Going out tomorrow to do my best at building a shelter For me and my family to go Sleep/fish/hunting ect ect...

Going out tomorrow to do my best at building a shelter For me and my family to go Sleep/fish/hunting ect ect. tons of outdoors stuff.

My shelter will look a bit like this just Larger and higher walls.

Anyone done this before? any suggestions?

> picture from Youtube channel: Survival lilly

not done but looks cool af, probably should be posting in /out/ for replies from people likely to have done this

I always think about doing this shit but too lazy. Good luck.

What's wrong with a tent

Nothing wrong, im really just doing it for the sake of doing something.

so you're going to build walls? daddy trump is proud

Reminds me of Robinson Crusoe

Hey, Skeleter! Helter Shelter for Helter Skelter.

its not like a bear or mountain lion wont be able to climb right over it, or a deer to easily hop

>just Larger and higher walls.

not op, but
>My shelter will look a bit like this just Larger and higher walls.

are you blind

The walls are to reflect heat and keep wind out, not protect you from animals retard.

Presumably there will be a fire in the center, that'll keep animals away.

Op you aint got no skillez get good you gonna die those walls wont keep bears out.

narr its for fighting off indians and mexicans

the only danger in the area im building it would be bears but there are very few of them. Incase there would be one, i have learned some techniques from my grand father who learned it from his grand father, to get away unharmed. he encountered 3 bears in his lifetime and got away unharmed every time, 2 of them even followed him.

Omg he thinks he can beat a bear op bear gonna rekt you.

That shelter will take about 3+ days to build unless your family has about 5 16+ hear olds plus yourself and a chainsaw.

Good luck a wikiup way faster and achievable that is far far to much cutting and trimming to be done in a reasonable time with power much less hand tools

the trick is to always carry aronde a fish and if there bears aronde rub the fish all over your body

Unfortunatly cant bring a chainsaw, Got some rope, string, hammer, big ass nails, knife and an axe. Doing it alone and im expecting it to be finished withing 5 days, but can easily go over a a week. Who knows, possibly two weeks. depending on what happens since it is my first time doing this kind of stuff.

Damn, so are they still friends on FB or twitter?

fags would probably be better than this shit hole

Not him but that's the best possible answer for that question. Good on you

Get a wire saw. Quicker and less aggravating than a hand saw.