Hispanic guy here.
So I'm hearing about the a 'white population decline' happening nowadays. What's the biggest cause? Interracial marriages number less than 14%. And among most visible minorities their interracial marriage rate is usually very well under 20% annually with newlyweds.

Are white people just not having enough children? What's up? I don't want hate of any racial group, just want to know what the cause could be, since IR marriage is shown to be kinda rare.

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Bump, any answers?

were so interbred history cant even

Bump for more opinions

White people rarely have 3 or more children. It's just not attractive to have a child in modern society when you're in the middle class. Lower class gets all kinds of government benefits the middle don't get or profit less from. Which is why minorities (aside from East-Asians) out breed Whites, relatively there are more minorities in the lower class compared to Whites. So they will have more children compared to Whites.

Well, there is this thing called demographic transition.
During the 1800s basicly all the world had the same shitty medicine and no contraceptives.
Then the white nations got the hang of basic hygine, vaccinations etc, and also food got less scarce and eventualy contraceptives came into play.
During this period we went from having huge families and lots of deaths (esp among the realy young children and pregnant mothers), to having huge families with low deaths.

Might be worth to mention that we also went from agriculture to industrial economies, where child labour (aka tending the goats and whatnot) became less important.

So, we went from huge familes and many deaths, to huge familes and few deaths down to few children and few deaths.

The rest of the world if just a generation or three behind us. Many of poorest countries are slowly getting smaller families.

Check out Hans Rosling / He explains it kinda well. Explains alot of the late 1800s->today history in easy graphs.

Im not 100% sure but I'm guessing norms and traditions are the reason it takes a while for the "numbes to turn".

Great unbiased answers guys. I wish some more people could look at it like this instead of lashing out at everyone else.

What? Sorry, I don't speak Spanish.

But you speak faggot

Because people of color are adapted to destitute countries where infant mortality rates are high. Case closed, ese. Nature will catch up

Seems white people are generally better off money and education wise.
Those with money and education plan their families.
Those without tend to spawn too many progeny.

Thanks for your answer too. Nature will catch up? Could you please add a bit more to that. This stuff interests me quite a bit.

Shit, uh let me think here... no habla Espanol, amigo. Tu comprende English???

Yes, but I'm not asking why they are being outnumbered. I'm asking why is there an apparent DECREASE in population.

Si marika

White people only have as many babies as they can afford. Blacks and hispanics will have 5 to 7 kids and expect other people to raise and feed them.

Fellow beaner here.
Currantly married to a white gril. I know what you mean bro. My wifes side of the family grew up white trash so the bred like crazy( her g-ma). The following generation (her mom, aunts & uncles) had only a couple of kids. The new gen have no kids whatsoever including us. The new gen males have even gone so far as to get their huevos cut.

Fuuuck... They just sealed the deal with that shit man. DAMN

brown people breed like rabbits
white people don't

You're not getting the question. It's not about being outbred. It's a question regarding WHY the populace is actually going DOWN.

After world war 2, the returning vets got married and had like 5 kids, these days white women only have 1 or 2. add in race mixing, homosexuality and the man children and you get a declining white population.

Guy with demographic transition here.
Well, its what the history books claim.
source: 1½ years of studies at university-level.

There are other ppl here like this user Who I think kinda gets it right on the more modern era.

also: the country you live in, and the kind of systems they have in place kinda matters.
Some countries in Scandinavia have vastly... what is the word ofr it... subsided(?) kindergartens. Taxpayers help fund them anyways so they are cheap. That makes it easier to afford to get children. Kindergarten in sweden costs about 120$ per month. I've heard of other countries where it costs 1000+$ per month.
So our vast welfare kinda brings a safety where you feel secure enough to get children.
Sotuhern parts of europe don't have that, and have less children (might be more to it ofc, but it's one piece of a huge puzzle)

You know the racist stereotype that black guys impregnate women and leave? Yeah, those guys actually exist and are the problem.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah the amount of children had seems to be a factor. Race mixing would probably account for 8-9% of all the 14% of IR marriage; my guesstimate. Add in how many homosexuals, asexuals, and manchildren like you mentioned then maybe that accounts about 6%? So subtracting a rough number, race mixing and the subgenres account for around 10-20% max. Leaving 80% or so of the reason likely being having less children in the middle class?

> brown people breed like rabbits
> brown people collect welfare
> brown people elect brown president who promises them a free phone
> brown president raises taxes on white people to pay for free stuff
> white people can't afford kids because taxes are too high
> white people grow old and die without kids

Thanks for that.
Sure, but it's ridiculous to assume they'd contribute any big percentage to the total number.

Not OP but this occurred in the span of 8 years. How did anyone grow old and die without kids during that time due to what you mentioned?

women working more and waiting later on in life to have kids.

I'm white and i hate pretty much everyone, even whites. If i don't want to be here, why would i make my kid suffer.

I see. Thanks for your take

You forgot about the economics, house prices and rent high + wages low + social pressures to be seen to do well + potential cost of bringing up kids = can't afford kids cause seen to do well more important (for educated middle class types)


It'll all burn someday... someday

>white people can't afford kids because taxes are too high

user, get your head out of your ass and don't make excuses.

Hm I see.
Good answer aswell... From most of the answers here I gather that economy/affordability of children and social/financial pressures of the middle class are a big factor

It's cause blacks have all their baby mommas and mexi's have so many kids once married. My neighbors have 8 fucking kids between 5-16

That pretty much sums up post-war America.

We're more afraid of being "poor" than we are of going extinct.

Again, for the third time, I'm not asking about outbreeding. I'm talking about the decline.

in addition the change in social activity should be considered, people today (below 25) mostly get off over the internet and do not meet real people as much as the generation of the grandparents did at dances and such, others (over 25) are also scared of incurable infections and death from human contact which makes owning a porn site a winrar.

It's just simple socioeconomic conditions. As a society progresses and people's lives get more safe and comfortable, the birthrate of their children drops significantly (I think it's down to around 1.5 children per couple). In contrast, where people are poor, their lives hard, child mortality rate high, they breed more to compensate. This takes a while to change even as they move to more favorable conditions or their society is changed by outside influences.

There's all this talk about the planet having an unsustainable population growth, but in truth, the population could be very sustainable if people got their heads out of their arses and improved living conditions for people as whole and not just worry about themselves. Of course, going against human nature is a bit much to ask.

I dont quite understand your logic on overpopulation
>Too many people
>Things would be better if we kept people alive and well
>We'd have...less people.


Hold on. Let me call my interracial specialist.

Did you even read what I wrote? As conditions improve, birthrates drop to sustainable levels (or even lower). Overpopulation is primarily a concern because of population growth in regions with poor social and economic conditions (e.g. china, india, africa, etc.). If their situation improved, we would eventually see far more sustainable levels of population growth globally.

Interracial marriage is a reduction by whatever percentage, not sure if your numbers are right, but whatever it is is a direct decline equal to the percent. White people could be having less children. Generally speaking I'd say black and hispanics just have many more children. The problem with this stuff is people say white people will be going extinct, but they'll just become the minority. A minority that would still number in the hundreds of millions for centuries regardless of what percentage that represents.

lol! so true that it burns your soul?

White people wait until they're financial able to have children and keep their lives stable and well off, and then only have one or two or three children.

No I kekked cos it was a good post

Then of course there is the issue of control, older generations are now living well over 90 years because of healthy lifestyles and medical interventions, they want to retain their status long after it would normally be passed down to the younglings, so structures have been invented to control the young and keep them in the place the old require them to be, such as schooling until after breeding age has been reached. In the past the young would be out working after 15 or so and getting married but these days they are suppressed and controlled by the needs of the old to retain the position they have achieved, can't be givin up mah job to nobody etc, let me be president when I should be in a care home etc.

I love you bro

Hi OP here, I like this answer alot. And you're right. The more comfortable a society (financially and in terms of safety) the lower the birthrate. As seen in Japan for example. And your point about if everyone worked to improve living conditions for all could definitely be a way to level this from all sides. Nice post, thanks.
Most places I look the IR marriage is around 10-15%. it isn't very very common. I'm guessing the numbers I gathered were roughly right but who knows.
As for the second half of your post, that's also an interesting point. Some really do feel there will be an extinction but what you said sounds much more plausible.

nah its more like poor ppl gonna poor

By most places I mean most sources talking about country/world stats

Not OP, but this is true. Those oldfags keep young peeps busy with other shit that don't involving making money to have enough to start a fucking family. The fact that their lives are more prolonged dude to better health care allows them to do it for even longer now.

If I raped your filthy grandmother; would it be claimed a holiday like cinco de mayo?

Then also there is the house blocking, single oldfags sitting in a big old house while the young have a job to find a warm cardboard box or a bro's sofa to sleep on, families forced into high rental places or still living in the parents house cause old Miss Faversham won't just die and make some space


interaccial marriage requires not only consent but also the word under god at an altar, which costs money....

/Brah estimates:
10% of interacial babies rape
30% abandoned by father
20% happy but unmarried
+ your acclaimed 20% annual newlyweds = 100% of all interacial babies

1 interacial baby will set a chance for attaining a non mixed child back at least 60% in the dating world. 20% of mixed offspring holding boyfrtiends would not risk a second non mixed child to bind them to a mixed child. leaving a white woman @ 80% less probable for attaining a non mixed child while owning a mixed one

a man from 14 fellow non mixed offspring wouldent dare dump another 14 in this fucked up world...

Te guste o no te guste, el castellano siempre va a sonar mil veces mejor que esa diarrea gutural que es el inglés.

>thinks' is not white

>money itself is a control mechanism

Source of these statistics? Also, this still couldn't account for more than 30% of the declining population

Dubs of troof


Its because all you nignogs and spics are pumping out fucking kids faster than Mormon families.

not to mention all the illegals

>/Brah Estimates


i ain't the guy you replying to but... /Brah?

80% less probable for a non mixed child.
at 30% declining population you would have the add in all other factors that would limit baby production. like rape induced uteral cancer, murder, race card fraud social demorilization, disfigurement through violence, depression, suicide, incertainty regarding future offspring safety, traffic violations and colissions, a life of constant relocation from mixed regions leaving a man childless, ethnic induced income variations and all it probabilities, etc.

i replied to the reply. please hand keyboard to original replyer. /brah fellow /brethren lirker of the /B

/Brah estimates as in This /Brah behind the keyboard estimates. /Brah being me.
also the concept of estimation should no longer require statistics...

OP here, I worded what I meant incorrectly. I meant 30% of the reason of population decrease, but I get your point.
The guy you replied to wasn't me. But I also didn't follow the /Brah thing. But I also see what you're getting at in your POV.

a thread of the webs full of silence. ive done it again.

you worded it correctly... i rpelied correctly. you got the point. a simple to undertsnad statement would be that 30% population decrease is so far wide and varied that you would have to list all factors. as i have... i consider your wuestion answered...

i personally favored, ethnic induced income variations. its a lovely sentence :) it shines in the mind :)

No you answered correctly and we'll to what you perceived I asked.
I meant in the most basic way. 100% are all these different factors. I want to know, of that 100% what is the largest reason. I threw out the IR statistic, to 15 give or take percent. so we're at 85%. Then I said let's add in what you mentioned regarding partners, children and estimates, saying it couldn't add to the IR reason to put it over 30%, even if IR, consensual or not was 30% that would leave a remaining 70%. Those were the factors I wanted to know.

But for what it's worth I did appreciate your responses too.

white people tend to plan for the future, and kids are too expensive now

also jews

life style, the better you live the more time you want to spend on self realization and as you know your kid will live you don't need many.

if you live in shitty conditions and kids die left and right then you want several to make sure your genes gets passed on, simple instincts and nature is the reason bro

This and the white birthrate is in the negative
White women have been having more miscarriages aswell