Is racism ok ?

is racism ok ?

Absolutely. Nigger.

Racism is a crime, and crime is for niggers.


No but not liking a certain group of individuals who is 9 times more likely to murder you than a white is totally fine. I don't care if they're purple, yellow, or nigger. I don't like groups with high criminal concentration.

Allo No but Allo


Only if you are white.

Fuck the racism

I vote bernie

Feel the bern

Fuck trump

Especially when they live up to their stereotypes and do nigger things

This. When something is more prone to hurt you then something else, it's logical to develop a sense of uncertainty and caution around it. I think people who are rationally racist are much more intelligent then those who aren't.

WOW! The girl of Games of Thrones?

Of course it is, you faggot nigger.


white boi alert

probably her sister suck a hood nigga

haha yea but being rational and killing 6 million jews and starting a world war isn't the same tho kek

what does that even mean haha. the dude's pretty handsome huh

Non mais allĂ´ Nabila quoi

nan mais allo, quoi...


this is however a stupid generalization.
people aren't ants.

i'll give you an example.

most criminals have short hairs, does it mean that you don't like them ?

most criminals are men, does it mean you avoid men too ?!

you're working with the same "logic" feminazi do.

you're basically generalizing a group of people because you're not part of it.

>rationally racist are much more intelligent
define "rational" racism

Hahahah, the Nazi Flag wasn't any sort of comparison, it was just the first picture in my "random unrelated shit" folder.

>pic unrelated


Adversity breeds strength.

Plus people whining about being picked on just makes me want to pick on them more

I define rational racism and knowing that a certain group of people are more dangerous than other and taking steps that are conducive to prolonging life. I live in the bay and I don't even associate with niggers unless I have to. I got so sick of fights constantly breaking out and people getting robbed so I sought out a different crowd.

Most "racism" is just an expression of preference and isn't particularly destructive. So by the common definition of racism, which is just harmless tribalism, yes.

What's less acceptable is when you actively attempt to destroy a race. That's the bad kind of racism but depending on whether it fits the contemporary narrative in the mainstream media, it may or may not even be considered racist.

read this there is no cause and effect here.

i personally draw the line when you start discriminating/mistreating people based on their race.

everyone is entitled to their opinions, as ridicule as they may be.