How do i break up with my 12 year old gf without her getting pissed and telling on me?

how do i break up with my 12 year old gf without her getting pissed and telling on me?

Send her a text message

You're dating a 12 year old? You sick fuck

I think you mean gf of 12 years...

She's mature for her age, idiot

Just do shit that'll make her want to break up with you, not stuff that will piss her off too much tho

is pic related? O.o

Say you're going off to war lmao

Move to other country

dubs tells the truth


12 year old? You may have to bribe her. Or blackmail her. Or take the offensive and destroy her reputation before she can tell on you, pedophile

Anonymous phone call to the father she doesn't have.

Also kys

I'm pretty sure op meant

>gf of 12 years

I have the same GF

hm yeah, what do you do when someone knows too much

absolutely agree
girls grow up so early these days
yesterday she was at 7th grade
today she is sucking your dick

That's what every pedo's saying faggot.

>12 year old gf without her getting pissed and telling on me?

>telling on me

op confirmed pedo

Or also a minor

Just posting this so I can reverse google image search. This photo is not relevant at all

How old you OP?

>still a child
The best thing you can probably do is turn yourself into the police. You're mentally unstable and need to be taken care of. At the very least go get help so that you can be cured of your disease.


who is that goddess ? I also want more

If op was a minor what would she tell on him for?

if he was a minor why would he be worried about her telling her parents?

nothing illegal is happening you fucking fag

She looks about 14-15

yeah I know kinda old
but still hot

Don't make time for her. Eventually she will break up with you. That or buy her a poney.

whats that ? pony made out of honey?

yep, user, it sure is

It's a girl I'm talking to right now. Met her online just wanted to make sure the selfies she was sending me weren't fake

how far has Sup Forums fallen


you can drag and drop images into google image search you tard.



you couldve dragged the photo into google you know?

Pray tell, how old are you sir?

37, but I look young for my age

youre fucking kidding right?

Sup Forums is too far gone user... The ride is over...

yall faggots responding to a "merely pretending to be retarded" thread

Is pic related

I suggest...relocation.

Uh, people have said I look like 31,32, so no, not kidding

How long have you been with her and why do you want to break up? Does she spend much time with any group like church or family or school friends?

I suggest killing yourself

Hand yourself in, it's inevitable user, you're nearly 40 and you're dating a 12 year old. Or you can commit suicide...

or better one,lets let the authorites breakup for you

You all Niggers took the bait.
Thinking that anyone would bebdating a 12 year old.
