You can go back in 1940 and ask Hitler one question. What is it?

You can go back in 1940 and ask Hitler one question. What is it?

Where is it?

wyere all da white bitches at?

Do you suck dick?

Are you related to Abraham Lincoln?

did you know that it's not clever to invade russia in winter?

Do you want to know where Anne Frank is hiding?

left or right?

Can make sure Eli Wiesel dies in Auschwitz?

Did you really dieded or you hided your self in Argentina?


Do you really have only 1 egg ??

Why don't you let your millitary-trained generals do the warplanning? They know as much about warfare, as you know about politics.

Would you be willing to trade a small fiefdom in Pomerania for the secrets of nuclear weapons?


they were all second tier plant picks completely scoped generationally. suicide.

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

would you gang rape me with a few nazi buddies?

What do you think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre?

Do you know its cold in Russia ?

Would you like a Vegan chocolate chip recipe for five gold bars and Goering's two suitcases full of opiates?

you sir, just made yourself a deal


what do you think will happen if you attack Russia?

Are you aware that Churchill is stopping any and all assassination missions because he knows that Germany is beatable as long as you are making military decisions?

Will you please save us from this horrible future? Please save Europe so we have a place to go to away from the horrid coditions of today.

Do you dont think that Sweden is a better place to Innvade? No muslims there also you get acsess to the Baltics. Forhet about Norway its just gonna be a hassel.