

46°09'17.1"N 1°09'59.8"W

Other urls found in this thread:

google.es/maps/place/46°09'17.1"N 1°09'59.8"W/@46.1554337,-1.1659023,3a,90y,203.93h,91.15t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q!2e4!3e11!6s//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q/w203-h101-n-k-no/!7i8704!8i4352!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d46.15475!4d-1.1666111


Scuba diving?

not enough water

What is this faggots

protocluster clumps

Is that where the money is ?

It looks like water

bump for curiosity

The end of a break water in France? What you got stashed there?



Hey faggot say something.

13 brick from the sea. East side. Start digging.

I can't, not in France fag, so don't let the post die.

C'est là où tout commencera, ou tout s'arrêtera.


These are the threads i love/are most disappointed by.
Bump cause i'm clearly retarded

Should we start archiving?
Because this seems crazy enough to keep

Sorry m8, don't have the tools to follow your game, so French fags come and join the puzzle.

do it

im ready to save all of it if something interesting is posted mate

french fags get in here

cmon baguette boyz please dig up the treasure/dead hooker

OP:C'est là où tout commencera, ou tout s'arrêtera.
Translated: Here is where all beggins or where all ends.
the google maps place:
google.es/maps/place/46°09'17.1"N 1°09'59.8"W/@46.1554337,-1.1659023,3a,90y,203.93h,91.15t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q!2e4!3e11!6s//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q/w203-h101-n-k-no/!7i8704!8i4352!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d46.15475!4d-1.1666111

>google.es/maps/place/46°09'17.1"N 1°09'59.8"W/@46.1554337,-1.1659023,3a,90y,203.93h,91.15t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q!2e4!3e11!6s//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Cn_8Wt9ByT0/VBa0R5Pt83I/AAAAAAABR6k/lZYCaOT1VqAbJtStowmbHibGS-29nzW8Q/w203-h101-n-k-no/!7i8704!8i4352!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d46.15475!4d-1.1666111

68372512/683075897, Me.

So french faggots stop eating croissants and start doing something.

OP, says:

13 brick from the sea. East side. Start digging.
whe I post the pic of the shore.

I'm not OP fag, BTW.

one of these threads again

move along boys move along

place is filled with rocks
i dont think he buried a hooker there

Me either, but perhabs pics or something interesting I don't know, OPfag, do something!!!

Why is that date less than a year in the future.

Pretty sure only amerifags use the mm/dd/yy format for dates.


La Jetee?

For the pic posted by OP, should be a bomb, buried in the shores, just guessing...