This is why I hate girls

This is why I hate girls

Because they have butts?



because you're gay? serious question.

she doesnt even lift
her squat form is entirely wrong
2/10 would not date


No, OP, you hate girls because you suck dicks

perhaps because they make "work out" videos that are solely intended to get the sexual attention of strangers leading to the accomplishment of their ultimate goal -- getting attention

Are you jealous of them? Most fags are naturally envious of women and treat them like shit because they are threats. Bitchy homosexuals.

OP is always a faggot.

This is why I hate women.


Pretty solid reason

>perhaps because they make "work out" videos that are solely intended to get the sexual attention of strangers leading to the accomplishment of their ultimate goal -- getting attention
how utterly rude, savage and shameless.

women make boners and think they are special

fuck you on about? most faggots idolize and cherish women.

When in reality they should learn their place: In the kitchen and in bed. They're basically living, breathing flesh lights that can cook and clean.

pretty edgy but true

bet you're a hoot and a holler at parties, brahirrim.


brush ;P

Parties are for faggots.

Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, hvorfor er du så glad?
Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, hvorfor er du så glad?
"Jo, fordi jeg har rede som ingen vet a´
langt inni skauen den grønne."

Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, hvorfor strever du så?
Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, hvorfor strever du så?
"Jo, fordi jeg må finne litt mat de små
langt inni skauen den grønne."

Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, har du tre eller to?
Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, har du tre eller to?
"Jeg har tre som er flinke og en som er go´
langt inni skauen den grønne."

Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, vil du hilse fra meg?
Lille måltrost, lille måltrost, vil du hilse fra meg?
"Ja, ikveld skal vi synge en vise om deg
langt inni skauen den grønne."

masterrace alphabet motherfucker
yeah, those places where guys go to find chicks and fuck them, so gay and shit.
jeg bider dig ret i røven bøzzbror

Truth has been spoken

(That means you're gay)

Those kinds of parties are mostly in movies, REAL LIFE parties are faggot fests for the most part. Even if there are women they are STD riddled ,disgusting and/or fat as shit. So yeah, enjoy getting your dick in those 3/10 fatties

I don't know you bro... but, I can honestly say I do not envy your life.

What're you fucking gay?

Yes you do.

Struck a nerve there, did I ?

This is why girls are great. Long live Earth.

I envy a guy that fears sex and wont go out? Really?
>Struck a nerve there, did I ?
yes, yes you did. I'm genuinely kinda shocked at your entire premise, and how you've come to this state of existence. Science should study you man, a hikikomori with an attitude.

WOAH, chill dude ! I know your jimmies are rustled, but no need to be this mad ! relax

>a hikikomori with an attitude
Coming to a cinema near you.

>u mad brah

not at all, I am Zen personified.

I'd watch that.

yep, umad as hell man. taking the time to search for images and post them JUST FOR ME i can feel the sweat dripping down my monitor. just take a chill pill and relax, kid !

>"hikikomori with an attitude."
Anime fag spotted

>taking the time to search for images
newfag confirmed
I stay informed brother

yeeeees, keep rustling those jimmies

seriously, brah..
>taking the time to search for images
you know where you are?

I feel my rage rising again, I better howl at moon or some shit.

here's another pic, just for you my new newfriend.

the heck u on about ?

>the heck
you can write 'hell' here, it's okay.

wut ?

Oh lawdy, fucking niggers baiting the shit out of each other.

you can type the sentence "what the hell", here, without repercussions. You don't have to substitute 'heck' for 'hell'.


it's okay, user.

it's all okay.
A-OK, right?

and that's about it.

this is why i hate women

it's what we know, it's what we do.

because they poop?

also what are local dialects

I do it all for (You), it's has been and always shall be about (You).

Shit like this is why no girls will date you.

>her squat form is entirely wrong

Perfect opportunity for you to break the ice, introduce yourself, and show her the correct form, without being a total douche

2/10 your comment confirms that you are a faggot.

Sniff på brennmerket

seems like this belongs here

This is why i like girls

thanks brother, much obliged.

.. have these.

>hates things because there popular
>because there popular
>because there

That must have really hit a nerve.

Not the same guy, but that was the first thing I noticed wrong in the picture too. Get off the couch, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go lift. PS, I'm training my girlfriend at the gym and while her squat isn't perfect, it's 10x better than that shitty form.

O shit waddup!

seems like you had several nerves hit hard, user.


>because there popular
>they're, their, there which one is it? better select randomly
how about getting your grammar right before judging others
>iOS better than Android
what the blueberry fuck muffins?
am i supposed to be one of those?

Im only 3 of them

>her posture is bad
do you faggots even lift

>do you faggots even lift
>Sup Forums

I'm sure not all women are capricious retards who can't help but play mind games and whimsically stumble through life, hopping dick to dick, but I've yet to meet one.
>Western women are complete and utter trash

G4 is better than any garbage ios. Dont even try to compare it to the G5 or V10. No competition.

this is why i hate grils

I do

I'd never fool around with circus shit like OH-squats, though.

oh right... i forgot this is the average Sup Forums user

>I'm a gull btw

i'm not that bad, am I?

this is why i hate women

nah, i got 9, but no bingo


and hence Tits or GTFO. you have no logical argument and no evidence to support it so use the fact you face a wet hole that a man can stick his dick into as your only means of recruiting support to your cause.
>any meat is killed. stating the obvious is not a argument.



