Good evening Sup Forums

Good evening Sup Forums.
How do you feel about the phenomenon of hage? This means bald man in japanese.
In Japan hage is considered ugly and suspicion. We can do many things to hide hage.
But many foreign people looks like hage. We japanese think its ugly. So why dont foreign people shame hage? I dont like to see to hage

Can we please discuss hage? They looks uncomfortable. Sometimes I dream hage.

Zitto animal

most men don't like it, but people won't shame you for it (except internet assholes)

those who are really annoyed and wealthy enough can have some hair implementation

honestly what the hell is wrong with japs

your culture only makes life hell for yourselves

I am balding (yes the memes are true) and am taking finasteride to slow it down.

how old




if it matters im 23 and losing hair density already, feels like in a few years i'll be actually balding...

I'm taking it because I'm ugly as fuck and will literally become a monster without hair (my facial features look ten times uglier without hair)

so I need it

Here everyone balds after 50. Stress, kids etc.

It's a natural thing part of the process of aging.
Why do you think it's shamefull?

East asian NEET nerds with a hage can kill themselves. You have no choice but to do it.

we are just weaboos

Pumpkin seed oil cures balding.
There's been a medical study about it and it worked for me. Takes 6+ months to get results though.

zitto animale

Enjoy your non functional dick senpai

>natural thing part of the process of aging.

no, that's a chemical problem, genetic defect

havent noticed any change in dick functionality or libido

I still jack off multiple times a day

zitto animale

Stop slandering when dealing with the Hinomaru, the Hinomaru becomes dirty

Don't take them on

Bald men are more virile.

So your penis is already microscopic then and your body is hairless?

But why young japanese students like to fuck their professors ?

you only make it worse by trying to hide it
stay confident, don't act like it's a big deal to be bald

Do you like this style for mature men ?

Japan used to be a country of real man, that didn't shamed of himself based on balding men or other manly attributes.

Nowadays, japanese men look like girls and are completely deprived of any kind of self-respect every man should have, just like your women are whores for using these faggots as role models for beauty instead of real men. No wonder why 40% of all men between 18 and 34 are still virgins.

upload the western version of that. i saw all that shit many times on Sup Forums

>tfw none from my ancestors were bald
>was conscripted in the russian army
>got 4 pneumonias during my service
>tfw was stuffed with big amount of shit antibiotices for a long period of time
>tfw part of my hair has fallen out and now I can see my skin between hairs
>tfw there is no cure for this because that hairs are dead and they can't grow up, all thanks to antibiotics
Fuck this really

Zitto animal



There are only a few people who resemble those pictures

>tfw 23 yo Hage
Tbqh Id rather wish never to have been born


zitto animale

>got 4 pneumonias
man feel bad for you honestly but why? were you working in such extreme conditions?

Guy at my school was balding aged 17

Aren't we all?

In Italy is even worse, barely anyone balds before their 30s

>one bald grandpa, one non-bald grandpa
>uncle balded early
>dad isn't bald but has a receding hairline and huge temples
>own hair developing in that direction, can't speak of balding yet but may still happen
Sometimes you gamble and you lose. If I do end up going bald I'll just bite the sour apple and start buzzing it down to stubbles.

Balding at the back. Oh well.

22 and doing the same, feels like my youth is over.

barely anyone balds before 20 here but I did lmao

They just don't care abouth the conscripts over there in the army.
You are basically a slave over there. You sleep for +-4 hours and the rest of the time you spend working like janitor, worker or something like that. Besides we slept in the quarters where it was very cold during winter.

I'm fed up in Japanese foolish post
They is arrogant.
They would just like to lower Japanese reputation.

I mean balding in our 20s is already bad enough but I cant imagine being bald at 18

Shit sucks more than most people can imagine, id give up half my left hand to get my hair back

Bald from the front means he's smart. Bald from the back means he's sexy.

Our only option is to become rich

>be ugly
>as a result never have a gf
>as a result more time to spend on studies and work
>as a result get a better job and become rich
>get a hair transplant

sounds really harsh and like a story about ww2. there might still be an after effect of that with you. take care of your health seriously.

Russia is a shithole.

>Jason Statham

The average jap isnt tall enough to look ontop of the head of the average westerner, who are you trying to fool?

Zitto animale

He obviously looks down on them from him apartment building, retard.

But seriously. Nothing kills a party in Japan faster than a fat creepy balding weeb.

Coping mechanisms are fine as long as they work.

Oh look another guy that never taken it. How many miles of forum balding threads have you read?

You think that's bad? I've been balding since 16, had to go full baldie in 17. My highschool was nightmare, i swear to god if guns would be as ready aviable as in the US i'd shoot up my hs
>girls openly laughed at me
>guys would just shout "Hey baldie!" hoping that i'd turn around
>school of 400+ students knows me because i'm litteraly the only bald 17 year old
I'm fed up with this hit, i've been using mix of shampoo finasteride and conditoner + i'm saving for a hair transplant in the next year, i'm either gonna look semi normal so i can have a few normal years of my life or i'll go full bald monk route.
>inb4 just shave it off
No girl in her 20s wants a guy that is bald or is balding (there are some exceptions but they are so rare it's not even worth mentioning).