Sup Forums please explain to me how it is that Trump and his supporters can argue against global warming when they...

Sup Forums please explain to me how it is that Trump and his supporters can argue against global warming when they don't even know what it is? The constant argument I hear is "Wow global warming doing a real touch on us, look at how cold it is!" -basically dumb shit that comes out of trump and his supporters.

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I'm still trying to figure out how people like you believe it. They've been caught multiple times fabricating data, using shady methods, admitting it isn't real and discussing how to hide the fact, etc.

People like you are scary stupid. Chicken Little motherfuckers.

1. Thinking Al Gore is more reputable then Trump

2. Weather manipulation seems more likely

Who's been fabricating data? Sure, I guess thousands of scientists are fabricating data and that the Earth doesn't just fucking heat or cool and that it's random. ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR It does heat and cool due to thousands of years of data and that we can see the biological cycles of animals and nature are being thrown off because it is being heated too quickly. Read a fucking book man stop buying into the media's bullshit about "fabricating data"

How does it seem more likely? We are and we've seen trends of data that the Earth heats and cools... it's not just "random weather". Ffs that's like saying the seasons are "random weather"

There is in fact NO conclusive evidence that definitively states that humans are the leading cause of climate change.

Keywords: conclusive, definitively
You do know that the earth goes through cycles of climate change and that ice ages occurred long before humans were around right... right?

"Thousands" of scientists are provided data that is fabricated, and using that fabricated data to come to their conclusions without knowing it is fabricated. This isn't hard to understand.

Yeah and that's part of the evidence as to why the Earth is warming quicker than it should be. Looking at past trends, temperatures shouldn't be rising as quickly as they are right now but they area. Another thing that science has allowed us to research is our atmosphere. With everything to do with our atmosphere we discovered gases trap the heat that UV rays bring us. We see that carbon dioxide, even though it's not an efficient greenhouse gas, is one of the leading causes to why the Earth is getting warmer. And then we scientifically found out it is carbon that is being emitted by our machinery and factories. I feel like some of you idiots on Sup Forums just haven't picked up a book like I've said before.

Scientists are also the ones getting the data dumbfuck. Inb4 "This is just a way for the government to tax us" they haven't taxed us and they probably won't. Why else do you think they are trying to protect the environment and get the word out?

Virtually all of those "thousands" are not in the field, getting the data. Most of them are labrats crunching numbers provided them by a handful of corrupt, agenda-laden fucksticks who are happy as fuck they have stooges like you in the world.

>>says a bunch of stuff on a random chinese imageboard for children
>>post no evidence
Not every expert is in tune with one another and I should believe joe nobody on the internet?
No thanks

Well I guess I'm going to trust those who have gotten us to the moon, sent rockets into space, put satellites into orbit, etc. etc.

Go read a fucking book. I'm not going to waste my time posting data and explaining how greenhouse gases work. I'm here to argue with retarded people that think global warming is false because it's cold outside.

You can also dig deep into glacial ice cores and pull out trapped carbon... guess what the levels have been as high or higher at points prior to the industrial revolution.

Your move

You just don't get it.

That isn't them.

There are very little people who actually rationalize like that. Youre consuming too many memes

Because they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. They don't even care if they make sense, that's not the point.

They weren't.
How the fuck is it not them? Jeez you fucking idiots

Right I wasn't here to argue with people who actually know what it is and dont believe in the data. I'm here to argue with those who don't even know what it is. This is what I get for trying to do this on Sup Forums, I start talking to dumbass trump supporters.

I dont think the scientists and engineers that deal with space travel deal with the environment.

Sorry your troll attempt didnt work.

>they weren't
Says the expert on Sup Forums OK

Atmosphere scientists? It's all relative too. Anyone that's smart enough to do any of those things will know the environmental "hippies" aren't just bullshitting.

I don't know where you got that data but multiple sources say otherwise.
Not trying to troll. Didn't know that being in the majority of rationalizing in the general population is being a troll.

>multiple sources say:
Where? I see ZERO sources besides your ass

Yeah but thats not what you listed, you listed scientists that have a speciality in space and propulsion

No you are trying to troll.

fuck you and your lack of sources troll idiot


HaHAHahah op fucked off because he is a retard
Threads dead, bb

Dub dub
Op was trolling