

Embrace death

Invade Poland.

i give him his shirt back and apologize

Blast it with piss.

"Hey Rex! So that's where you've been hiding. Want to go play fetch, boy?"

Guess who the Australian is...

Drive a car through the house and run that fucker over.

Give him a house, feed him, give him a spider treadmill to run on.

kill self


Attempt to have sex with it

I take a picture and send it to my friend, he hates spiders.

I'm not sending the picture.

Shit self.

Any faggot can kill a spider it would be pretty messy to clean that fucker up tho

Scream like a lilttle girl , then shit pants and collapse

jump high in the air like i'm Shaq, hope my foot lands in the right place and kills the thing


Not much, I get huntsmans on me literally every day. Climb trees for a living and they live in the bark. They are pretty chill though

leave australia

Scream the battle cry and fight it.

"brucey, me little mate! wondered where you skipped off to!"


Yell "Holy shit dude" and sperg out, throwing the shirt randomly while jumping backward.

Then I will go get someone else and tell them they can have the twenty bucks under my desk because i can't reach it.

Immediately I'd take a step back because what the actual fuck?

Then I'd cover it with a basket/bin just soI know eexactly where it is while I figure out what to do next.

I'm also never wearing that shirt again and I'm going to be extremely uneasy about where I live.

U were gonna do that anyway.

>Yell "Holy shit dude" and sperg out, throwing the shirt randomly while jumping backward.
>Then I will go get someone else and tell them they can have the twenty bucks under my desk because i can't reach it.

Shut the FUCK up you cunt


Dang. Gonna need the big boot.

Then I stand behind them and watch them retrieve the "twenty bucks"

Eat a buffet of dicks you faglord

do a 360 and poop on it

>Eat a buffet of dicks you faglord
I will after your moms finished gorging

this is what most of us would do in reality.

id glitch the fuck out

Summon the mods. They'll save us

Do you even reply bro?
You don't even respond to the posts you reference.

Smash it with a boot. Like always. Killed a wolf spider last night, had babies on its back. I know there's no way I got all the babies. I am mentally prepared to do battle with the eight legged bastards.

>wolf spider is like 1 inch max
>camel spider is well over a foot to multiple feet long
>step on a thing bigger than your foot that moves like lightning compared to you.

Nothing. It'll run away as long as you give it room.

Spiders don't have the resolve to kill like I do. They hesitate, considering their flight paths, trying to size up their opponent or trying to intimidate the opponent.

While they do all that bullshit I just bring down the boot

>Do you even reply bro?
>You don't even respond to the posts you reference.

Way to quote, faglord.
You're probably too occupied sliding cocks into your mouth.

aw look you guys, they're like regular balls but smaller and cuter

The only correct answer in this thread.

I would grab an aerosol can and a lighter I think

fun fact, camel spiders are not actually spiders, they are of a offshoot called Solifugae.

Stomp on it.
I've fucking hated spiders ever since one crawled on my face and woke me up, then bit me the next night.

Holy shit, this is literally the most pathetic attempt at damage control I've ever seen.

You're just quoting people and then cursing at them.
I'm actually laughing a bit.

>gets skateboard
>do a 900 on it
> ?????
> profit!

grab the 12 gauge, start shooting and then move to where those things aren't


>tfw they're bigger than mine.

It sucks.

Masturbate furiously

>aw look you guys, they're like regular balls but smaller and cuter
Cunts the lot of you

That requires time. Your best chance at ending the spider is a quick kill reflex. When you find them they go through a fight or flight response, trying to find an escape path. If you give them time they'll either find that escape path or realize there isnt one and go into fight.

Why the fuck do you quote OP every time you.
Is this some autistic thing I don't get?

Pic related

spiders give awesome hugs

t.blondi owner, can confirm

>Why the fuck do you quote OP every time you.
>Is this some autistic thing I don't get?
Because you're a little pedo, you like sniffing little girls dirty taints after they have shit, but before they wipe. I know your sort..

>the damage control continues

I'm sure this won't be funny for long, but I laugh every time you post.


Shouldn't have been talking shit

>still quoting OP
>barely capable of quoting someone's text
>furiously talking shit

There's no way you can pretend to be this autistic.

eat it, spiders are a good source of protein

try to touch its anus

this is weapons grade autism

nice balls chimpo

ty dude

so we meet again asshole



>>still quoting OP
>>barely capable of quoting someone's text
>>furiously talking shit
>There's no way you can pretend to be this autistic.

I am quite artistically talented. It's a burden really, go back to fapping over furries yiffing over bronies you little waste of afterbirth.

Look what I did to my glasses, this will be you next.

His name is fred and he's a nice guy.

He was just making sure no deadly creatures were near my clothes, I'd thank him and leave with my shirt.


obvious bait/potential samefag

here's some yiff just to annoy you

Put it back in the ocean

One time in the marines we saw a dot on the horizon while we were in a valley near the Khyber pass. It just kept hovering there and we had a lot of downtime so we watched it for quite a while. An older lieutenant showed up he asked what we were all watching. He looked through his binoculars and said 'That's a camel spider!' We picked up our M-16's and got the fuck out of there.

>implying you were in the army

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Get someone else to deal with it

Put my shirt over it again, and stomp it HARD

Oh I bet you were just dying to use this copypasta, weren't you?

What the swag did you just fucking yolo about me, you little wayne? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the SwagFags, and I’ve been involved in numerous Obey Records , and I have over 300 confirmed Swaggers. I am trained in wearing snapbacks and I’m the top poser in the entire Swagfag Army. You are nothing to me but just another No swag. I will swag you the fuck out with swagger the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking hashtags. You think you can get away with not taking pictures in the mirror over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my mom, she has alot of swag, and your ratchet ass is being traced right now so you better prepare for the yolo, nikka. The yolo that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your swag. You’re fucking dead, nikka. I can swag anywhere, anytime, and I can swag in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my baggy skinny jeans. Not only am I extensively trained in having plugs and snake bites, but I have access to the entire Hollister store. and I will use it to its full swaggness to wipe your miserable swag off the face of tumblr, you little Non trend follower. I will swag yolo all over you and you will swag in it. You’re fucking dead, nikka.


Reality checked.


Immediately call in a nuclear strike on my position

shouldn't the dick be above the balls?
seriously, where is dick?

You mean 180 faggot

Anymore facts on them?

Someone needs to screencap this thread. This kid is golden.

Lots of skin. Not a lot of dick. You're welcome

Don't move, if you don't move they can't see you


>>still quoting OP
>>barely capable of quoting someone's text
>>furiously talking shit
>There's no way you can pretend to be this autistic.

I am quite artistically talented. It's a burden really, go back to fapping over furries yiffing over bronies you little waste of afterbirth.

Look what I did to my glasses, this will be you next.!!!!!!

You know what mate, what are you Really going to do with the screen capture? Probably print it out, laminate it, and use.them as placemats for your waifu family DOLls when you dress them up in your Sunday best having pot noodles for all. Well you know what? Go fuck yourself, ihope you give yourself a prostate massage with your moms dildo, and get one of her pubes stuck up your adsshole

Fuck off bear grylls

Smash dat fucker with a shoe.


Black space guy is erotica in real life. Paradigm paradox

Accept the fact that I am going to die soon.

Suck it's dick and hope it doesn't Internet shame me.