Wtf why short guys are so sexy

wtf why short guys are so sexy

this guy is 5'6 and he gets a lot of girls wtf

i am jealous now

Why are brown people so short?

Fuck I'm below average height.
World avarage is 6ft

>World avarage is 6ft
Lel, no it's not. Only some white countries have an average height of 6 feet. In my town of 60k people the average height is like 6'1 feet.

>manlets are this desperate
Face it, if you're anything below 6' you don't even qualify as human.

>only 6ft

What kind of manlet country are you in? Everyone here is 6'2. If you're not at least 6'4 kill yourself, you'll never be a real man like 6'6 master race.

Why does he have a stuffed animal on a rope?

Animals below 6'2 shouldn't even have any rights.

There should be no legal, let alone morally obstruction from walking up and spitting, kicking or throwing something at one of these beasts.

top kek, considering half of the world live in China and India, average must be around 5'8 or so.

I'm sure it's closer to 5'6. Don't forget about Southeast Asia and Africa.

And also Latin America.

Why the fuck are Hispanics so short? Must be the Iberian genetics.

You will lose 3 inches of your height between age 20 and age 60
better start locking down a wife now manlets, your time is running out, 5 foot 10 today, 5 foot 7 tomorrow

>Everyone here is 6'2.
don't forget that the asian invasion lowers the average in Canada

True, our real average should be at least 6'4 then.

I am 5'4. Fite me IRL

>ass blasted virgin lanklats

Oh, are your tiny little manlet feelings hurt? How does it feel knowing that you'll never be a proper person?

I'm 1.80 and I probably had more girls than you.

Most people that are 6'2 are scrawny lanklets whereas most people that are 5'10 are either on the heavier side or pretty fit.

Yep, like I said, a manlet. Most girls are taller than that these days.

Nice projecting. How does it feel knowing that even if you lift your whole life, you'll never be even half as attractive that you'd be if you were 6'+?

I am a Muslim and I fucking hate this cunt

show me yours and I show you mine :^)

You are a Greek!

Show mine what? I don't speak Hobbit, at least try to use english.

Your responses indikate you are pathetic and puny. I bet you couldn't look into my eyes.

Well I do prefer looking straight ahead, rather then down at my feet, so I guess that's true.

>being tall



Because theyre stronger and more durable. You wouldn't last 2 days in a field before your lanklet back gives out

>tfw 5'11 king of the manlets

Being tall doesn't make it any easier when you don't have the looks

Because Adam Saleh is a really handsome reasonably /fit/ guy who is really stylish n_n
(´・` ) Most short guys don't look like him though...he is an exception Jorge-kun

>.< really attractive imo

Yeah, but if you're a manlet there's absolutely no salvation for you. If you don't have the FACE HEIGHT and FRAME, you've already lost the genetic lottery.


Is this what you tell yourself to forget about your small penis?