The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...

The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
You are allowed to bring one video game with you. what do you pick and why?




>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth
>until the Earth is habitable again

mac or pc?

this is one stupid thread

that being said i bring no vidya cuz they are for manbabies

idk probably tetris

>Sun has fallen out of Orbit

Dawn of war

First go back to school and learn about Astronomy.

thanks for the laughs op


Are you actually saying that the sun isnt in orbit?
Are you trolling right now or just retarded?

Kerbal Space Program


Are you fucking retarted? All the planets orbit the sun. Its lierally impossibe for the sun to crash into the earth.

I'm suggesting that you are retarded if you believe the sun can crash into the earth and a nuclear bunker would save you, let alone the planet repopulate afterwards.

But I took your shit bait because I'm bored.

>Looks like her age is higher than her IQ
Boner is kill.

I'd probably go with the original FFVII for PS1 because it's the greatest video game of all time.

Ever heard of galactic center? Read a fucking book moron.

So i ask my question again, If the sun fell out of its orbit please tell me which book you bring?

I bet you are the same autistic cunt that keeps posting those fucking atheist threads.

You really are a deluded, autistic, virgin, faggot cunt
