Can someone tell me what this shit is? Is it a blood vessel?

Can someone tell me what this shit is? Is it a blood vessel?
I've had it since my childhood where I slipped on ice and my knee hit a rock and while it hasn't been a problem no one could tell me what it is.


If it's on the outer side of your knee, I have a similar thing on both. Not nearly as prominent as that though.

You say it can go from soft and flat to hard and thick. Under what conditions does it change thickness like that?

It's on top of the kneecap which is what I guess is the uncommon part.
I don't see anything on my left leg but this thing is usually not that noticeable it's only when it hardens which usually happens when I walk for a long time.
If my leg is straight it usually hardens after a couple of minutes especially when standing.

Dislocated Patellar ligament, don't land on that bitch too hard or you'll be on crutches for a year
Yours is the tube thing to the right

Is it on the medial side (towards the middle of your body) of the kneecap or the lateral side (the outside)? I can't tell from the photos.

medial side

Damnit, you beat me to it. I'm not a medfag but I found that exact same image on Google and was thinking OP's problem had something to do with that ligament.

I recently grew something similar. Watching thread....

Is there anything OP can do to fix it? Can you just pop it back in place or is it not that simple?

Just pray that you never dislocate your knee, and don't jump from high shit, or else you'll feel the the worst pain you've ever felt

So it is supposed to be soft and flexible? I can almost grab it.
And what is it called on the image.

>Can you just pop it back in place
I can push it to the left or right and it will always go back to the same spot.

>can go from soft and flat
>to hard and thick


Medial patellar retinaculum
OP you can ask a specialised doctor to check it out but it's probably more trouble than its worth, just be careful not to fuck it up. If that day comes though, then yes, the emergency room will sew it back into its rightful place.

Looking at OPs image again it's also possible that you just slightly tore your patellar ligament and it healed like that, but that wouldve made it excruciating tk walk on after you slipped.
Either way just be careful not to disturb it even more

osgood schlatter medfag here

Requalify yourself, that disease happens in kids

>I've had it since childhood

Also, it can last

Also he ignored it. Something like 10% of cases last past 18 without treatment

pro tip: there are these people, they train for years and years, learn all about the human body and how to cure ailments and injuries. i believe they are called physicians or doctors.

look it up. then maybe you should visit one.

Also, bump can be permanent poophead