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Not even dangerous

ho lee fuk

careless stupid


Gonna lose




The blue bottle is oxygen, will never explode.
The red one is argon, flammable, but unless you have a leak in a hose, it's completely safe forever.


Implying we have devices to test this with



pretty sure argon isn't flammable seeing as it's a noble gas

>never explode

theres a cancel button bud


Argon isn't flammable you tard, that's why it's used


I'm taking the bait.

Oxygen will explode. Argon is inert.

The blue one is Nitrous Oxide. The red one is Bromochlorinated silicate in liquid form.

I have a st-t-t-tutter

If oxygen is flammable then why dont volcanoes ignite the atmosphere?

Smart guy

>not naming it "b goes to the bathroom"

Hands free fapping


It's flammable over a certain concentration

Give this to your Mother & watch her face while she watches it.


Pretty sure that's oxygen and acetylene which are both very flammable.


Because the atmosphere is primarily composed of argon, genius.



I think you managed to get everything wrong there bud

Im high on nitrous

I have no idea what the fuck is going on

l o s t


It is acetylene you dumb fuck, it is highly explosive, but only if the bottle is leaking, but if the hose is leaking it will make fire

the blue one is oxygen, the red one is acetylene, which is highly flammable

red one is acetylene


Da Rude Sandstorm? This is not cringe thread.


sum ding wong

why tho

what about helium?


4 mm inch

fucking ouch.

Actually the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen


Ahoy there fellow Redditor! What time does the narwhal bacon?

Edit: i accidentally a word.
Edit 2: obligitory FRONT PAGE!?!! this really blew up! Rip in piece my inbox!
Edit 3: thanks for the gold kind internet stranger!


let's say you stat a fire
more oxygen=more fire
pure oxygen=lots of fucking fire

helium bottles are brown and its also not flammable


Actually, there is more argon than nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Soil is mostly nitrogen and carbon.

God is surely going to judge us all

36 feet forward sounds wrong too


Always good.

much brown

Google it retard it's 78% nitrogen an 0.9% argon

Lol being this dumb

get your shit together david

Lost... im disappointed in myself today.


not the fucking birthday party helium you get at walmart, user

using a tumblr image overused on facebook. get out.

Oxygen will never explode?
You serious m8?

That's most likely tanks for a cutting torch, so acetylene and oxygen. Neither one you want around sparks.


I have an oxygen degree

You are wrong

Its safe



Oxygen literally is not flammable. It creates hotter fire or explosion when combined with a ln actual fuel.

source, I need to watch the whole video

I'm not playing your game. Google takes money to sponsor and structure search results, and wikipedia can be edited by any Sup Forums faggot that comes along.

I'll stick with my textbook. Thanks tho.

this is perfect to kill yourself with.


>thinks all of wikipedia can be edited and not immediately changed back by a moderator

Wat text book are you fukin' reading m8

I work in a chem lab that uses a bunch of different gases and from what I've seen there doesn't seem to be much consistency in the color of the cylinder and the gas aside from regen gas for glove boxes which is always blue-green. I've seen red, green, and blue cylinders for oxygen as well as blue CO2, blue or brown N2, and brown or blue He.

why'd i lose to this?

acetylene can "burn" inside the bottle and cause thermal runaway, will make a "small" *boom*, just by heating the bottle up.

I work in a welding shop doing exactly what the guy in the pic does, plus, you know, weld. I use a cutting torch and pure oxygen plus acetylene to cut steel every day.

you probably don't. It's disgusting but I don't actually have a source sorry

This is a blatant ripoff of a Tony Hinchcliff bit

So flinging sparks at it is a bad idea, which is the point of the pic.


this is probably bait, but if not,
nobody can save you from your own stupidity.


source i need to see this

Wood is literally not flammable. It creates hotter fire or explosion when combined with an actual fuel like oxygen.

>uncompressed oxygen
>compressed oxygen
Learn the difference

The tanks must be the same color regardless of size, according to federal regulations. This is why propane tanks are white/gray in all sizes, hydrogen is black, oxygen is green, and why nitrous only comes in blue.

And also why I can spot any faggot with a fake nitrous tank in their car or uninformed faggots like you on Sup Forums.

I dont think you yet understand that sparks + oxygen still doesnt have a fuel. Fire needs oxygen, fuel, and heat. So, esp in a tank that thick, it really doesnt matter at all. or if you had a really flammable gas in space without any oxygen, heating it wouldnt ignite it because theres no oxygen. >science

watch big cat diary or planet earth instead of mlp and anime, learn something


Well, literally rip(ped)

yowch, had to sting