You have 7 seconds to explain why you aren't voting for Trump

You have 7 seconds to explain why you aren't voting for Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I'm responsible

I don't live in MURICA, land of the free to believe you're free. /edge

Do I even have to?

Cause no trump supporter can explain his policies in a logical setting and not call me a faggot at the same time

Because he's a liberal. Super big government.

because im not a redneck

because 7/11

because i was told it was a bad thing by college professors talking about politics rather than teaching math, chemistry, or physics which is what they were each of
also those really loud people who scream at me until i agree with them said he was bad because he wasnt nice. why would i vote for someone im yelled at is not nice?

because i'm not stupid

Shit I ran out of time

To troll reddit and Sup Forums

I already am voting for trump

>what they were each of

yea they can. his policies aren't even confusing.

But you are a faggot

Although I respect a lot of what trump wants and his way of working the system, I prefer more of Bernies policies over Trumps rather than vice versa.

1: i'm not an american citizen
2: he'd deport my wife

I'm not American citizen

Racist, Liar, Idiot. Do I need to say anymore?


Assuming Bernie doesn't get the nomination and/or has it stolen from him, would you vote Trump, Hillary or just stay home?


pick one

a math professor, a chem professor and a physics professor have all been on rants about how hillary has to be president and how trump is a bad thing
entire class spent on them telling everyone how bad trump is but how great hillary is. not once teaching the actual material of the class because knowing trump is bad is the real lesson in life(actual quote from chem professor)


Then convince me of his unconfusing policies regarding how he plans to fund his wall, where the money comes from, how it will actually keep Mexicans out. Next, tell me how he plans to cut American debt from 17 trillion and counting. Afterwards tell me where the nuclear winter starts when he has a fit with a national leader of country of choice

I hate his position on civil liberties.

Too liberal.

i disagree with trump on one thing, so i'm instead voting for hillary with whom i disagree with many things

No u

You've just described every politician and most people so yes.

I hope you can read, user.


>voting for a draft doger to be supreme commander of our armed forces.

I'm still between Trump or stay home.

Remember, if you eat a taco, you're obviously not a xenophobic bigot.

>You have 7 seconds to explain why you aren't voting for Trump.

I'm not an elector in my state.

I'm willing to bet none of you mopes are electors either. Article II section 1 of the US Constitution explains precisely who votes for president and how he is elected.

I've never voted, but would vote for trump if I bothered to register.

He's the president we deserve. I'm sick of people saying how kind and intelligent the average person is. A trump presidency would show just how hateful and ignorant people really are.

because I'm a eurofag

He wants to impose laws based on generalizations which is not the place of the government

Not in your goofy ass country

Get America Sued Again!

I'm not american.

My candidate dropped out so I'm going to be a sore loser and vote for nobody.

I'm also going to spend the next four years bitching about how bad this country is while telling people I did vote so that I'm not treated like a hypocrite.

which are?

Because I live in a good country.

Your post is a good example of how dumb the average American voter is.

So does your lack of reasoning for sucking trumps dick

there's only one of those

What leads you to believe that I would vote for Trump?

Trump and Sanders positions and political philosophies* are irreconcilable, yet I keep seeing retards say they would be okay with either or are at least trying to decide between the two. American voters are dumb and superficial.

*I know Trump doesn't have an articulate political philosophy beyond demagoguery and "Trump."

It's awfully newfag in here

Because I hate America.

This. I actually find him kind of charismatic and his apparent forthrightness is in a way endearing, but his policies regarding muh freedoms are horrifying.