeks, at least I am. Literally cannot to afford to fail any exams or my economy will go totally to shit.