Well my marriage is officially ruined.

well my marriage is officially ruined.\

3 years ago i let my mother inlaw move in with me because her bf kicked her out.. shewas going to be homeless so out of the kindness of my heart i let her move in temporarily.

fast forward a year or so after that. my wife finds out she is pregnant and i got orders to go be a drill sergeant. i said well for a little bit longer can you stay to help her.

my mother in law takes morphine for her back. when she runs out she has the worst withdraws she is unbearable to be arpund. that goes on about once every 1-2 months. her and wife fight constantly when that happens.

well motherin law gets drunk one night and my wife is about 8 1/2 months pregnant. she is out of control the mother and she tries to hit my wife. strikes her all kinds of other shit. i slp her and knock her out to restrain her.

fast forward mother is still a pill head. my wife and i go to counseling. she admits my mother in law is the cause of our problems and failing marriage. currently in the process of kicking her out atm. wife is confrontational
chooses her mother over her husband and family and is threating to leave me. she is going to take my daughter away from me.
what do guys

>3 years ago i let my mother inlaw move in with me

Your marriage was already ruined three years ago.

yeah i kind of figured

Shit dude. All I can say is good luck and hope for the best.

evry time i want to talk about my mother inlaw moving out wife completley shuts me out. and gets defensive. threatens to even leave. but she doesntrust me and there is no reason her and i should be together. but im literally trying to fight for her and my daughter but shes not allowing it. i have been forced to physically remove her from my house in order to restore peae and salvage my marriage

overdose the mom make it look like accident

well i had to take her to her pain management dr the other day. she was out of morphine for about 4 days and literally she does notleave that room period. but she ended up taking about 5 klonipins before she went. im surprised she could even walk in there. and they still prescribed her meds. but she could not even hold her head up for 5 mins. one day she may not wake up

Don't let her take your daughter. Your girl will grow up with the same issues your wife has and has shown in the breakdown of your marriage.

Fight it Sup Forumsrother. Where are you stationed? Military has legal fags to help but get a good lawyer.

From my parents divorce all I can say is fight that shit!

Document the mother-in-law's issues and the dangers she poses to your daughter, then file for sole custody based on your wife continuing to subject your kid to that environment

video cam your mother in law, get as much evidence of her violence as possible

and this.

your wife needs help that you're not going to be able to give her. the best thing to do is make sure your daughter doesn't have a crappy environment until your wife figures her shit out.

a drill sergeant at ft. jackson
and yes im more worried about my daughters issues. but ots somewhat too late for documentation. she is leaving either tomorrow or monday. i know its mothers day. but ive reached my breaking point.
and out of the 12 years my wife and i have been together dating included shes only had one job and can not support herself and if she leaves me. she has no where to go.
but trust me i am fighting it. with everything i have.

also my wife doesnt have the monetary means to pay for a lawyer and her mom nly recieves an 800$ disability check. her attorney fees wll be out of control and with teir history im certain i could get sole custody

Do this first! If you share a bank account, move all finances to another account in your name only... Do the same with any other joint accounts of financial value. Life may suck but its gonna suck even more with no money.

Goto the court house and have the mother-in-law served an eviction notice. Should only take half a day and around $100.

As soon as she steps foot out of the house lock her out...Done.

Now the odds are back in your favor and you now can work on wife/daughter problems. If your wife is stupid enough to leave with no cash or car of her own.. You don't need the bitch anyways...Don't let shit get violent or you'll goto jail and she'll fuck you over and take everything you have while you're locked up.

Also get a restraining order against the mother-in-law so she can't come back.

Sorry for that stuff OP. Stepmothers always fuck shit up. As for what do? I recommend get a lawyer immediately. Trust me you want full custody of that child, it can only end bad for her. In these type of situation its usually unanimous that mom gets custody. So do your best to get all the evidence that shes unfit to parent now. Maybe plant stuff on her just in case.. And as for after the fact. I recommend focusing on raising the kid if you get her. My wife left me awhile ago 4+ years. I got full custody and well she has became my life, I get the motivation I need to grind through the day from her smile. So do your best man. Your in my prayers.

>one day she may not wake up
the wife will blame you
also no good deed goes unpunished.

thank you.

well i dont have anything to do with her and i dont even speak to her unless i have to. i avoid her at all costs. its horrible...

Sounds like a good opportunity to leave the cuntand dumb mother-in-law

Your wife already already made her decision in the fact she chose the stupid bitch over you said something. First Step kick her mother out it's your fucking house take control second tell your wife if that's going to be an issue between you and her there's the door and I guarantee fucking to you as soon as a gravy train stops she will get wise and come to her senses

Hot dose, done deal.

Reading through the thread you've done everything you should have OP. I'm glad you're not blaming yourself.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place now. I can admire the strenght you have for your daughter. It would be easy on your part to chuck it all away now.

Do you think your wife might reconsider after she's spent some time away? I'd like to think this will all work out.

I know you're doing all you can now.

Kick the old bitch out restraining order if necessary but it's your fucking house to see who can be in there or not. Are you going to be in the military if you can't kick an old woman out of your house? She fucking hate your wife who is pregnant comma which could have killed the baby out of stress alone. Get her the fuck out of your house and deal with it from there. If the wife wants to go with the mom good riddance she's not a life worth having anyway. Gather as much evidence as possible but kick that bitch out immediately