Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

Get in here my Social anxiety, agorophobia, drug abuse, depression faggots and vent

>>why do some people mock and/or try to make someone have a panic attack when they see them struggling in public?
>>by making fast movements or acting weird
>>i know how to control my anxiety now but god do i feel bad for those that don't
>>am i alone in this?

>>inb4 kill yourself

how tf do you control your anxiety?

It's all in the breathing..
If you focus on your breath.. ie mindfulness
Then your brain automatically calms down
Couple deep slow breaths and your body realizes it's not in any immediate danger
Cancelling fight or flight mode


Yeah fucking assholes dude. People don't understand that it's a real disorder with the chemicals in your brain telling your body to panic when there's no real threat. People just tell me quit being a pussy and be man. It's not just a matter of getting over it or not being a pussy when it's a chemical imbalance in your head giving you these fight or flight commands it's Bullshit. I get anxiety sometimes in my own home for literally no reason and it's a real illness. Fuck anyone who mocks it

I love to fuck with you "anxious" idiots; it's like my second favorite thing to do in life. The first one is making fun of retards and cripples.

I kinda thought it was in the breathing but when I am (was) out in public and had to give a speech infront of people I knew my voice got kinda cracky, I got really light headed and my legs were shaking like a bitch

shit sucks man, these days I don't even bother with social situations its not worth it

Pills made me feel like a zombie.
Fuck that.
Also try not to be high on the marijuanas in public

I'm 21 and I live in a shitty town thats notorious for pill abuse so no doctor wants to prescribe me anything but shitty anti depressants. It's like I'm not allowed to be treated for my disorder because I'm not old enough. I'm super pissed off about it. Any advice guys?

I know, but being a zombie is the only way I can deal with people sometimes. It hasn't been as bad as years before though

>Social anxiety, agorophobia, drug abuse, depression

All of the above.


fuckin stop

that bitch is a 3/10 at best


That sucks dude. Have you tried to cope in some other way? Ex: Breathing excersizes, walks, etc
Also, how old are you?

got intense anxiety and smoke weed on a daily basis so i can feel good and eat soething. I just starve otherwise.

Hits a little too close to home

also sexually abused as a child for years. I'm afraid of my sexuality

Take a smoke break my dude. I know it's rough but trust me.. I used to smoke heavily and coming back to sober life for a bit is a gift

I think a lot of people do not understand anxiety if they have not felt it. It is hard to "hide" an anxiety attack. For about ten minutes, my mind goes completely irrational and I don't work well with others.

I used to be a bank teller but i had to quit.. I did fine for a couple years but I turned 22 and everything changed. I'm unemployed right now and it's a bitch to think of going to get a job

I feel really great when I don't smoke for a couple of days and then I just can't stop myself

at least we have each other user

Customer service positions are hard for me. Its not even the bs that people come in with, its just that there is person after person after person coming in and there is never time to cool down.

I've always been a gamer.. so i basically quit weed and fell into the gaming addiction. it's not really a healthy choice but fuck it


Dude it got to the point where i got paranoid and almost fought my coworker.. my mind was on some other shit, i almost did some things I'd rather not talk about.

not him but I think I may have a gaming addiction too although that seems hard to have as there really isnt anything interesting to me out there


21. Yeah breathing helps some when I'm having a bad episode but it's constant anxiety and having attacks almost everyday

The way i see it.. We're chasing the 'gamers high' that adrenaline rush. When you win. That 'fuck yeah'

The connection with people
Being part of a community
We just wanna be loved :(

your right user

Are these pictures OC ?

I really really like this image.

Gaming addiction isn't bad as long as it doesn't stop you from being productive. Which I am not so I need to chill with it a bit. It's an easy escape and having friends like me enables me to stay on and keep doing it.

Damn. What kind of environment are you in usually? I get that in bright loud places with a lot of people

Aye, drawing is how I cope sometimes

Exposure therapy is the way to go. I mean, it sucks, but you get better. Never cured, though.


The amygdala in the brain of people with anxiety disorders is far more sensitive. Like, you see something red in your own house and suddenly you're thinking of the blood in your body and how your heart can stop any time. It retains its plasticity long after a threat, whether actual or just bs, is gone which makes it easier for your brain to kick right back into panick mode.

Also, in people with depression the hippocampus in the brain can be up to 25% smaller. it controls emotion and memory. Which is why some people feel absolutely nothing and others freak out and don't remember a lot of the things they did while freaking out.

mayn i wish i could be productive member of society

I know right? lol

I've been gaming for over 10 years on PC. Some of the best people I've met are online friends..
And some of the worst are those whom I let get too close. But I learned my lesson.
It is what it is..

I'm a shut in. Usually stay at home in a dark room playing vidya with friends. Going in public is torturous and it's painfully obvious that I'm having trouble which is just awkward and makes it worse. I can trigger a panic attack by simply thinking about it. Like I have a fear of fear itself and it's a vicious cycle that's an everyday battle

Hahah i like this one too. Keep it up user. Someone out here appreciates it.

i was hooked on gaming but no interest at all now and I stoppedd way before smokng

fuck off stop shilling for big pharma

mental illness arise from sources of stress in the environment that can be controlled. Those "medicines" don't do shit to help they only create long term side effects that kike doctors dont fucking tell you about in the office

they're made for profit, nothing more nothing less

Fuckin a

I had an episode last year after drug use and this explains a lot. I've been staying clean and trying to stay healthy now.. Anyway thanks Sup Forumsro

the anxiety never goes away do lots of drugs or just get used to it

The last thing anybody should do is pander to people's disabilities. Buck up or fuck off. My sister has this stupid neurotic bullshit, so she won't be a passenger in a car so she always has to drive. then her social anxiety kicks in and she demands everyone leave now. Then when you tell her to just go cool off for a few minutes, you're the selfish jerk. A lot of this is from way back, but we had to do this carpool arrangement over the weekend for a family thing and it happened again. Such a control freak, drives me fucking nuts.

That's horrible, sorry to hear.. Has she ever seen a therapist? Does she get defensive when you mention seeking help?

Yet they still get prescribed in countries like England, where healthcare is free and there is literally zero profit to be made by these "kike" doctors in prescribing these pills. The world isn't the States, fuckwit.

This is basically me.. The bags under the eyes don't help and also being pale. It's like a tag right on the forehead "Look at me I have issues"
>>No one is looking at you
>>You're fine just relax
>>Why are you like this?

Oh shit same, dude. Try leaving your windows and curtains open more often (assuming you have windows), try adding brighter colors to things (yellow, green, purple, pink but avoid reds and orange if possible)+ nice smells help. Try making your environment positive c:

I still stand by what I say

Mental illness is your brain's response to a negative environment

The problems not the brain, its the environment you're, you dont need to fuck with the chemicals in your brain, the longterm consequences of that outweigh the (apparent) benefits

focus on removing the sources of stress in your life

I'll always remember you. Bai

I agree with this. My anxious grandmother was a huge source of anxiety. She left to live elsewhere and life is so much better.

She's seen a therapist, and is on drugs for it on and off. The problem is she's a selfish cunt besides. Her normal personality is an attention whoring brat, the brain problems just exacerbate the problem and give her something to blame bad behavior on.

Related: This weekend I told her to ride shotgun or walk the 70 miles home. She refused, I drove off, she called me in tears, I picked her back up and proceeded to drive like a bat out of hell just to make it as bad as possible for her. Someone needs to not give a shit about her issues or she'll be this way forever.

Was this by any chance in Oklahoma ? Cause last night I seen a lady walking on the side of the highway like at 3am

>my family all has serious mental issues and a history of mental illness
>I am the logical one who seems to have escaped the curse
>little do they know I actually feel empty and alone every day
>go to college
>somewhat normal and smart
>join a frat
>pledging sucks
>after pledging I have basically unlimited access to drugs
>use xanax, painkillers, weed, acid, cocaine, dxm, molly regularly to mask the pain


OP here. Thank you all for sharing. Just know we're all in this together but only you can take the right steps towards your own recovery.

Love you all.. faggots. Have a good night.

glad to help trackmarks-chan