What are you smoking tonight, Sup Forums? Pic related

What are you smoking tonight, Sup Forums? Pic related

Pole, if I'm lucky.


You have no idea how much that word turns me on. If you did you'd use a different one.

Parliament light master race reporting

Spirit yellows.

Never had them, are they any good?

Damn. At least smoke decent cigarettes. They'll kill you the same, but have a little pride.


Yes they're the best. Bit on the expensive side

Why not buy rolling tabacco? Paying a lot more when it only takes 20 seconds to roll a roll up. Are you Cucked by tabacco companies?

Made with the most poison too..:)

So you're smoking monkey mints, sans the mint. Gotcha. Nigger detected.

A & C & Grenadier. Outside. It's barely a fair smoke, but there are worse.

I concur. Technically the bag I buy is labeled as pipe tobacco but that's just for tax purposes. Roll my own (or occasionally stuff it into a pipe). Nothing more satisfying than a fresh tasting cigarette instead of that stale, crispy dry bullshit you get from a shelf and Goddess knows how long it's been sitting in storage at the distribution plant.

I got stroke


Smoke these dubs

I don't have a Bateman pic cause I'm not a faggot

I don't feel the buzz or small rush smoking a cig gives any more.
that's the only reason I like to smoke.
I guess I built up a tolerance. I only smoke 1 or 2 a day though.
guess I'll take a long brake.

i have a box of marlboro edge, Never tried one. or smoked a cig idk if I should

They're not menthol you austistic faggot

Kamel red